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Sometimes it can be hard to fully let a relationship go. Maybe you’re in the same circle of friends as your ex or maybe you just need that relationship you had with them – even if it means not actually being with them. Unfortunately, these friendships rarely work out, and here is why:

1. Irrational jealousy
It’s natural to start to think in terms of getting over each other being some sort of ‘competition’. Which will lead to some form of irrational jealousy. Hating someone your ex talked to at a party for no reason is irrational and stupid.


2. You.Had.Sex.With.Them.
Going back to a normal friendship after you’ve done the no pants dance a hundred times and know all each others weird habits is just impossible.


3. Friends group are going to change anyway
One of the main reasons you stay in each others social circle is that you have mutual friends.No one has the same group of friends for their entire lives, its like anything in life, you win some and lose some.


4. In the long run it’s way better to cut them off
Okay so you were all friends for a while but now it’s time to get your sh** together and move on.


5. Staying friends and seeing them move on can be crippling
And when this happens you WILL go back to the place you were 6 months before.


6. You can’t turn off your feelings
At the end of the day we are only human- staying in close contact isn’t going to give your heart a chance to catch up with your brain.


7. Accidental hook-ups
IF you do stay friends, you will probably go out together and end up back in bed. This seems like a good idea at the time but it’s really going to feck up the whole moving-on process.


8. You cannot move on if you stay friends
There’s just too much history most of the time. You need a break.


9. “We’ll stay friends is just a ‘mutual contract’”
Saying stuff like “We’ll say friends” is basically a verbal contract in which you basically mean is: “We are not going to talk sh** about each other/say anything embarrassing about what we did in bed” after we break up. It does not mean you are going to braid each others hair and watch movies together.


10. You need to give it space
Okay so maybe in a few years you can become friends but right now you need to let it die so you can move on.


11. Staying friends on Facebook is a different thing
Everyone knows this predicament- you don’t want to seem petty by blocking them on FB but don’t want daily reminders of them either. To combat this block, them from your newsfeed, notifications, and all of their friends who potentially will add pictures of them enjoying their life without you.


12. Be a strong person without needing them to be your friend
You can do it! Take the time you need to get over them and in a few years, perhaps you can be friends again.

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Uh oh, it looks like Amy Huberman better watch her husband!

Amy once again showed off her hilarious sense of humour with a recent photo of Bradley Cooper sitting near her and Brian O’Driscoll at Wimbeldon.

The actress captioned the photo: “@BrianODrsicoll “Oh Bradley you’re so dreamy. If only we could ditch these two a run away together.””

Amy is pictured in the snap sitting behind Bradley and his current girlfriend, Suki Waterhouse.

Oh, Amy. Never change!





Every person who has gone a J1 will have these fond (and some not so fond) memories of their time across the pond.

1. Spending a night passed out in a random place
Whether on a beach, your boss’s couch, a kitchen floor or outside your front door because you forgot your keys again, this is something that we’ve all fallen victim too.


2. Started a chant while riding on the public transport
This is mostly one for the lads.


3. Had to explain to at least one American that leprechauns aren’t real.
Sadly, the majority of us have actually had to explain this unfortunate fact to some disappointed Americans. And feel a little guilty for shattering their existence, looking into their sad eyes as they discover that the ginger, dwarf-like mythical creatures actually don’t exist.


4. Forgetting to call your parents to tell them you’re still alive
Having your parents tear the head off you because you haven’t called in 5 days. Answering the phone either still drunk or hungover to shreds because of the time difference and trying to calm your worrying mother down is a mammoth task at the time.


5. Travelling over 3,000 miles only to shift someone in the same college class as you
Hopes are high when you fly out from The Emerald Isle, dying to taste some of the American cuisine. However it all goes south when you come home only after shifting some of the same people you share a lecture hall with back at college. Ah well…


6. Growing a sudden allegiance to an American sports team
We all like to participate in our local teams, however awful they may be. But hey, at least we bring a bit of atmosphere to the stadiums!


7. Receiving desperate care packages from your mammy at home
Having your mammy send over a care package full of Lyons Tea, Cadbury’s Dairy Milk bars, and a family pack of glorious Tayto crisps because you’ve cleaned your bank account out after just 3 weeks in the US!


8. Having sunburn for 3 whole months
It doesn’t take us Irish long to get a nice even burn – 2 hours ought to do it for most! Then we immediately regret our poor decision while we beg our roommates to lube us up at night with some aloe vera to ease the pain. But we never learn our lesson do we? Still, it’s worth it after all that dead skin peels off and you arrive home with a glorious rich mahogany tan, showing off in front of your friends and family like the Greek goddess that you are. Boom!


9. Either totally tarnishing or massively boosting the Irish reputation abroad
It’s one or the other. We Irish are an infectious bunch and let’s face it, the Americans do already love us! However, every summer, we flee the American cities like a murderer away from the scene of a crime. Like human wrecking balls, we came, we saw, we conquered, then left. 90% of the time we do leave a great impression among the Americans, but there are a few who are left with a sour taste in their mouths.  And to those, the sincerest of apologies!


