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dating app

We've heard some pretty quirky methods in our time of finding a soul-mate, but this has to be the most elitist.

A dating app in Australia named Toffee Dating is exclusively for those who went to PRIVATE SCHOOL, and you can just imagine how posh the conversations get. 

Sliding into DMs just got a lot more snobby…Tinder and Bumble clearly aren't upper class enough for these folks.

Lydia Davis, Co-creator of Toffee Dating, explained to 9Honey why the company brought the app from the UK to Australia. There's apparently a huge amount of privately educated people Down Under.

"In the UK, eight per cent of people are privately educated but in Australia that number is around 35 per cent. We felt that Australia would be the best place for us to roll out to first though as we were inundated with requests for us to launch there."

We have no words for this. Finding 'The One' is now about class, your education and economic background. Some app users must agree with the idea, seeing as it's lifted off the ground so quickly.

Image: Boss Hunting

The website has some fairly divisive words to promote the Toffee beliefs and framework:

"Toffee is the world's first dating app for people who were privately educated. We set it up because we know people from similar backgrounds are more likely to stick together."

"Toffee connects the right people to help them find their match with our sophisticated matching algorithm taking care of all your dating homework."

An algorithm works to generate matches based on hobbies and likes, such as adventure, sport, nightlife, city life versus country life etc.


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"The app has innovative personal interest and attributes 'sliders' where the user slides a cursor to show how much an interest in, for example, sport is important in their potential partner," the website continues.

"Secondly, whether it's a shared interest in horse racing or rugby, Toffee users can indicate which sporting and social events they are interested in or likely to attend, to further enhance the matching logic."

We're guessing it features a lot of chino-wearing polo players who love the conservative Tory party and probably got an overpaid job from their dad….

The hilarious ad for the app features ridiculously good-looking people (ugly folks don't go to private school, apparently) bonding over expensive champagne. They didn't stray too far from stereotypes, it would seem.

Feature image: comedy.co.uk


A new study by eating disorder charity Beat suggests that dating app users are "more likely to have unhealthy attitudes to weight".

Those who use dating apps might be at a higher risk of controlling their weight through laxative use, fasting and vomiting, according to the research.

The American study is based on a survey of 1,700 adults. Beat stated that dating app users at risk of these habits needed to be offered support in order to reduce the risk of bad weight management habits developing.

Apps like OkCupid, Grindr, Tinder and Bumble have grown massively in popularity over the last couple of years, with men and women hoping to find romantic and sexual partners through swiping.

Physical appearance is one of the main attributes which dating app users evaluate when searching for a potential partner, with emphasis placed firmly on a person's image. 

The study was published in the Journal of Eating Disorders, with researchers comparing the behaviour of those who used dating apps versus those who didn't.

Dating app users apparently have higher odds of engaging in six core unhealthy habits to control weight; vomiting, using laxatives, diet pills, using muscle-building supplements and anabolic steroids.

183 women and 209 men out of the 1,726 people surveyed claimed they used dating apps. Roughly half of men and women admitted to fasting in order to control their weight. 

One-in-three men in that group and one-in-five women said they would vomit to control their calorie count. 40 percent of men and one-in-four women claimed to use laxatives…yikes.


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The research also showed that men who used dating apps were more likely to use steroids and supplements to build up muscle, which isn't surprising considering the six-packs constantly displayed on reality shows like Love Island.

The lead author of the study from Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Dr Alvin Tran, said they found higher rates of unhealthy behaviours among ethnic minorities, interestingly.

"While we do not know if the people in our study were already engaging in these weight control behaviours before using dating apps, we worry that the use of these image and appearance-focused services could exacerbate those behaviours."

He continued;

"With the tremendous growth in dating app usage in the US, and an increasing number of studies linking their use to body image concerns and unhealthy weight control behaviours, there is a need to further understand how dating apps influence health behaviours and outcomes."

Tom Quinn, director external affairs at Beat, said they welcome studies which can help to identify triggers of eating disorders.

