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There are some little, itty bitty white lies that are essential to the survival of every relationship. If you value your other half, you will learn the correct answers to those difficult questions. Sometimes, honesty is not the best policy:

1. “No, you do not look fat in that.”

Boys get insecure too, and if he asks you if he's looking husky, don't think he will take it any better than you would yourself. 

2. “What’s my type? You, of course.”

Actually, our type is a combination of Ryan Gosling and Colin Farrell but we love you anyway. Honest.

3. “No, I don’t fancy any of your friends.”

Apart from the three hot ones. And the funny one isn't too bad either.

4. “Of course I’d prefer a night in over a girls night.”

Of course there’s nothing we'd rather do than spend five hours getting glam, followed by six hours of gossiping, bitching and laughing but it’s not worth the sulking you’re inevitably going to do if we go.

5. “Yes I totally remembered our anniversary.”

Yes, Facebook did remind us that today is our anniversary.

6. “I did notice your new hairstyle.”

Noooo, of course you're not receding, darling! 

7. “You’re the best sex I’ve ever had.”

Yup, the best….

8. “It’s that time of the month.”


9. “My parents love you.”

Apart from Dad…and mum too actually. 

10. “I’m totally cool with you having friends of the opposite sex.”

We want to be cool with it all. It’s just that all of your opposite sex friends are hot, intimidating and just generally, we hate them.

11. “Size isn’t everything.”

It's not everything, but it's not nothing either, y'know? 

via our content partner CT


Stop what you're doing! This is the best thing you'll see today. It's like inception, but with PUGS! Watch above, and prepare to have your mind blown. We're hoping it gets made into a movie soon. 


This video of an Irish girl dancing at the recent Longitude festival has gone viral for all of the right (and oh so wrong) reasons! 

She has got some serious moves, we're impressed! 

Are you ready for the weekend, ladies?! 



There are some things that only single girls will get. It's a different world out there, you guys:

1. Grooming Is An Option Not A Necessity

So you haven’t bought a packet of razors since June 2013 and your legs are crying out to be mowed? Meh. Maybe later. Who’ll see them anyway?

2. Periods Are An Inconvenience Not A Reassurance

Ok so they’re never exactly welcomed with opened arms and a hug, but when you’re loved up, the pain is somewhat masked by the overwhelming relief if you're not trying. Whereas when you’ve been sleeping with nobody except your onesie, they just serve to remind you that being a girl is a painful inconvenience sometimes.

3. Fat Days Are Our Equivalent Of Dates

Whilst our love struck sisters are prepping themselves for another sexy Saturday night of flirting and fun, we’ll be prepping ourselves for a fat pants, make-up free, dominoes filled, laptop marathon.

4. Valentine's Day Needs To Feck Off

A day celebrating love is never going to be our thing. Honestly, it’s like being starved for two months and then being brought shopping in a sweet shop with a strict no taste policy.

5. Friends Insist On Setting You Up

Someone always knows a man that’d be just ‘perfect’ for you. You’ve since learned however, that someone else’s idea of perfect is pretty much your idea of hell, all encased into one awkward, drunk man form. No matter how many times you tell your friends that you are in fact happy to be single, they will still insist on setting you up with the most inappropriate, unattractive males they can find. Just grin and bare it.

6. Your Girlfriends Are Everything

With no male distractions, your female friends will be your everything. Sadly, we’ve all lost friends to the boyfriend curse, so treasure the single ones now, before they disappear forever. Who else could you wear a face mask, pluck your eyebrows and fart in front of, after all.

7. Over-Analyzing Texts Is Totally Normal

Most single girls have a man or two on text tap. It keeps the severe boredom from setting in on those long winter nights. It’s all a clever and cunning mind war, where the time between texts is the name of the game and exclamation marks, combined with x’s means one thing and one thing only. Possible future action.

8. Every Event Is A Pulling Opportunity

As a single lady, you may treat every outing as a pulling mission. You may as well. Play the field while you’re still fit and able. That said, there are some nights when all you’ll feel like doing is drinking cheap cocktails and dancing your little heart out with your best girlfriends and that’s more than okay too.

9. The Sight Of  Couples Holiday Pictures Makes You Gag

It’s not that we’re bitter, it’s just that if we have to scroll through Facebook one more time and witness ‘Joanne’ add another 45 pictures to the album ‘Summer Hols 2014,’ we may scream. Not because her holiday looks amazing you see, more the fact the Joanne’s album consists of varying shots of her, then her boyfriend, then her, then her boyfriend, then, well, you get the point. She must be stopped.

10. Befriending Men Is Seen As An Agenda

As a single girl, merely holding a conversation a man, can be seen as something much more. Every man must automatically presume that you’re up for it, that you’re flirting and fancy the pants off him when really, all you want to know is how many single friends he has. That and some platonic, male advice on males.

via our content partner CT



Game of Thrones actress, or should we say, former actress, had the perfect reaction upon hearing she had been recast.