10. Putting on at least 2 stone in weight
Remember checking yourself out in the mirror and wondering where those love handles came from? Probably from all those 7/11 hot dogs, McDonald’s burgers and late night Taco Bell Burritos!


12. Totally resonating with the lyrics of The Corona’s San Diego Song
Yep, sure give it a listen now. The Coronas wrote this song while on their J1 in California’s beautiful San Diego. Don’t lie, you can TOTALLY identify with it, can’t you?

13. Having the super-human strength to drink 92 days in a row
It wasn’t easy, but you did it. It was no easy road but getting there in the end is ALMOST worth the several night’s spewing up into a bin, frequent blackouts, ultimate fear and near-liver failure. Almost. Although we can’t even fathom going through all that hell again!


14. Spoken more Irish than you ever have in your life
All those years learning Irish. You think you’ll never use it again and that you’ve completely forgotten it all, but you’re wrong. Stateside is where it all regurgitates out. It’s frequently used as a subtle reminder that you’re Irish and a great weapon for pulling members of the opposite sex. The beauty of As Gaeilge. “Tá é an-mhaith!” See? Still got it!


15. Getting  reprimanded by law enforcement
Whether doing something as ridiculous as walking through the street with a can in your hand or something more extreme like hopping over the counter in McDonald’s at 3am and starting to serve your friends, there’s been a few Irish who have been reprimanded by the police. Never a good idea.


16. Shared a house with 30 people
Good Lord, cramped is not the word. “Ah sure look, it’s only 3 months.” Going to sleep in a space the size of a medium mattress is not comfortable in the slightest, especially when you’re sharing it with someone else on those drunken nights. But you’ll never appreciate your own bed more than the day you arrive home from your J1.


17. Took the piss out of some gullible Americans
“You guys are lucky – electricity is a privilege we don’t have at home,” “the legal age of drinking for us is 12 years-old” or even “we don’t have Wednesdays in Ireland.”


18. Being technically “homeless” for a short period of time
That time you spent drifting from apartment to apartment with no summer house in sight. It was only a couple of days but it felt like a never-ending nightmare at the time!


19. Had to explain where Ireland is to an American
No it’s not in the UK, no it’s not beside Australia and NO it’s not “somewhere over at the west coast.” Without a map, you’ll be knackered trying to explain to an American where Ireland is actually located.


20. Adapted a slight American accent
Sometimes you just can’t help it.


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Katy Perry proves that we weren’t the only ones who suffered embarrassing teen years when she shared this hilarious photo.

The pop star uploaded the image with the caption: “#TBT me at 14 or 15 wearing a bedazzled shirt that said POPSTAR. (with chocolate in my teeth yerp)”

It looks like Katy knew exactly where she was going from a very early age indeed!

We’re not so sure we’d be as brave as Katy sharing old teen photos if we had almost six million followers…eek!

It’s always nice to see when celebs don’t take themselves too seriously, and Miss Perry is definitely one of those people!




This is a strange mixture of hilarious and sweet.

Victoria Beckham uploaded this rare and unseen photo of her wedding to David Beckham in celebration of their anniversary.

Victoria took to her Twitter account to share the photo and wrote: “Thank you for your beautiful messages. Its such a special day for us both. Your love and support means so much x vb.”

The couple married in Luttrellstown Castle in Ireland back in 1999 and have been going strong ever since.

We wonder if the fashion mogul would rethink this after-party ensemble if she could?! Not that shiny purple isn’t her colour, of course.

Still, bad fashion throwback aside, what a cute photo!




Ah, 21. The age of adulthood. The age where you realise this life is yours and you better look after it. Here are some things you should have learnt before turning 21, but if you’re anything like us, didn’t.

1. How to budget properly
No more splashing that cash! It’s time for rules.


2. Knowing your limits
This isn’t only when it comes to  drink, but also taking care of your body. When you’re young, you don’t really think much about taking care of your body, but when you get older you start to realise that it’s more about preservation.


3. How to cook for yourself
This doesn’t mean making yourself a turkey sambo or sticking a pizza in the oven. It’s being actually able to cook healthy food and have enough variety that you don’t get sick of having the same thing every night.


4. There is no such thing as a junk food diet
No matter how much you may love junk food or have a sweet tooth, eventually you will realise that you can’t actually live eating junk food everyday. It’s ok in moderation, but junk food should be a reward or a way to treat yourself.


5. Eventually things will catch up on you
Whether it’s you’re metabolism,  lack of sleep or you’re total neglect of exercise, it will all catch upon you.


6. Failure is always an option
You will learn ten times more from failure than you do from constant success, if  everything is rosy all the time you will never see your weaknesses. Failing makes you reassess things and sometimes it can be something really simple that you never saw before.


7. Being jealous of others is unhealthy
When you were younger, you would always be jealous of what everyone else had and as you got older you became jealous of other people. Jealousy is poison and the more you let it consume you the more you lose the sense of who you really are.


