This Friends star was almost written out of the iconic show
Friends remains one of the most iconic and easy-to-watch TV shows of all time, despite almost 25 years passing since it first aired.
The sitcom we know and love offers us relatable comedy with lovable characters, what's not to adore? It could have been a very different series, however, without one of the cast in particular.
Author Saul Austerlitz has spilled some of Central Perk's most shocking secrets to celebrate a quarter-century of the programme, including which Friend was almost cut out of the show.
According to Austerlitz's new book, Generation Friends, the one and only Jennifer Aniston herself was nearly written out of the show after a potential filming conflict emerged.
Austerlitz told Entertainment Weekly that Jennifer had already filmed numerous episodes for an upcoming comedy, Muddling Through, which was set to air on rival network CBS.
The scheduling team at NBC allegedly aired a ratings-winning stream of TV films adapted from Danielle Steel novels at the same time as Aniston's other show to avoid ditching Rachel.
Most of Muddling Through's intended target audience switched to NBC for some luxurious fluff, Aniston's career prospects with Muddling Through were annihilated.
Pretty intelligent stuff from NBC, we have to admit. Imagine Friends without Rachel Greene, her hilarious diva idiosyncracies and her 'lobster' love for Ross Gellar?
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