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Sometimes all you want to do is binge-watch comedy films and eat pizza with your beau. We can often feel guilty for not doing enough, but it turns out that being boring is really good for your relationship.

According to author Mark Manson relationships should “be as boring as possible.”

He told Business Insider, “That sounds really weird to people but if you think about it, a really happy 80-year-old couple that’s been together for 60 years, the reason that they’ve been together for 60 years, it isn’t because they took all these private jets and they had these crazy vacations and “Oh my God, look at their pictures.”

“It’s because they were able to be boring together.”

Apparently, the happiest couples aren’t the ones who jet off to New Zealand or South Africa at the drop of a hat.

The happiest couples are the ones who enjoy simple, quiet lifestyles. 

Mark explained: “A lot of people…don’t want to be a boring person, like we really want to be interesting people and have interesting lives but the problem is that, that conflicts with what makes a relationship good in a lot of cases.”



Have you ever been the one before the one?

Five dates in and everything seems to be going well, until the relationship is abruptly ended by the other person who 'isn't ready for a commitment', before announcing that they're getting engaged six months later.

This phenomenon is known as 'hyping', and it's actually more common than you might think.

So, what is it?

Well, it's when the person you're seeing gets a quick ego boost and moral support from your short and sweet relationship, thus allowing them to give more of themselves to someone new.

The concept can be likened to the support act at a concert.

Sure they can be enjoyable, but at the end of the day, their main job is to hype the crowd for the main event – All of the work, none of the glory.

What's more, the person who gets left behind will often be in need of a little ego boost of their own and thus the cycle continues.

Dr Victoria Galbraith, Psychologist, told Metro :"We generally seem to lead more transient lifestyles these days and this extends to dating, so it can be considered more difficult to find a long-term partner."

She added, "Couple that with a disposable outlook on life (e.g. constantly searching or waiting for the next car, next phone, next job), this can extend to people…the next partner perhaps!"

Speaking about her own experience, sex blogger, Vix Meldrew, explained, “I dated Jim for six weeks. At times it felt like I was his personal counsellor who just wasn't being paid by the hour but in fine dining and cunnilingus.”

“I talked him through his demons and gave him ways to do things differently next time (I know… eye-roll at me). He made promises for the future which included making things official and introducing me to his mum. Then he ghosted."

“A couple of months later, his Instagram blared declarations of an engagement to his new girlfriend before my bum print had even left his sofa.”

Sound familiar?

Whether you're the hyper or the victim, both can have real implications on your next relationship.

But don't let that stop you from finding the one, there could be someone out there being hyped up for you as we speak. 


There are countless reasons out there for break-ups; infidelity, long distances, baby plans versus no baby plans etc. To each their own.

However, the latest research on break-ups among the age group of 23-year-olds to 30-year-olds has taken us majorly by surprise, but then again we've had a fair few arguments in the car.

According to recent data published by Ford, 20 percent of millennials admit to breaking up with their significant other because they were a backseat driver. 

Many splits are a result of borderline ridiculous reasons, such as strange habits or annoying idiosyncrasies. We've dumped ex's for chewing loudly, for example, and regret nothing. 

Driving with a passenger who holds the seat dramatically whenever you move the car, who gasps at every turn and who disagrees with the route you've chosen to take can be incredibly frustrating.

Do they suck in their breath whenever you press the accelerator? Do they offer incessant criticism? Do they make you feel like an incompetent driver who should have to hand in your licence?

Yep, we know the type. They basically make you want to kick them out of the car while it's still moving.

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Apparently other people disagree, and even use backseat driving as an excuse to dump their boyfriend or girlfriend.

"While backseat driving can be a very unattractive behaviour, it's most likely that backseat driving was really just an example that in the relationship, this person may be aggressive, obtrusive, disrespectful, or selfish," Jess Carbino, PhD, Bumble's relationship expert sociologist, tells Cosmopolitan.

