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So, you've been friends with this girl for what feels like forever, but lately you're starting to think something just isn't right. The older we get, the less crap we take. Here are some signs your friend is not a friend after all…

1. You’re the Butt End of all her Jokes
You have become the punchline of all her jokes. Look, we all have that one friend that gets way more slagging then the rest but there has to be a limit. She goes out of her way to make sure you know exactly where your place is.

2. They Can Give It But Can’t Take It
Slagging matches are always good fun but if they only go one way then they tire easily. She is in her element when the spotlight is on you but as soon as you turn it back at her, she goes into a huff and tries to make you feel guilty about making fun of her so you, in turn apologise.

3. She Always Points Out Your Faults
She knows what you’re self-conscious of so she uses it to make sure you stay in your place. She’ll start the sentence with, ‘I’m not being a bitch or anything, but…’ Or ‘No Offence, but..’ If there’s a ‘but’ in the sentence you know where it’s going to go.

4. Back Handed Compliments
This is pretty much used in combination with the pointing out of your faults. She compliments you, you say thanks, and then you realise what she said: ‘I love your hair like that, it really takes the attention off your nose’…‘Aw thanks, wait what?’

5. She Disappears and Reappears
When you’re together, she gets really possessive for weeks at a time. She is constantly hanging off you and wanting to spend time with you but then she’ll disappear for another month. Any plans for coffee are rarely fulfilled.

6. She’s Completely Different Around Other People
When you're alone she’s actually grand but when you are with others, she’s a different person. If you’re with people she doesn’t really know, she gets nervous and she immediately falls back on insulting you for giggles.

7. She is Constantly Changing Friend Groups
Are you the only constant friend in her social circle? She goes through friends like it’s going out of fashion. It’s never just an acquaintance. When she makes a new friend, ‘she loves this girl’. It always ends in a fight and it’s ALWAYS the other person’s fault.

8. She is Always ‘One Upping’ You
If you have a sore finger, hers is about to fall off. Have a date with a boy? Some guy just asked for her hand in marriage.

9. She Has No Problem in Ditching You
If something better comes along, she has no problem in not meeting up with you and cancelling at a minutes notice.

10. Her Friendship is Like a Favour to You
You should be honored. Like seriously, even just to be in her presence should be enough.

via our content partner CT



Those first few weeks of a new relationship can be make or break. Here are some things that you really shouldn't do, when in a brand new relationship:

1. Don’t Overdo the Sex
The sexual chemistry is, of course, palpable, but remember you need to get to know this person too. 

2. Don’t Broadcast Your Relationship
You now have a significant other and as long as you both know that, then there is really no need to start every conversation with, ‘well me and my boyfriend’. He has a name.

3. Jumping the ‘I Love You Gun’ Too Soon
Just because you’re in a relationship now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t scare them off as quickly, as it took you to get them.

4. Meeting the Parents too Soon
You’re in a relationship now, which means you’re somewhat committed to each other, but you don’t have to introduce  her to the whole clan just yet. 

5. Don’t Get Too Serious
Being in a relationship is like levelling up in the maturity ladder. However, there’s no need to start talking about how many kids you would like, or if you’re a cat or a dog person, because it might become a problem later in life. Just take it down a notch.

6. Don’t Become Obsessive
Similar to getting too serious, you have to remember that this person is not your property. To an extent you have to compromise for each other but, you can’t stop them from going out or having their own social life.

7. Don’t Hang Out Together All The Time
Remember what you used to do before you jumped on the love train? Like going out or just simply hanging out with your friends? That shouldn’t stop. If you break up, you’ll find yourself all alone with no one there to hang out with.

8. Don’t Get Jealous
We all get jealous from time to time, but don’t turn into that overly attached girlfriend. Don't allow him to become possessive either. 

9. Remember to Mess With Each Other Without Getting  Serious
Laughter is important in a relationship. Don't take things too seriously. 