"Not everyone who uses unhealthy weight control behaviours will have an eating disorder, nor will they get one, but such behaviours can contribute to the development of the illnesses for people who are already vulnerable and can prevent recovery for those who are ill."

He added; "It is important to note that this research does not prove a causal link between dating apps and unhealthy weight control behaviours. 

"Nevertheless, it is important that dating app users who may be at risk of eating disorders are directed to sources of support."



Tinder has taken new steps to protect it's LGBTQ+ users from prejudice abroad with a feature designed for safe travel.

Despite the fact that more countries are making vital strides towards equality worldwide for the LGBTQ+ community, there are still 70 countries that persecute individuals for sexual orientation and gender identity.

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association (ILGA) has said that there are 69 UN member states where same-sex sexual activity is criminalised.

Thankfully, Tinder is putting this prejudice at the forefront of people's minds by taking steps to ensure the safety of its LGBTQ+ users when travelling.

The dating app announced that LGBTQ+ users will receive an alert when entering a country which has discriminatory laws.

Tinder refers to the feature as 'Traveller Alert' in a new blog post explaining their latest technological advance.

“It’s no secret that we believe everyone has the right to live how they want to live and love who they want to love.

"And while there are still efforts to protect our freedoms from LGBTQ+ discrimination, it’s important to remember that there are still nearly 70 countries around the world that have laws effectively criminalising LGBTQ+ status."

A notification will appear warning users of the sexual orientation laws in their current location and the risks they may face for expressing their orientation openly. 

“Starting today, we’re rolling out a Traveller Alert that will appear when Tinder is opened in one of these locations to ensure that our users are aware of the potential dangers the LGBTQ community faces – so that they can take extra caution and do not unknowingly place themselves in danger for simply being themselves,” the post adds.

LGBTQ+ users can then choose whether to leave their Tinder profile public or not in a nation which is volatile towards gay people.

Their sexual orientation or gender identity won’t be public information until they’ve left the country.

“Based on your geographical area, it appears you’re in a place where the LGBTQ+ community may be penalised,” Tinder’s traveller alert reads.

“We want you to have fun, but your safety is our number one priority. Please proceed with caution and take extra care when making new matches and meeting with people you do not know.”

While this marks a temporary limitation on meeting potential matches, the alert is grounded in a real threat of persecution from law enforcement agency workers going undercover on the app, laws criminalising same-sex activity and other Tinder users hostile to the LGBTQ+ community.

ILGA provided Tinder with data to create their update, and released a statement on the new feature.

“We work hard to change practices, laws and attitudes that put LGBTQ+ people at risk – including the use of dating apps to target our community – but in the meantime, the safety of our communities also depends on supporting their digital safety,” explained André du Plessis.

Homophobia is still an epidemic in society, despite progress occurring with equal marriage and representation.


Well, ladies and gentlemen, we've got some wonderful news for those who adore mingling in other countries with singletons. Surrounded by wine. 

According to CNN Business, the dating app Bumble is planning to open a cafe in Soho, a trendy New York City neighbourhood. The cafe will then transform into a wine bar when the sun sets.

Think Cinderella but probably without the prince. The app clearly wants to allow its users to mingle in real life, as opposed to on a screen. 


A post shared by Bumble UK and Ireland (@bumble_uk) on

The venue will be called Bumble Bew, and the space may serve as a meeting ground for dating app users who are looking for love, a new friend or a business colleague.

Bumble was first launched in 2014, and has since expanded to Bumble BFF for finding pals and Bumble Bizz for networking to the max. It garnered fame for allowing women to make the first move.

Their NYC spot will be Bumble Brew's first permanent location, after pop-ups happened in London, Los Angeles and Toronto.

The pop-ups were used for far more than just hooking up, and we're seriously impressed at how rapidly the company has been expanding and diversifying.

A print magazine in collaboration with Hearst Magazines has also been announced.

The company was founded by Whitney Wolfe Herd, formerly of Tinder, and is almost entirely owned  by Russian billionaire Andrey Andreev.