Does this mean that our passenger behaviour and our driving attitude reflects our personalities? We drive like a demented soccer mum, so this isn't good news for us.

Tone is a major aspect of the bickering and nagging of a backseat driver argument. Try not to throw shade at anyone's driving skills unless your life is actually endangered, or if somebody else's vehicle is about to get damaged. 

Assigning blame is never a good idea in scenarios like this, use neutral comments to keep the situation, and the driver, calm. Whether you have L plates, N plates or no plates at all, we can be sensitive about our driving abilities.

Have a post-car ride deep meaningful conversation so you can break down what went wrong instead of becoming silently sullen and passive-aggressive. We've all been guilty of it since ditching the L plates.

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Make sure to explain that you are frustrated with their comments, or unhelpful directions. Ask for constructive criticism, or help with the route itself. Try not to curse, even though it may be near impossible to resist.

"Don't let what happened in the car influence the opinion or feelings you have for this person outside of the car," says Carbino, from Bumble.

Leave it in the car or it could damage your love permanently. Unless they're the type that keeps chanting, "Are we there yet?" over and over again. Then you should just end things before it's too late.


We've all been there.

You're in a new job, doing your thing, when the hottie from finance walks by and leaves you a red-faced, spluttering mess. 

Workplace crushes are completely natural, and what's more, they could even be good for your health and well-being. 

Well, that's according to Jason Hughes, Founder of Leicester Centre for Psychodynamic anyway.

Speaking to Stylist, Jason explained how the butterfly feeling could actually help us feel better about ourselves. 

“We all want to feel good, crushes are our imaginative and creative way of identifying those things we prize in others, which we struggle to see in ourselves.”

He continued, “Crushes help us to feel alive, help us to feel, and help us to imagine – this is especially important when we might feel that we are trapped in a routine, stuck in a job or relationship where there is little new and vibrant.''

“Don’t ignore them, but pay careful attention to them and what they might be saying about you…”

And if you think your crushing days are behind you, think again. Those lustful feelings can reveal themselves when you least expect it, even in adulthood.

See, crushes stem from the same part of the brain believed to be responsible for drug addiction.

Imagine how many workplace romances we're missing out on while we work from home. It's quite tragic really…


Most of us think about sex at least once a day, it's a perfectly natural phenomenon that's an integral aspect of our lives.

Of course, it's important to acknowledge that asexuality exists too, and people with low sex drives for whatever reason, medical or not. So if you're not having erotic fantasies, don't fret.

One question is on our minds at this moment in time: How can we know what generation were the biggest fantasy-addicts of them all, though? That's easy: Science.

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A new study has confirmed that modern women spend THREE TIMES as long dreaming about sex than the women of the 1970s.

The sexual revolution of the late 20th century and falling levels of shame around the taboo of sexuality are thought to be behind the latest spicy trend.

Researchers from the University of Freiburg in Germany asked 2,907 participants aged between 16 and 92-years-old about their sexy-time dreams, and the results are fascinating.

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Women under 30 years of age claimed that one-fifth of their dreams were erotic, while for men in the same age group it was one-quarter.

A previous survey from 50 years ago discovered that women thought about sex during sleep only one-third as much as modern ladies.

The gap between genders has closed over time, which the journal Psychology & Sexuality puts down to the rise of feminism and an awareness of intersexuality, queer culture and communication.


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The report stated: "One might speculate that younger women in modern society deal with sexuality more openly that older women of previous generations."

An erotic dream is defined as having "sexually motivated" activity, such as flirting and kissing. The scientists from the University of Freiburg in Germany also found that 83.8 percent of two sexes had experienced a wet dream.

Studies which took place back in 1966 and 1998 found less than four percent of women and 12 percent of men confessed to having sex dreams. Maybe they were just being coy? 

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The research didn't go into the type of sex dreams women were experiencing in the past and present, which would be interesting to dig into.