10. For the Love of God Don’t Get Attached to Each Others Faces
We know, it’s young love and there’s just so many hormones flying all over the place, but remember that your friends will judge you, and people will find it disgusting. You both know who you’re going home with, so stop shifting in the corner and actually socialise as individuals.

via our content partner CT



Some people have the ability to hop out of bed in the morning and take on the world with an energy other people can't muster. You try to wake up earlier, make the most of your day but it's just so comfy in there. Here are the signs you probably most definitely are not a morning person: 

1. You keep dozing off
You actually try to stay awake, but your mind starts to wander and sooner or later you start to doze off. It’s a never ending cycle of dozing off and waking back up. It can be embarrassing though if someone else has to wake you back up.


2. You set numerous alarms, all within 5 mins of each other
You used to just use the snooze button, but you have decided to set numerous alarms in an effort to try and get as much sleep as you can. It gives you numerous chances to actually get up, but you know you will end up just waiting until the last one goes off.

3. When you eventually wake up, you fall straight back to sleep
You say to yourself “I’ll just close my eyes for a bit”, next thing you know it’s been half and hour and you wake up completely disorientated. You swear that next time you won’t go back to sleep, but it’s become a weekly routine.

4. You have to rush to get ready and end up missing your bus
You have 5 mins to get dressed , have breakfast and do your hair. Challenge accepted. Of course you get nowhere near being ready and you end up looking like a mess. Worst of all, you see your bus pulling away just as you get to the bus stop.

5. If you wake up earlier than expected, you just lay awake, waiting
If you’re unceremoniously woken up by outside noises or the rest of the people in your house getting up, it’s hard to get back to sleep. You just lay there waiting till it’s time to get up because your whole routine is broken.

6. It usually takes another family member to finally get you up
You keep going back to sleep, so it takes one of your family member’s to actually get you out of bed. You do everything to stop them from getting out of bed, but the threat of getting water poured on you finally gets you up.

7. You don’t have breakfast, you just have coffee
You might have some fruit or a cereal bar, but the main part of your breakfast is actually coffee. You don’t know how you could survive without coffee, and you’re always seen with a cup in your hands.

8. Having lunch is the highlight of your day
If you somehow manage to survive until lunch time, you are overjoyed with the thought of lunch. It is the only thing that keeps you going throughout the day and once you finally get lunch you feel ten times better.

9. You completely regret staying up till 5am binging on Netflix
You just couldn’t stop once you got going and now you are really making up for it.You wake up seeing visions of Kevin Spacey with one of his speeches from House Of Cards still ringing in your ear. This is a regular occurrence and next time you probably won’t end up going to sleep at all.

10. You try to avoid having conversations at all costs
You hope you don’t bump into someone you know, but if you do, you don’t say much, you just nod and pretend you’re listening. If you do end up saying anything, it just sounds like gibberish and it makes no sense.

11. Your brain doesn’t function properly that early in the morning
Nothing seems to work, your brain doesn’t process things well and if someone asks you to work out something your brain just completely shuts down.

12. You despise morning people
You can’t fathom how they have so much energy and zest this early in the day. You wish you could be that chirpy in the morning and, anytime they greet when you come in, you find it hard to crack a smile.

via our content partner CT



You’ve wanted a boyfriend for ages, you’ve fancied this guy for months but as soon as he acts like he genuinely likes you, you realise you’re just not that into him…oops. 