Aimee Richardson, who played Princess Myrcella,  Joffrey’s little sister, had previously uploaded a vine following the purple wedding claiming she was “ready” to return as queen.

She also uploaded another vine in which Tommen is seen saying “It will mean I’ll become king,” to which she responds, “for now little Tommen, for now.”

However, things did not quite go to plan for the young actress and she has been recast, with the role of Myrcella going to Nell Tiger Free.

In a hilarious reaction to this disappointing news, Aimee uploaded another vine where she is seen sitting on the street, wearing tiara and holding a sign that says: “Princess For Hire.”

A round of applause for Aimee, please! 



Some people worry more than others, and some people are hypochondriacs. If you do most of the following, chances are you may be on of them…

1. You Have Web MD Bookmarked
You use Web MD for everything. Before Web MD you were probably a normal human being. However since you started using it you have had a mild encounter with Leprosy and Malaria.

2. A Headache is Never Just a Headache
A headache, is at best a migraine. Neither is backache just from carrying all the groceries in at once, it’s kidney problems. 

3. You Will Never Be Seen Caring for a Sick Friend
At the first sign of a cough you are gone in a puff of smoke. They are banned from your house and you proceed to disinfect everything they’ve touched. If only you had the expendable income to burn everything they’ve breathed on.

4. Public Transport is your Mortal Enemy
Buses, trains, planes. They’re all unclean! The thought of holding a railing going up the stairs makes you shiver.

5. If You Do Get Sick You Plot Revenge
If the unlikely does happen and you are plagued with the common cold, you trace your steps to figure out who was the last person that coughed in your presence.

A Plague  On Both Your Houses!!


6. You Want to Cry When Someone Takes a Drink of Your Drink or a Bite of Your Food
We're not talking about a complete stranger. Anyone would be taken aback if that happened. We're talking about a close friend who asks for a bite of your pizza. The idea of sharing food is alien to you.

7. Your Doctor Hates You
Your doctor would love to call in sick himself if he knew you were making an appointment. You’re even a regular at A&E.


8. You are the Most Insensitive Person When it Comes to Other People’s Issues
Other people are the hypochondriacs, not you. Oh no. 


9. You Know Exactly What GMOs, Trans Fats, Tartrazine and Triacetin are
You’re a waiter’s worst nightmare because you strongly believe that every type of food is out there to kill you.

10. Having a Friend Studying Nursing or Medicine Is The Best Thing To Ever Happen to You
You have no qualms about ringing them in the middle of the night because you’re not sure if you just slept on your arm funny or if it’s the early signs of a stroke.

11. You Carry A Mini Pharmacy Everywhere You Go
You are prepared for all scenarios. Headache, sinus, feeling bloated, feeling constipated, allergy medication, plasters, antiseptic. Of course you still need immediate medical advice too.

12. Hand Sanitizer is your Best Friend
Literally, everywhere you go, it comes with you. 

13. Handshakes Make You Squirm
This is where your bestie comes in. You try at all costs to avoid people’s filthy, germ riddled hands

14. You Know the Exact Routine of Your Bowel Movements
Any irregularity has you typing into Web MD once again.  

15. Public Bathrooms
Instead of seeing a place to relieve yourself, all you see is a pool of germs, bacteria and life altering diseases. The thoughts of using one sends you into a panic attack.

16. You Despise Handryers
Normal people don’t understand this. But you know all this machine does is make all those germs airborn. Shouldn’t have even bothered washing your hands in the first place.


17. You Have A 3-Strike Rule
Because going to the doctor is expensive you’ve developed a system. If you have two of either nausea, fatigue or a headache, you can go to the doctor.

18. You Wish You Could Just Get Your Appendix Out
You know it’s a ticking time bomb that must be stopped.

19. You’re Obsessed with Medical TV Shows
Whether it’s real or fiction,you are obsessed with these shows. You feel they give you the necessary qualifications to be able to self diagnose yourself and question your doctor’s qualifications.

via our content partner CT



Mark Simpson, the UK journalist who penned the term “metrosexual” over twenty years ago, is back with an updated term for the vain men in our lives.

Introducing… The Spornosexual!

So, what exactly is the spornosexual, and could you be living with one right now? (Scary thought!)

Spornosexual seems to be a play on the words "sport," "porn" and obviously, "sexuality." But what does it actually mean in a man? 

Well, according to Simpson in an article he wrote for the Daily Telegraph, a spornoseuxal is a male who, in the age of mass social media and internet consumption, is best described as “these pumped-up offspring of those Ronaldo and Beckham lunch-box ads, where sport got into bed with porn while Mr Armani took pictures.”

You'll see them at the gym, flexing their honed muscles or perfecting their tan on the sunbeds – these guys take metrosexual to the max! 