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He's pretty busy, after also founding Badoo, which is a parent company to Lumen (users over 50) and Chappy for gay men.

The female-friendly app has also launched in the most dangerous country in the world to be a woman (India) and has seen over a million registrants there.

Bumble claims to have enough profits to focus on brand extensions, like Bumble Fund, which backs early-stage startups led by women-of-colour. Werk.

Would you head to the Bumble cafe during the day or wine bar at night for some company? We would…


September 12 2012 completely changed the landscape of online dating, when a pair of entrepreneurs launched an app which would connect millions upon millions of potential couples. 

Facilitating hook-ups, true love, long-term relationships and the occasional unsolicited WhatsApp dick pic, the app revolutionised the prior preconceptions people had about dating online. 

Tinder brought online dating right to our phones, making it more accessible and user-friendly for the millennial generation – and on the 6th anniversary of the app's launch, we're reflecting on six tales of wow and woe when it comes to the app. 


'I've had more horror stories than good when it comes to Tinder, but the one that almost put me off for life (almost!) was when the guy in question met me outside the restaurant and quickly explained he'd "had one or two" in the pub across the road to calm the nerves. This was fine. Dutch courage, I get that. But the whole evening was quite bizarre. He kept insisting that I looked like I wasn't having a good time and would I prefer to just go home now? I thought, up to this point, that I had been very chatty and pleasant – I was doing most of the talking! Then our food arrived. He quickly said the food wasn't great (I had recommended the restaurant, so…opps?) and then proceeded to eat the spaghetti – with his fingers. No, I'm not kidding.

Then, dessert time. I politely say I won't have another but would he like a coffee? He says I'll just order another. No, not a drink. An entire bottle of wine. Which he drank. To himself. He stumbled out the door and down the stairs (I don't know how we both didn't topple down and kill ourselves) and to the bus stop, while I wearily went to get a taxi and thought, 'Never Again.' – Anonymous

'As a single-mum taking on the dating scene, I don’t have much time to waste. Friends gave me a gentle nudge to dip my toe back into the water by trying online dating – let the hunger games begin. First off, 90 percent of men, once they found out that I birthed a child, disappeared. Secondly, I was very selective with who I chose to go on a date with, as organising a babysitter (thanks mum), and going out – is very much a luxury for me, so I wanted to make sure I would have a good night. Whilst I did have some success with it and met one incredible guy, we all know you’re here for the ugly – so let’s cut straight to it. I get asked to drinks by what seems like a relatively nice guy, we had spoken for a while and I got those good vibes.

However, the day of the date, I find his Instagram – cue 10,000 shots of him topless – okay, we get it – you’ve got abs to die for. My gut was a little worried about my find, but my brain talked myself around in still going for a scoop (BAD CHOICE). When I finally meet ab guy; the funny, charming and talkative guy online, had nothing to say for himself. I am usually quite talkative and am comfortable around people, but his silence threw me entirely – out came my word vomit and here commenced the digging of the grave for this date. I got more and more nervous to WHY ON EARTH this guy wasn’t saying a word, despite asking him a million questions. – Was it nerves? Shyness? Or was it me? After four hours straight of talking myself into several holes; he announced he was leaving. – Probably one of 30 words he said all night. – THANK THE LORD. BUT WAIT: He INSISTED on walking me to the Luas and thatten-minutee wait for the tram was torture. It’s fair to say we never spoke again, but the moral of the story is to always find their Instagram first and always pick coffee, never a drink for a first date. – That way you don’t waste as much time and you can make a faster escape. The strong and silent type might be for some, but this was unbearable.' – Sorcha 

'Tinder is great for the old ego boost but trying to get an actual IRL date locked in was harder than trying to choose a random movie to watch on Netflix. Too many choices involved and no one willing to make any kind of commitment. This date was different though. He was Brazilian and new to Ireland, and new to Tinder for that matter, so before he could know any better I suggested we meet for a drink and he suggested ‘Tomorrow?’ Sold.