Here are the signs that you were in it for the chase and you are sooooo not that into him:

1. His hand feels dirty holding yours and you immediately want to wash after holding hands for more than 5 minutes

2. After doing ‘the deed’ all you can think about is how sweaty he feels

3. His clothes annoy you

4. His texts ending in xxxx kind of make you feel sick

5. He texts all the time – You feel nothing

6. You feel like he’s smothering you

7. When he snores you use it as an excuse to kick him really hard

8. You couldn’t care less about what you eat in front of him

9. The granny pants are out and you really don’t care

10. Girls night is far more fun than date night

11. You pray for rugby weekends so you don’t have to spend time with him

12. You chat to other guys, keeping a few interested

13. You shave your legs for girl’s night only

14. You embarrass him in front of his mates without guilt

15. You cut your toenails in front of him

16. You fart in front of him as if he isn’t there never excusing yourself

17. You refuse to share anything you’re eating with him. It’s your’s

18. You make sure your ‘needs’ are met. His are irrelevant. Sure he can do that himself in his own time

19. You’ve your eyes out for something better

20. His jokes are not in any way funny anymore


21. The way he eats, drinks and breathes drives you insane

22. The way he bites his nails makes you want to slap him

via our content partner CT 



There are some little, itty bitty white lies that are essential to the survival of every relationship. If you value your other half, you will learn the correct answers to those difficult questions. Sometimes, honesty is not the best policy:

1. “No, you do not look fat in that.”

Boys get insecure too, and if he asks you if he's looking husky, don't think he will take it any better than you would yourself. 

2. “What’s my type? You, of course.”

Actually, our type is a combination of Ryan Gosling and Colin Farrell but we love you anyway. Honest.

3. “No, I don’t fancy any of your friends.”

Apart from the three hot ones. And the funny one isn't too bad either.

4. “Of course I’d prefer a night in over a girls night.”

Of course there’s nothing we'd rather do than spend five hours getting glam, followed by six hours of gossiping, bitching and laughing but it’s not worth the sulking you’re inevitably going to do if we go.

5. “Yes I totally remembered our anniversary.”

Yes, Facebook did remind us that today is our anniversary.

6. “I did notice your new hairstyle.”

Noooo, of course you're not receding, darling! 

7. “You’re the best sex I’ve ever had.”

Yup, the best….

8. “It’s that time of the month.”


9. “My parents love you.”

Apart from Dad…and mum too actually. 

10. “I’m totally cool with you having friends of the opposite sex.”

We want to be cool with it all. It’s just that all of your opposite sex friends are hot, intimidating and just generally, we hate them.

11. “Size isn’t everything.”

It's not everything, but it's not nothing either, y'know? 

via our content partner CT



Some people worry more than others, and some people are hypochondriacs. If you do most of the following, chances are you may be on of them…

1. You Have Web MD Bookmarked
You use Web MD for everything. Before Web MD you were probably a normal human being. However since you started using it you have had a mild encounter with Leprosy and Malaria.

2. A Headache is Never Just a Headache
A headache, is at best a migraine. Neither is backache just from carrying all the groceries in at once, it’s kidney problems. 

3. You Will Never Be Seen Caring for a Sick Friend
At the first sign of a cough you are gone in a puff of smoke. They are banned from your house and you proceed to disinfect everything they’ve touched. If only you had the expendable income to burn everything they’ve breathed on.

4. Public Transport is your Mortal Enemy
Buses, trains, planes. They’re all unclean! The thought of holding a railing going up the stairs makes you shiver.

5. If You Do Get Sick You Plot Revenge
If the unlikely does happen and you are plagued with the common cold, you trace your steps to figure out who was the last person that coughed in your presence.

A Plague  On Both Your Houses!!


6. You Want to Cry When Someone Takes a Drink of Your Drink or a Bite of Your Food
We're not talking about a complete stranger. Anyone would be taken aback if that happened. We're talking about a close friend who asks for a bite of your pizza. The idea of sharing food is alien to you.

7. Your Doctor Hates You
Your doctor would love to call in sick himself if he knew you were making an appointment. You’re even a regular at A&E.


8. You are the Most Insensitive Person When it Comes to Other People’s Issues
Other people are the hypochondriacs, not you. Oh no. 


9. You Know Exactly What GMOs, Trans Fats, Tartrazine and Triacetin are
You’re a waiter’s worst nightmare because you strongly believe that every type of food is out there to kill you.

