The true BFF will know exactly what to say – whether you want to hear it or not! Here are the signs you have a BFF you can truly count on.
1. They give you constructive criticism about how you dress
If they criticise your dress sense it means that they just want you looking the best you can.

2. You can call them at anytime
Whether it’s 9 in the morning or 3 o’clock at night they will always be there to talk to. Most of the time, you ring them about something stupid like how you’re going to die because of that pimple on your face. When the conversation is more serious they’re always there to listen.

3. They will always answer the phone by insulting you
When you have known each other for so long, they don’t just say hi. They have to think of the worst name imaginable to call you when they answer the phone. “Hey stink breath, what’s up assmuncher?” It’s their twisted way of saying hey buddy.

4. They know every little detail about you
They know that really you’re a junk food monster and that your favourite show is still Spongebob Squarepants. You trust them with this information and now that if you ever screw up they can blackmail you with your own secrets.

5. They know why you’re in a bad mood
They can tell if you’re having a bad day, so they know how to act when you’re in a mood. They will keep the conversation light, but every now and again they will try piss you off even more just because they know they can.

6. They always know how to raise your spirits
Sometimes it’s just them saying something really stupid that makes you crack a smile, but a lot of the time it’s just having someone to talk to that makes you feel better. If it gets your mind off things and sometimes you even forget what you were annoyed about.

7. A text from them can instantly change your mood
You immediately light up when you get a text off them. Even if it’s the most stupid thing imaginable you’re just glad that they text. You know that they’re also having the most boring day possible.

8. They stop you from doing stupid things
If you’re insanely drunk and have no controls of your actions, they will make sure you don’t make a fool of yourself.

9. Sometimes you don’t need words to communicate
When something hilarious happens and you don’t want to burst out laughing in front of everyone, you look at them and they just know.

10. They slag you when your single and when you’re in relationship
When you’re single they slag you about how lonely you are and that you need a boyfriend or girlfriend. Then when you’re in a relationship with someone they say that you’re whipped and that you don’t spend any time with them anymore, which is probably true.

11. They put up with you blabbering on about how great your boyfriend/girlfriend is
They have to deal with you rambling on about your relationship and your loved up antics. They know that soon enough you will break up with them and you will come crawling back to them .

12. They also know when they’re not right for you
They know your type, so when someone comes along they will always tell you to find someone else. You usually say that you don’t care you and that you like them. Sooner or later you will realise just how right they were.

13. They force you to go out, because they know you need it
So you’re still broken up over your last relationship and really need to get back in the game. Your friends will aways try and get you to go out, because you have been sitting in your house moping for the last 2 months. You will always be glad that you did go out with them in the end.

14. If you’re broke, they will pay for your drinks
If you give them the excuse that you’re broke they will say that they will pay for your drinks. The best part is that you say you will pay them back, but they won’t really care if you don’t.

15. When you see each other you make faces like this

16. They only post the good photos of you on Facebook
They have all those really dodgy pictures of you when you are smashed even though they said they would delete them. They only post the good ones on social media to spare your blushes.

17. Their Snapchat is the reason you almost wet yourself
So you’re sitting on the bus minding your own business and then you see you got a new Snapchat. You got to check and try to keep it in, but you burst out laughing and everyone looks at you like your mad.

18. You can’t lie to them, because they can see through your bullshit
They know exactly when you’re lying and the reason you do as well. You have known each other for so long that you don’t even try to lie to them.

19. They ridicule your bad jokes
You say something that you think is hilarious, but they let you know straight away that it was a terrible joke. In all fairness, it’s probably a good thing, so your joke won’t bomb when you go to tell it to everyone in work.

20. They will always call you out when you mess up your words or use bad grammar
When you accidentally mess up your words or don’t pronounce a word correctly, they will always correct you. Even when you post something on Facebook, they will always be the one to put * next to a word.

21. When you haven’t seen each other in a while, you go to their house and watch horror movies
So it’s exam time and you’re really busy so you don’t get to see them much. You know though that once it’s all over you will get to hang out together, all you need is a time and a place. Everyone knows that when it’s movie night you can’t back out.

22. They will drop everything if they hear you had a bad break-up
They will always find time or make time to be with you if you’re going through a break-up. They know that some Chinese takeaway and a good comedy is the best start to getting you back on track.

23. They are always a shoulder to cry on
When things get really bad and messy they will always be there to reach out to. They will put up with your sobbing and won’t judge you because they have been there before.

24. You can always let them know about your latest illness
You obsess over stupid things about your body.They will let you know how stupid you sound, but not before they tell you that you’re going to die within the month.

26. They will always take your side
If you’re in an argument with someone they will always have your back. They will take your side, even when they don’t know what the argument is about.

27. Until they realise how stupid your argument is
Then they suddenly realise how illogical your argument is and that your coming off as stupid. They don’t say anything, they just watch as you get torn to pieces.

28. They will end up being your bridesmaid
One thing you know for sure you will have a tough time picking your bridesmaids and best men. So you just end up having them all all as your bridesmaids and or best man.
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