14 impressive things the perfect guy will do


Sometimes, guys can actually impress us with their skills. Here are some things us women love to see a man doing:

1. Cooking

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Even if your cooking skills aren’t that great it shows they made the effort.

2. Suggest an activity that’s not just pub/movie/sex

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To the guy who arranged that mid-lake date, hats off to you.

3. Be decisive

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4. Ask questions

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5. Invite her to stuff

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6. Dance

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Dancing shows you’re okay to let loose and be silly.

7. Be passionate about something

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8. Genuinely listen & don’t interrupt

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9. Laugh A LOT

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No one wants to bring a moody guy with them wherever they go. A good sense of humour is a huge plus.

10. Speaking their minds

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Not if it’s negative obviously.

11. Guys that give gifts that aren’t overtly ‘romantic’

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Girls aren’t as soppy as men think, they prefer thoughtful gifts that show you care rather than how much money was spent.

12. Not vain

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13. Talk about your family

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14. Remember the little details

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via our content partner CT