10. Having a Friend Studying Nursing or Medicine Is The Best Thing To Ever Happen to You
You have no qualms about ringing them in the middle of the night because you’re not sure if you just slept on your arm funny or if it’s the early signs of a stroke.

11. You Carry A Mini Pharmacy Everywhere You Go
You are prepared for all scenarios. Headache, sinus, feeling bloated, feeling constipated, allergy medication, plasters, antiseptic. Of course you still need immediate medical advice too.

12. Hand Sanitizer is your Best Friend
Literally, everywhere you go, it comes with you. 

13. Handshakes Make You Squirm
This is where your bestie comes in. You try at all costs to avoid people’s filthy, germ riddled hands

14. You Know the Exact Routine of Your Bowel Movements
Any irregularity has you typing into Web MD once again.  

15. Public Bathrooms
Instead of seeing a place to relieve yourself, all you see is a pool of germs, bacteria and life altering diseases. The thoughts of using one sends you into a panic attack.

16. You Despise Handryers
Normal people don’t understand this. But you know all this machine does is make all those germs airborn. Shouldn’t have even bothered washing your hands in the first place.


17. You Have A 3-Strike Rule
Because going to the doctor is expensive you’ve developed a system. If you have two of either nausea, fatigue or a headache, you can go to the doctor.

18. You Wish You Could Just Get Your Appendix Out
You know it’s a ticking time bomb that must be stopped.

19. You’re Obsessed with Medical TV Shows
Whether it’s real or fiction,you are obsessed with these shows. You feel they give you the necessary qualifications to be able to self diagnose yourself and question your doctor’s qualifications.

via our content partner CT



We all have those Facebook friends that we regret accepting, and generally it's because of one (or more) of these irritating habits: 

1. Using Text Spelling


It’s 2k14 now, this is not Bebo and the only people who speak like that any more are 13 year olds and our parents. Sadly for them, they caught on to the trend eight years too late. We just don’t have the heart (or nerve) to tell them.

2. Detailing Your Relationship(s)

Why all of the tongue?! By all means, be in love, but 57 photos of a kiss? Nooooo!

3. Cheesy Check In’s

We all know someone who checks into bed. Why? WHY? We all go to bed, most of us visit it every night, in fact. Any check-in involving a couple and either a couch, bed or hotel and involving the word ‘snuggle,’ needs to be stopped. Now. Jealous? Us? Never. 

4. Uploading An Excessive Amount Of Selfies

Many people feel the need to take thousands (not an exaggeration) of selfies and then share them. 

5. Uploading Excessive Pictures In General

We get that you went to Magaluf. We get that you made new friends and drank yourself into oblivion, night after night. We just wish that you would get that we don’t need to see two hundred odd blurry images of it all. No really.


6. Having A Stupid Job Title

None of the following are feasible job titles: "being a mad bastard," "being a professional legend," or being anything with x’s in it.

7. Anything To Do With Attention Seeking Statuses

Cryptic public statuses merely exist to gain interest from people otherwise not interested in you. 

8. Commenting On Something You Haven’t Even Read

Read first, opinion second. 

9. Liking Everything Within Your Sight

We just got 60 notifications, staaaap!

via our content partner CT



Being on a diet is a testing time for most women, however some of us take it harder then most. If the Kardashians can do it, why can’t we?!

1. Grocery Shop
It's only going to be healthy and organic food from now on. It looks like a cucumber, but it doesn’t taste like one. What's a "coorget?"

2. Gym Gear
Well we can hardly go to the gym dressed in sweatpants. The gym is no longer just a place to work out, it’s now a social scene and everyday is a catwalk!