Dream away gals, it's a healthy part of your lifestyle and is proven to influence the development of your sexual preferences.

You're essentially carrying out important scientific experimentation in your own brain, right?


As if the world of modern dating wasn't complicated enough, it seems our potential suitors have come up with a new way to express their disinterest – and no, it's not being open and honest (shocker).

Ghosting, gatsbying, stashing – the list goes on. 

And now, let us introduce the newest trend on the dating scene, 'submarining'.

According to Metro.co.uk, the new phenomenon is a close relative of zombieing – the act of going AWOL on a potential love interest only to return months later with a rather pathetic 'Hey, sorry it's been a while. How've you been?' message.

Of course, their lackluster excuse is not worth a response, but hey, at least you got an apology.

A submarine victim would never be so lucky.

After months of zero contact, said submarining will once again slide into your DMs without ever acknowledging their extended absence.

No 'I've been really busy with work', no 'I've had a lot on my plate these past few months,' in fact, they'll have no shame whatsoever.

Not only is it pretty presumptuous of them to expect you're still interested after all this time, but above all else, it's just plain rude.

And while it might be tempting to let the past go, we'd recommend you do quite the opposite. If you don't, you risk setting yourself up for another let down, and let's face it, calling someone out on their BS can be pretty cathartic. 


Ah, the world of romance is interesting, especially in your early twenties. 

The motley crew of guys that you cross paths with during these years are an interesting bunch.

And, believe it or not, you learn something from every one of them – even when you think that you didn't. 

So, let's dive in and see what the f*ck we were thinking…

1. The Friend

Okay, let's just get this one out of the way first.

While some people escape their early twenties without having fallen foul to this, then fair play to you.

However, a hell of a lot of us do end up sleeping with a mate because, tbh, you spend a lot of time with them and you guys are MATES i.e have chosen to voluntarily spend time with each other. 

And if they look like Nick from New Girl, then you, my friend, are a goner. 

2. The Ex

This is a risky little one here now.

You finally decide to split up after weeks of shittiness only to end up having sex when you go over to his to get your stuff?

What are you, stupid?

Well, yeah, yeah you are…that's all there really is to this one. 

3. The Hot Bartender 

Even if you haven't got it on with the hot guy throwing cocktails shakers in the air behind the bar, don't EVEN act like you've never wanted to/thought about it. 

I think there's deffo some law somewhere that says that all barmen are immediately hot because they are barmen.

They're usually either shit craic or cheating on their gf's, so I personally wouldn't bother…but you will anyway. 

4. The Please-Can-I-Erase-That-From-My-Mind One

It doesn't have to necessarily be someone you really don't fancy to slot into this category. 

Maybe he was a co-worker and now you've to sit across from him in the Monday morning meeting or he could be a pal of your ex or something.

Best thing – deal with it like a grown up by ignoring it…should work. 

5. The Exotic One

It might happen on hols in a dodgy Portuguese bar, or it could be a Tinder date with a fab Frenchman or you could be backpacking around the world and stumble into the most gorge person from who knows where and fall madly in lust. 

Whatever way you do meet this exotic creature, it'll be memorable because culture-clashing is a real thing. 

And who gives a sh*t if you can't understand a word they're saying when they look so…tanned?

6. The F*ckboy

C'mon – who hasn't crossed over to the Dark Side?

That Side is usually occupied by a guy with a man-bun and a massive ego but we, for some reason, swoon like eejits.

Look, just think of it as a rite of passage and try not to feel too guilty about it. 

7. The ''Ick'' One

Made famous by Olivia Attwood on Love Island, the ''ick'' happens – without warning or reason – in the early stages of seeing someone.

The guy that you thought was cute mere days before has suddenly in your eyes morphed into the most unappealing person EVER and your skin crawls at the thought of being near them.

Harsh, but true. And you will forever associate the ''ick'' with them – soz guys. 

