Study shows doggos lie awake at night pondering their problems
We all do it. Remember that absolutely mortifying thing you did seven years ago in school that you can't seem to shake off?
The anxiety of saying "you're welcome" instead of "thank you" when someone holds the door open for you, the sheer sweat-worthy fear of falling down (or up) the stairs on your bus, you name it, and we've worried about it.
We've always assumed that our furry little friends simply don't have these worries, but now SCIENCE (gasp) has disproved this, and we're shook.
The Royal Society scientific journal has published a study which supports the result that doggos struggle to nod off if they have anything troubling them, meaning that we're not as different as we think.
All that time that you lay in your bed, pondering that terrible moment when you asked your friend how their grand-dad up the North is getting on in his nursing home, and they reply that they are, in fact, deceased, leaving you stewing in shame.
The time in work that you were wandering around with your knickers tucked into the back of your skirt, the time you threw up at the local disco after one Blue WKD, even the time you said "keep the change" to the lad in Spar, and it was only a five cent coin.
Doggies apparently sit up and ponder their embarrassments and worries too, maybe they get anxiety about the lack of 'good boy' praise which they received that day.
"Does my human still love me?" They think, as they rest their head on their paws, with a slow, violin concerto playing in the background.
"What if they actually don't like cleaning up my poop?"
"What if they send me to the pound and I get embroiled in the local gang war between the Pug Thugs and the Rottweiler Pilers?"
They stare glumly out of the rain-splattered window, tossing and turning following a negative experience at the dog walking park that day.
The study stated that dogs tend to fall asleep much faster following a negative day, presumably to escape from the terrible consequences of the day.
We still think of the horrendously awkward things we were doing in 2005, forever looking up at the blank ceiling searching for answers…