3. Hairstyles
A fringe may have been the worst idea ever. 

4. Where To Start?
OK, you’ve made it this far, you have to now look like you know what you’re doing. We'll just swan over here. Looks easy…

5. Already feeling skinny
It may have only been one day, but we feel like we've lost weight already! Pass the doughnuts. 

6. The Pain!
Did someone say endorphins? Where?!

7. Why Is She Here?
Why is she at the gym, she’s already thin?

8. Why is No one Else Sweating as Much?
Not sure whether to cry, puke, faint or poop. Surely we're not the only ones.

9. You Did This to Me!
One month in a relationship and you've come to this. He will suffer. 

10. Rice Cakes
Do they count if you cover them in chocolate spread? 

11. The Gym Clique
They prance around in their little sports bras looking fantastic…one day you'll be their friend. One day. 

12. There are No Substitutes for Crisps/ Chips
Feck off with your sweet potatoes, they are not the same. Are carrot sticks, salty fried potatoes? Then no, no I do not want some carrot sticks.

13. Hot Boys at the Gym
Why, why do you have to be here? Surely there’s a beautiful men’s club meeting you should be attending.You can't see us like this. 

14. Hating Your Already Fit Friend
The one who’s trying to support you by keeping you motivated. The one who uses herself as an example of greatness and states that she feels rotten without a workout every day…Clearly she hasn’t heard of the feel good, chicken fillet roll, with extra mayonnaise. Use all your energy to avoid her instead of meeting her for one hour, three times a week.

15. We'll Just Do a Workout From Home
Who are you kidding?

via our content partner CT



We can’t believe these celebrities dated – talk about opposites attract!

1. Ryan Gosling & Sandra Bullock


Sandra, the little cougar, snatched Ryan and stamped on the hearts of millions for about a year in 2001.

2. Mary Kate Olsen & Olivier Sarkozy


Mary Kate, of the cute twin fame, is now 27 and is engaged to a 44 year old French banker. Say what?

3. Mila Kunis & Macaulay Culkin


Mila, serial babe and Macaulay, the child actor forever known for his Home Alone antics, were together for over eight years before breaking up in 2010.

4. Hayden Panettiere & Wladimir Klitschko


Hayden, the five foot blonde from Heroes, is engaged and expecting a baby with Wladimir, a giant boxer from the Ukraine.

5. Sophie Dahl & Jamie Callum


Sophie Dahl, a model, chef and granddaughter of Roald Dahl, is married to singer Jamie Callum.

6. Brad Pitt & Sinitta


Back in the late eighties, when Brad was a clean shaven minx, he had a two year on/off romance with singer Sinitta. What would Cowell say?

7. Aaron Johnson & Sam Taylor Wood


In 2012, 22-year-old Aaron Johnson, an actor, married his 45-year-old partner, a director and artist that he met on set in 2009. They have two children together.

8. Chloe Green & Marc Anthony


Chloe, 22, whose father Sir Philip Green, owns Topshop and Miss Selfridge, among many others, spent a year with 45 year old Anthony, ex of Jennifer Lopez, in 2013.

9. Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison 


The names might not ring a bell, but the story might. Doug, an actor in The Green Mile, among other films, married his 16-year-old bride, when he was 51. They got engaged online without ever having met and divorced just two years later.

10. Charlize Theron and Eric Stonestreet


Charlize, the ultimate babe, if ever there was one, apparently fell for Modern Family‘s Eric in 2012. Fair play Eric!

11. Mel B & Eddie Murphy


What do a former Spice Girl and a Hollywood actor have in common? Not much, judging by the way things ended between these two. Add a baby into the mix and this got nasty. Never mess with Scary Spice.

12. Alanis Morissette & Ryan Reynolds


The beautiful bachelor proposed to the musician after a two year relationship in 2002. Suffice to say, it ended in 2007.

13. Jack White And Renee Zellweger


The Bridget Jones star and the White Stripes singer were together from 2002 to 2004. Didn’t think he would have been Bridget’s type…

14. Justin Timberlake & Fergie


The trousersnake himself, went out with the Black Eyed Peas singer in 1998, back before either of them hit the big time. Perhaps they inspired one another, musically?