The next night dressed in Penneys best, I found myself in JT Pims (a great first Tinder date bar) waiting for my potench new Latino lover to arrive. He walked in beaming from ear to ear, enveloped me in a bear hug and offered me a drink before legging it to the bar. I settled into my seat excited for what I hoped would be hours of fun and flirting.

Two hours later I was making my excuses to leave, but not before he told me that his heart was melting for me, he wanted us to travel around Ireland together, and that he could see himself falling in love with me. He bought me a rose and kissed my hands all over and up my arm and told me I was the most amazing woman he had ever met. ‘Um, I’ve got to go now’ I said edging towards the door, worried that at any moment he would propose or cling to my feet like in some over the top Disney movie. By the time I got home he had liked every single one of my Insta pics dating back five years and had sent me five messages trying to lock in another date. Block. Unmatch. Thanks but no thanks. Back to the drawing board….' – Ariana

True Love:

'Despite having very little faith in dating apps, I met my last boyfriend on Tinder. Well, not strictly speaking. I moved in to a new apartment with my best friend, and to celebrate, we decided to throw a housewarming party and invite everyone in the building. I knocked on the door of the girl who lived directly below us, and she agreed to attend our little soiree, so long as she could bring her boyfriend. 

By the time she and her man arrived, we were all already half cut, and while I thought her beau was cute I paid him little attention knowing he was spoken for, instead investing my time in the makeshift karaoke station we had set up (aka, an open laptop perched on the kitchen counter with lyrics videos playing on YouTube, using a hairbrush and a wooden spoon as mics). We had a quick, polite conversation on the balcony having a cigarette, and that was it – I promptly forgot about him after waking up the next morning with a pounding head and no voice from screeching The Kooks songs all evening. 

A few days later I was on Tinder swiping away, and got a message – 'Hey Sarah, how have you been keeping?' After a bit of confusion over the messages' familiarity, I quickly realised who it was and immediately had a crisis of conscious after he asked me for a coffee, wondering was I about to embark on a passionate, ill-fated affair with my downstairs neighbour's boyfriend. However, we went for that coffee, he informed me that they had broken up the night of the party after I presumably seduced him with my tone-deaf rendition of The Darkness'  I Believe In A Thing Called Love, and we dated for two years. Without happening upon me on Tinder, he never would have found me as he only knew my first name. We didn't work out, but I do have Tinder to thank for connecting me with my favourite ex-boyfriend.' – Sarah 

'Okay, so I moved across the world to study in the magical, Emerald Isle. But I swear my only focus was on studying and travel. There was no room in my life for a man. At least that’s what I told myself. But after a few weeks of loneliness and some late night chats with my roommate, I decided to give the Tinder app a try – for the fun of it. It was a good compromise. I told myself to go on some dates but not have to make a commitment I’d leave behind when I returned home at the end of the year. Then one day, a guy I had matched with sent me a joke out of the blue. Curious for the punchline, I messaged him back and found myself in bits at his reply. If you know me, you know that I love a good cheesy joke. Im talking pure dad-joke material. They’re my favourite. And this total goofball was full of them.

It went on like that for weeks, I think. I found myself looking forward to his texts. This guy, mind you, was shown in those carnival-sized sunglasses and a feathery boa in his profile picture. Fast forward, to a night out in town when we were talking longer than usual and discovered we were both in town at pubs right beside each other. He asked if I wanted to meet up and I agreed, after a few beers in me.'

My heart thumping to the blaring, cringe music in Dicey’s I found him looking for me. And he was wayyy hotter than that dorky picture on Tinder. He claimed Americans couldn't drink more than the Irish, and that was it. My competitive nature took over as I proved him wrong. (We still argue to this day over which one of us won). We spent all night together, talking and laughing amidst the crazy chaos in the club. And we’ve been inseparable ever since, surviving long distance and all the other stuff that came our way for two and a half years. Who knew Tinder was the modern-day Cupid?' – Anonymous

'My first Tinder date was the best one I ever had. It was with the Dutch courage of several few whiskeys in my local that I sent the simple, ''we should meet for a drink'' before he had even messaged me. After my initial disappointment that he wasn't tall, we spent the following four hours talking, drinking, flirting, smoking – it pretty much went by in a haze of tipsy splendour. 