Simpson goes on to say that the spornosexual treats their bodies as the “ultimate accessories,” meaning that it is all about the bod, not the clothes like the previous metrosexual man. These men love to be loved: “They want to be wanted for their bodies, not their wardrobe. And certainly not their minds.”

Eek, harsh much?! We’re thinking he is alluding to the likes of the Geordie Shore lads, so perhaps it’s not time to worry about your guy just yet.

You may want to confiscate the drop-it-low V-neck though, just in case. 


There is nothing worse than not having a proper bottle opener when you're thirsty for a glass of vino, so the good people over at Buzfeed have made this handy (and rather hilarious) little video showing us 15 clever ways to get that cork out! The methods range from the practical to the extreme, and we guarantee you'll want to try a few of them out yourself. Just be careful, some of these are dangerous! 


Here in SHEmazing HQ, we love watching a well-executed prank, so when we saw this hilarious clip by the people over at SuperShortComedy on our newsfeed, we just had to share it. Watch as they prank unsuspecting male shoppers into thinking they've walked into a women's changing room, it's priceless!



We all have those Facebook friends that we regret accepting, and generally it's because of one (or more) of these irritating habits: 

1. Using Text Spelling


It’s 2k14 now, this is not Bebo and the only people who speak like that any more are 13 year olds and our parents. Sadly for them, they caught on to the trend eight years too late. We just don’t have the heart (or nerve) to tell them.

2. Detailing Your Relationship(s)

Why all of the tongue?! By all means, be in love, but 57 photos of a kiss? Nooooo!

3. Cheesy Check In’s

We all know someone who checks into bed. Why? WHY? We all go to bed, most of us visit it every night, in fact. Any check-in involving a couple and either a couch, bed or hotel and involving the word ‘snuggle,’ needs to be stopped. Now. Jealous? Us? Never. 

4. Uploading An Excessive Amount Of Selfies

Many people feel the need to take thousands (not an exaggeration) of selfies and then share them. 

5. Uploading Excessive Pictures In General

We get that you went to Magaluf. We get that you made new friends and drank yourself into oblivion, night after night. We just wish that you would get that we don’t need to see two hundred odd blurry images of it all. No really.


6. Having A Stupid Job Title

None of the following are feasible job titles: "being a mad bastard," "being a professional legend," or being anything with x’s in it.

7. Anything To Do With Attention Seeking Statuses

Cryptic public statuses merely exist to gain interest from people otherwise not interested in you. 

8. Commenting On Something You Haven’t Even Read

Read first, opinion second. 

9. Liking Everything Within Your Sight

We just got 60 notifications, staaaap!

via our content partner CT



Being on a diet is a testing time for most women, however some of us take it harder then most. If the Kardashians can do it, why can’t we?!

1. Grocery Shop
It's only going to be healthy and organic food from now on. It looks like a cucumber, but it doesn’t taste like one. What's a "coorget?"

2. Gym Gear
Well we can hardly go to the gym dressed in sweatpants. The gym is no longer just a place to work out, it’s now a social scene and everyday is a catwalk!

3. Hairstyles
A fringe may have been the worst idea ever. 

4. Where To Start?
OK, you’ve made it this far, you have to now look like you know what you’re doing. We'll just swan over here. Looks easy…

5. Already feeling skinny
It may have only been one day, but we feel like we've lost weight already! Pass the doughnuts. 

6. The Pain!
Did someone say endorphins? Where?!

7. Why Is She Here?
Why is she at the gym, she’s already thin?

8. Why is No one Else Sweating as Much?
Not sure whether to cry, puke, faint or poop. Surely we're not the only ones.

9. You Did This to Me!
One month in a relationship and you've come to this. He will suffer. 

10. Rice Cakes
Do they count if you cover them in chocolate spread? 

11. The Gym Clique
They prance around in their little sports bras looking fantastic…one day you'll be their friend. One day. 

12. There are No Substitutes for Crisps/ Chips
Feck off with your sweet potatoes, they are not the same. Are carrot sticks, salty fried potatoes? Then no, no I do not want some carrot sticks.

13. Hot Boys at the Gym
Why, why do you have to be here? Surely there’s a beautiful men’s club meeting you should be attending.You can't see us like this. 

14. Hating Your Already Fit Friend
The one who’s trying to support you by keeping you motivated. The one who uses herself as an example of greatness and states that she feels rotten without a workout every day…Clearly she hasn’t heard of the feel good, chicken fillet roll, with extra mayonnaise. Use all your energy to avoid her instead of meeting her for one hour, three times a week.

15. We'll Just Do a Workout From Home
Who are you kidding?

via our content partner CT


We're always open to learning a few new tips n' tricks to try out in the bedroom, who isn't? The good people over at Buzzfeed have made this funny little video, which features some genuinely insightful (and downright handy) tips for a better romp between the sheets. Who knew socks were actually a turn ON?! Watch the video above to see for yourself – it's interesting stuff!