15. Tyra Banks & Will Smith


These two could have taken on the world as an unstoppable force of brilliance. They were the IT couple of the early nineties, they were together from 1993-1994 and we wish they still were.  Sad face.

16. Ashton Kutcher & January Jones

Premiere of

Back in the day, 1998-2001 to be exact, a little known actress in the making and a former model turned actor, did the romantic rounds. Since then, she has moved on to dazzling heights with the success of Mad Men and he has been a toyboy and is now a father-to-be.

17. Courtney Love & Steve Coogan

steve coogan

Perhaps the oddest has been left until last. Courtney Love hooked up with the Alan Partridge star in 2005. What they had to talk about is anyone’s guess, but clearly neither look back on the relationship with rose tinted glasses, as Love claimed him to be an embarrassment. Awkward.

via our content partner CT



There are some things that are just never ok to do after sex. Here are some of them: 

1. Checking Your Phone Straight Away
Stop trying to make after-sex selfies happen. Please. 

2. Dirty Talk
It was semi appropriate during sex, it’s just not post-sex. 

3. Complete Silence
Twiddling your thumbs and staring in the opposite direction probably isn’t the best result after 10 minutes of passion. 

4. Falling Asleep Straight Away
It's not just guys this happens to y'know!

5. Bursting Out ‘I Love You’
Similar to calling your teacher mommy in school, it’s never an appropriate time and you will surely be teased about it for years to come.



6. Searching For Your Clothes Straight Away
You just had sex, you didn’t murder someone. There’s no need to try and forget it ever happened by searching frantically for your onesie. You have already seen each other naked, there’s no point in hiding it now.

7. Cuddling
We all like a nice cuddle after sex but straight away it is a bit disgusting. Give yourself a five minute cooling off period.

8. Having A Shower
There’s no easier way to make someone feel like a dirty fecker like running for the shower to cleanse yourself. Where the hell is the loufa!!!

9. Asking for Round 2 Immediately
He's not a machine. 


10. Asking Them to Leave
Sometimes it can be easy to overstay your welcome, and a small hint about a 9:00 lecture might be appropriate but before they’ve even had a chance to catch their breath might be a bit too soon.

11. Not Disposing of the Condom
It’s pretty standard. You put a condom on, do the no pants dance and then dispose of the condom straight away. It is not to be kept as a souvenir.

12. Ringing Your Mother/ Friends
‘Hi, Ya, I’m finished now will ya pick me up?’ Surely you can wait for your celebratory high five from your friends until later?

13. So … Where is This Going?
Don’t have the ‘talk’ straight after sex. Neither of you are in a position to have this talk. It’s a trap. Avoid this subject like the plague. You are never as vulnerable as when you’re completely naked in someone else's bed.

14. "So How Many People Have You Slept With?"
Do you really want to know the answer to that question?

15. "So Was It Good For You?"
This is not a customer care survey.

16. Crying
How can you be certain there won’t be a second time? This would be it. If there was ever a time to bury your feelings now would be the time. Deep. Deep down.

via our content partner CT



Dating is hard enough, without coming across these guys! Just avoid at all costs. 

1. The Scaredy-Cat
While seemingly a normal, possibly timid guy, things can go extremely wrong when he finds out your true feelings. Men like this aren’t mature enough to handle relationships, so they avoid them at all costs. For example, he may show signs of sharing your infatuation, but when talk of commitment comes up, he acts as if you’ve never even met. If this man comes into your life, don’t beat yourself up over his sudden change of heart. He’s simply a scared little boy, not the man of your dreams.

scared gif


2. The Flirt
We’ve all met a flirt. Also known as the ever elusive ‘player’. He has dozens of women on the backburner and possesses a constant hunger to string more along to fulfill his insecure mindset. When you spot this man, don’t let him get to you. You can bet those charming one-liners and suave winks have been used many times before to his advantage. You’ll always be an option, but never a priority.