What followed were a few months of being inseparable, but my J1 and summer in Boston were looming so we decided to split. It was a lot harder than I thought and after a goodbye letter/email/Skype, I remember sitting in a cafe down the road from my new apartment in Boston, trying to catch the shitty rays of Wifi and crying noisily into my phone to him.  We didn't make it, but I'm smiling even now as I'm writing this because it was a happy time. 

Tinder, you might seem like you're full of arseholes but occasionally, after a few whiskeys and a risky message, you come up with a good one.' – Aoife 



If you're sick of the perpetually perky manner in which dating websites attempt to match people up, based on likes and common interests, then this app is for you.

An ode the the millennial generation, there is a new dating app called HATER that matches people up based on their mutual hates.

Any app that lets us complain about everything in our lives is sure to be a winner.

From Trump to fedoras and vaping to 3D movies, the app lets you select and curate your list of hates.

From there, you can match with people with similar aversions and discuss your mutual pet peeves.

You can even play a game using your least favourite topics.

Mutual like and dislikes can be deal breakers, I mean, how many times have you felt connected to someone through your mutual controversial dislike? 

Be it Westlife on the playground, or gin (God forbid) into adulthood, mutual hates can bring people together.

And it seems like an excellent way to b**** about things that annoy you to perfect strangers.


Okay so we've all given the likes of Tinder and Bumble a go right? 

Well, I certainly have, to no avail, I might add. 

But sure look, it's a bit of fun at the end of the day, and if you're lucky enough to find love (or lust) – good for you!

Anyway, we always get a kick out of a cheeky dating app… until now. 

We recently stumbled upon a new dating creation, called 'Fuck, marry, kill'


Image result for fuck marry kill app

Anyway, this app is exactly what you think it is: 3 profiles come up of your desired gender, and you basically select which of them you'd choose to sleep with, marry and kill. 

Jesus, I'm actually sweating for my poor self esteem with this one. 

The app's creator, Portuguese Rui Gouveia, says it's a cool new way to meet people in a fun and playful manner, "We're seeing two types of users: the ones that use FMK just for the fun of it [and] others for the possibility of meeting new people."

Playful. Really though? 

Image result for fuck marry kill app

The app apparently allows you to check your rating to see if you're more fuckable, marriable or killable.

You actually couldn't make this shit up.

Anyway, once you figure out what category you fall into, the app then matches you with the people who dig you and you can chat if you want to.

Brave enough to give it a whirl? Go forth, and let us know how you get on. 


Spin the Bottle was one of those games that we were sceptical of playing, but took part in nonetheless.

Between the excitement and thrill of the game, most people ended up having an oul whale of a time.

And now, a new dating app has been inspired by it. 

Spin the Bottle is the new exciting dating app which has recently been rolled out worldwide. Instead of a message being your first encounter with a potential love interest, Spin the Bottle uses video, so you have a more meaningful and authentic connection.

However, you need to be quick, because the live interaction video only lasts 30 seconds, and if you're interested in the person talking to you, all you need to do is give them a 'kiss' to see if you're a match.

We spoke to the founder of the app, Matt Cohen, about the origin of the Spin the Bottle journey, and of course, it was down to a few lousy dates.

"It all started with a few bad first dates. With online dating today, you don't really know who you're meeting until you show up for that first date. You don't know how they act, how they sound, or what their personality is like," Matt explained. 

"As someone who has tried online dating myself, I've found that profiles and photos are often misleading and aren't the best representation of who the person really is. That's why we created Spin the Bottle."

Most of us know what it feels like to arrive on a date, only to regret it five minutes later. That's why Matt believes the video connection works to your advantage, as you can get a good idea of what the person is like the first time you see them.

"We believe that when it comes to online dating, video is better because it allows for face-to-face interaction right from the very first contact.