Of course, mixed in there are some amazing guys, fab flings and brilliant boyfriends – so enjoy every minute of it!


Online dating is tricky business. 

Between picking the perfect profiler and composing a witty bio, portraying the best version of ourselves can be tough.

But, all that hard work could be in vain if your bio contains these certain words. 

A new study by dating website Illicit Encounters, has revealed the words deemed to be the biggest turnoffs in the world of online dating – and they're not what you'd expect. 

According to Mail Online, researchers looked at data from over 400,000 dating profiles and found that singles who describe themselves as ''happy'' or ''shy'' are apparently the least likely to find a match.

On the other end of the spectrum, profiles that included words like ''confident'' amd ''honest'' proved the most successful.

Phrases such as, ''humorous'', ''intelligent'', ''romance'' and ''affectionate'' also rated highly. 

A separate study conducted by the University of Iowa looked at how details included in a dating profile could affect that persons chance at finding love. 

Results showed that users who bragged about their appearance and lifestyle were deemed significantly less attractive by potential matches. 

Speaking to Mail Online, Christian Grant, head Illicit Encounters, had this to say about the findings: ''With so much competition, the world of online dating is all about fine margins; anything that's even slightly off-putting marks you as a liability.''

''Many people struggle to strike the balance between confidence and arrogance, instead adopting an overly modest approach, but that rarely works. Who wants to go out with someone who describes themselves as shy and introverted? Nobody, that's who.''

''It's no surprise to see that both men and women are looking for someone whose honest and confident.''


We've all been casually swiping left on a loop until a gorgeous Golden Retriever stops us in our tracks.

Be it a golden-furred Labrador beauty, a tiny terrier puppy with baby paws or a King Charles; dogs melt our hearts and urge us to swipe right.

Many of us believe that inserting dog photos into our dating profiles will garner us more dating app matches, but now a representative from OkCupid may just have confirmed this.

Elite Daily spoke to Michael Kaye, Global Communications Manager at OkCupid, and according to him, adding pictures of dogs in your dating app profile is proven to make it more successful when it comes to matches;

"We actually have millions of dog mentions in OkCupid profiles," Kaye says.

"Users with dog mentions have a higher probability of initial conversation over those with cat mentions. They also have a higher reply rate."


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OkCupid also discovered that a love of dogs is something most people agree on; 

"We found that 81 percent of men and 80 percent of women on OkCupid like dogs," Kaye continues. "Additionally, 84 percent of women and 80 percent of men either own a dog or would love to."

Kaye also claims that has been a 422 percent increase in dog mentions on OkCupid profiles since 2017. Everyone must be catching on to the trend…

Gabrielle Aboodi, the Senior Account Executive for Tinder, also told Elite Daily that dating app users are in love with doggos.

"Users typically respond to photos that include animals or travelling shots," she says, adding that roughly 10 percent of both men and women include dogs in their photos.

UK-based pet food company Webbox carried out a two-week social experiment called Pet Wingman, where they tried to find out whether including your dog in your Tinder or Bumble profile boosted your chances of finding a match, and the results were positive.

Women saw an increase of 69 percent more matches when they included a dog in one or more of their pictures, while men saw an increase of 38 percent more matches.

For Tinder, women received 117 percent more matches, 150 percent more messages, 100 percent more super likes, and 122 percent more total interactions.

Men on Tinder received 30 percent more matches, 75 percent more messages, 200 percent more super likes, and 53 percent more total interactions.

Dog photos lead to just as much success on Bumble as they did on Tinder for male users of the app.

For Bumble, women received 22 percent more matches, 100 percent more super likes, and 30 percent more total interactions, while men on Bumble received 45 percent more matches, 40 percent more messages, and 39 percent more total interactions.

"Bumble users often include photos of their pets on their profiles, but they can also use Bumble filters and badges to specially match with people that are also dog lovers," Bumble's Global PR Coordinator Sang Lee commented.