3. The Blow off
This man has no trouble setting plans and organising dates. In fact, he is usually the one that routinely lights up your phone every Friday night. He wants to have some fun this weekend. To make sure he isn’t left alone, he schedules numerous dates and weighs his options. If you’re not top on his list, you’ll probably get the ‘Oh, sorry I’m not feeling so well’ text or possibly no response at all. Don’t let it bother you, he wasn’t worth your time.

hell no


4. The Narcissist
This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Does your man spend more time getting ready than you do? Does he constantly check his hair in every mirror he comes across? Is he seemingly more in love with himself than in you? Are his interests limited to his own idealistic opinions and profound theories? Yeah, he’s head over heels. With himself. Ditch the Ken doll, you shouldn’t have to put up with remarks that your eyebrows need waxing.


5. The Overly Dramatic Type
You’ll know you’ve met this type when he freaks out if you show up five minutes late to a date. You can be sure he’ll fan every little disagreement into a full-blown argument. It’s not worth the stress. This type can’t handle sarcasm very well, either. Their serious attitudes tend to translate humor very literally.

kim k


6. The Mushball
Small gestures are the best!Pick you up from work and take you for lunch,or let you pick the movie perhaps, but what about when the gifts and compliments get out of control? Constant flattery can seem fake after a while, and while endless gifts sound nice; they ultimately result in an awkward situation. If all of that mushball behavior is one sided and we girls end up on a pedestal, the relationship can often become unbalanced.

shut up


7. The Deadbeat
This man is most often seen sporting a dominoes stained T-shirt ; lying on the couch in his parents sitting room. If for some reason he leaves the house and you two end up talking; you’ll find him very light on the activities aspect of life. But who knows? He could be a driven, hard-core gamer and if you’re into that sort of thing then you’ve met your match! But if he’s just a no good couch potato, it’ll take a lot longer for you to try and change him then it will for him to finish off another bowl of Cheetos.

nick gif


8. The Power Monger
This type of man has a need for control. Over you, and everything else in his life. If he starts ordering you around or trying to manipulate you in any way, get out of this relationship. He’ll only continue to build power by wearing you down. In order for a relationship to happily function, both sides need to share authority. He isn’t the boss of you; you aren’t a trophy.

let me go


9. The Know It All
Everyone hates a know it all. If you find yourself with this man, you’ll become aware of your situation very quickly. You’ll probably be told you’re incorrect more frequently and you should prepare for the flood of ‘extensive knowledge’ your partner is going to heap upon you. The information you’re being bombarded with is this man’s way of looking smarter or trying to impress you. It’s not impressive, it’s downright annoying.



10. The Judgementalist
It’s one thing to people watch. It’s another to point out every flaw in those around you. This type of man can spot someone unique and different from a mile away and has this conformist need to cut them up and express his dislike of their differences. They’re incredibly shallow and don’t have the capacity to dig deep and really get to know anyone out of the ordinary. You don’t want to date a mean, un-understanding man. So, find someone who can accept people for who they are and is secure with himself.


via our content partner CT



Sometimes, guys can actually impress us with their skills. Here are some things us women love to see a man doing:

1. Cooking

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Even if your cooking skills aren’t that great it shows they made the effort.

2. Suggest an activity that’s not just pub/movie/sex

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To the guy who arranged that mid-lake date, hats off to you.

3. Be decisive

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4. Ask questions

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5. Invite her to stuff

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6. Dance

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Dancing shows you’re okay to let loose and be silly.

7. Be passionate about something

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8. Genuinely listen & don’t interrupt

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9. Laugh A LOT

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No one wants to bring a moody guy with them wherever they go. A good sense of humour is a huge plus.

10. Speaking their minds

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Not if it’s negative obviously.

11. Guys that give gifts that aren’t overtly ‘romantic’

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Girls aren’t as soppy as men think, they prefer thoughtful gifts that show you care rather than how much money was spent.

12. Not vain

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13. Talk about your family

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14. Remember the little details

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via our content partner CT