"By using live video as part of our matchmaking process, we are able to create better connections, better dates, and hopefully eliminate that awkward first date experience," Matt said.

When asked if he uses the app himself, the creator said, "I try go on every day. It's not only a great way to meet people, but it's also a lot of fun!"

If you think you'll be a bit shy on video and wouldn't know what to say, Matt believes that you should give everything a try because "you'll never know who you'll meet!"

We're loving the sound of this, and can't wait to give this new dating method a try.


If your new years resolution is to get back on the horse, as they say, when it comes to dating, this app could be for you.

While the concept is all kinds of wrong, the My Horse Prince app is an actual thing, with a resounding five star rating from all of its reviewers.

The app is a game where the player wines dines and… eventually entwines with a human/horse hybrid.

The choose-your-own-adventure game is based on a ranch full of attractive anime men, where the player stumbles upon a horse with a man's face called Yumma. 

You can chat, feed Yumma carrots and generally just have a good time before deciding whether to fall in love or not. 

The app is gaining popularity in Ireland, according to data analytical site Apptweak.com

Popular or not, it kind of gives us the creeps. We'll stick to Tinder (which also gives us the creeps).



Considering he's dated gorgeous and talented women like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift, you wouldn't think John Mayer would need the help of a dating app to find love.

However, according to Perez, he's now signed up to one.

But now, this isn't your usual Tinder or Plenty Of Fish, no,no. This one is for famous "creative types."

The dating app called Raya is home to celebs like Chelsea Handler and Matthew Perry, and you also need to be approved by a council to get in.

An insider told the website, "His profile is a slide show of photos set to a Neil Young song." Interesting.

We hope he finds his soulmate!


There's nothing worse than coming across a catfish – especially when you kinda fancied them.

That gorgeous lad with blonde hair and crackin' abs actually turned out to be the exact opposite and you're left devastated.

Sure, catfishing is so common that MTV has aired a show about it for years now.

So that's why we were delighted to hear that the dating app, Badoo, has finally taken steps to combat any ill-suitors.

According to Cosmo, Badoo is actually the world's largest dating apps, with an insane 300 millions users, so it's no wonder it's come up with a way to combat the annoying issue.

One of the app's new anti-catfishing features is the 'Selfie Request' function.

So, if you're chatting to someone you fancy, but suspect that all is not as it seems, you can send a 'Selfie Request' to them so they can take a picture right there and then.

If your new interest accepts the request it'll be pretty easy to cop if they're telling the truth or lying. And if they deny the request, well… see ya later, mate.

Another feature for fighting off any liars is the 'Photo Verification' step when you first sign up.

This will ask the new user to send a selfie of a very specific pose, which will then be assessed by one of Badoo's 5,000 moderators. They'll be able to tell if the photo is real or fake, and if it's fake, well then sorry, there's no entry into the site for you either.

As well as that, Badoo has also introduced a video function for users' profiles, which means you'll be able to give an nice little intro to any potential love interests, and you'll also be able to seek out who is real and who is lying.

With all that in order, it should be easy to find a nice partner… right?


A man has been charged in New York for allegedly managing to con two separate women he met on a dating app out of over 26,000 dollars. 

The 35-year-old used the ever-popular Tinder to meet his victims, claiming that he was a Goldman Sachs banker. 

Yep, Brandon Kiehm played the part of a successful New York businessman in order to lure women into dating him. 

He would then see his targeted women for as long as several months before asking them for money. 

According to court transcripts, Brandon told the first women that "his sister was undergoing cancer treatment and because his wallet had been stolen."

He gave the same line to a second women whom he had been dating only a mere matter of weeks. Both women gave the con-artist over ten thousand dollars each. 

It was only when Brandon tried to pay the women back that it became painfully obvious they had been the victim of a total Tinder scam. 

According to police, the cheques were paid from closed bank accounts and Brandon's mother did not have cancer… obviously. 

Brandon, who is actually a dogwalker not a banker, is now facing several counts of felony and intention to fraud. 