"In fact, our data shows that our pet badge is one of the most popular badges alongside our star sign badge."

There you have it, single ladies and gents. Ruffly the entire population loves woofers, so kickstart that photoshoot and add some swipe right-worthy paw pics to your profile.

You'd be barking mad not to (sorry…).


Having trouble on the dating front? You might want to think about making a career move.

Popular dating app, Happn, have analysed data from their 1.7 million users to find out what career paths are most likely to lead you to the guy or gal of your dreams.

The research found that users were more likely to be attracted to a woman who worked in marketing, as a nurse, or designer.

For the guys, doctors, engineers, investment analysts, bankers and teachers were deemed the most desirable jobs.

Although some of the most popular answer differed for men and women, both genders agreed on one thing – lawyers are hot AF. 

Yep, both male and female singletons said they found lawyer to be the most attractive career. 

So, what makes lawyers so attractive?

Is it their Intelligence? Their charm?

Nah, we're guessing it's probably the suits to be honest.  


ITV 2 is bringing us yet another dating show, which is sure to be our new addiction. Fans of Love Island are going to fall in love with this winter themed, old-school dating experience, called The Cabins

The cast of hopeful singletons will delete their trusty (or maybe not so trusty) dating apps, in order to make real life connections, face-to-face.

Couples will be forced to move in together as soon as they meet, staying in romantic log cabins, located amongst beautiful British surroundings, where they’ll stay for 24 hours. Once left alone, they’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other, and have some deep and meaningful conversations. 

Whether they’re enjoying a cosy dip in the cabin’s bubbling hot tub, or snuggled up in front of a blazing fire, these singles are going to reveal more about themselves on a first date then they ever thought they would. After their 24 hours together, the two will have to decide if they want to see each other again or call it quits. Did sparks fly or was it just a little uncomfortable? We can’t wait to find out more.

ITV's Head of Digital Channels and Acquisitions, Paul Mortimer said, “This is a fantastic new format which challenges young people to delete the apps and attempt to date face-to-face, with no distractions. We're thrilled to be bringing this show to ITV2 viewers who will have front row seats, eavesdropping on our couples as they attempt to find true love.”

Are you unlucky in love? Then don’t worry, applications for The Cabins are still open — all you have to do is email casting@12yard.com


The summer may be over but Love Island season has just begun! Season two of the US version of this iconic reality show has just started airing on CBS, and will be coming here to ITV2 imminently.

This year things are going to be done a little differently though, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The show will be filmed from a stunning villa, atop a Las Vegas hotel, where the contestants will be self-isolating together in their own big bubble.

Paul Mortimer, ITV’s Head of Digital Channels and Acquisitions exclaimed, "We’re thrilled that ITV2 can bring the latest US version of Love Island to viewers this year.


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"Las Vegas may seem like an odd destination for the show but the canny producers have beaten Covid with a show that adheres to all production protocols and that could well be sensational.

"Certainly the ‘villa’ is impressive and the cast diverse and amazing."

The first episode is airing tonight on CBS; five girls and six boys will enter the villa with the hope of finding love and bagging themselves the $100,000 prize.

As a precaution though, extra health and safety measures have been put in place. There will be regular coronavirus tests as well as daily screenings for symptoms throughout the series. All staff and crew are required to wear PPE and COVID-19 compliance officers will be on-hand to monitor and ensure that all health and safety protocols are being enforced.


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However, these new restrictions won’t stop this year’s season from being even better than the last. "We've really built on last year, our first season," executive producers Jessica Castro and Ben Thursby-Palmer told TV Guide.

"We’re taking all the good bits fans loved — the fun games and challenges, dramatic re-couplings and epic dumpings — and adding more. More Islanders. More challenges. More games. More dates."

One element which remains consistent with the show though, is that Love Island USA will once again be hosted by Arielle Vandenberg and narrated by Matthew Hoffman. 

The new season will air on ITV2 on September 7.