8. Being older doesn’t make you any less awkward
Just because you’re that little bit older doesn’t mean your personality will drastically change. If you were awkward back then, odds are you’re just as awkward – if not more – now. You can learn to be less awkward around people, but you can’t just expect it to happen.


9. Maturity doesn’t happen overnight
Maturity comes from experience and you don’t suddenly becoming mature just because you’re older. Sometimes you have to learn this the hard way but that’s ok, you’re still only a young adult.


10. Don’t worry so much about what people think about you
There comes a stage in your life when you really just don’t care what people think of you. This isn’t to say you should act like an asshole and do what you want without thinking of the consequences. It’s more the fact you don’t have to live your life trying to please everyone you meet.


11. Nothing ever lives up to your expectations
This isn’t always a bad thing though, because sometimes you expect something horrible and you’re pleasantly surprised. On the flip side, when you spend time building something up in your head, it never turns out as you expected it to.


12. Don’t dwell on the past so much
It’s ok every now and again to take a look at your life and see where you’re going, but if you live in the past you won’t see what’s ahead of you.


13. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help, we’re all in the same boat
Odds are that you’re not the only one who needs it, so don’t be afraid to ask for someone else’s help, you never know, you might be able to help them with something in return. If you in a dark place its always better to ask others for advice on how to get out of it.

help me

14. You can’t live with your parents forever
As cushy as living with your parents may seem, sooner or later you will have to move out and get your own place. It may seem daunting, but you and your friends can share a place when they all have a job. It’s like staying on a tour bus with your mates, be prepared to hate them.


15. College isn’t for everyone
If you’re 21 and you have dropped out of college twice already, maybe it just isn’t for you. Some people are more suited to going straight into the working world and know exactly what they want to do. They don’t have to waste money on doing a degree that won’t benefit them in any way when it’s all said and done.


16. Finding a job you love is better than just finding a job
We all need money right? But if you know what you want to do and it’s actually viable, then go do it. You might have to get other jobs in the meantime but don’t settle for what you have if you really want to go further.


17. It’s better to have a few great friends than loads that you can’t count on
Your no longer in school and it’s not about popularity anymore. If you have a small group of friends that you can trust and know that they’ve got your back you don’t need much more. They will always be there when you need them and you will always return the favour.


18. It’s better to have bad relationships now than later on
When you’re young, it’s the best time to break-up with your girlfriend and get back together again. It’s the time to cheat and the time to get cheated on. When you get older you have to commit and be loyal and you don’t want to end up like the people on Jeremy Kyle.


19. If you think they’re the one they’re most likely not
As the saying goes, love is blind but there is much more to a relationships than you thinkIt’s not always those that are a perfect match that end up being with each other in the end.


20. Just be you: that’s all that matters
There is so much pressure from the media to look a certain and think a certain way. They’re wrong! What makes people attractive is that they have a way of looking at the world. Be comfortable in your skin, we’re not all super =models, and frankly,we’re better off because of it.


21. Your life hasn’t turned out the way you expected it, but that’s ok
We all have a vision of how our life will turn out and that it will be smooth sailing. It can be a harsh realisation when things don’t happen for you, but you shouldn’t be deterred. You still have a life to live and make what you want of it, the only thing is that when it’s all said and done, you did it in your own way.

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You get worried that you’re a bit toooo weird together, but hey, it’a all fun so who cares! Here are the signs that you and your best friend are two of a kind

1. You dare each other to do stupid things
You do really crazy and stupid stuff together, but have the utmost trust in each other.

triple-dog-dare2.  You communicate in your own special way
You have an interesting way of saying I love you and insults are your way of expressing how much your friend means to you. It’s as if complimenting each other isn’t enough.


3. You can tell them anything, no matter how strange it sounds
They’re like an open book and they have literally no filter. You can tell them your deepest darkest secrets, but also disgusting things about your body and they won’t bat an eyelid.


4. You still call each other by your stupid nicknames
You never call them by their full name either it’s a shortened version of their name of just the first letter like D, M or Aido. It’s extrmemely childish, but both of you still think it’s cool.


5. You have to text each other every night before you go to bed
When your friend forgets to text you feel like something has gone wrongyou start to think of what you said to them earlier and if they’re mad at you or not. In reality they just fell asleep and forgot to text you.


6. You ‘literally’ die when you randomly meet each other in public
Meeting your  friend when you weren’t planning on seeing them makes your week. You can’t help but cause a scene when you randomly see your friends walking down the street.


7. You know each other’s phone number and Facebook passwords off by heart
After spending so much time with them you know their phone number and every one of their passwords. You don’t memorise them, over time you have been exposed to it so much that they just seem to sink in.


8. If you’re not home, they wait in your house until you come home
You feel so comfortable with each other that if you’re not there when they call they just chill in your house until you do. Your family doesn’t mind either because they love having them over.


9. Your idea of a night-in is wearing pyjamas and watching romantic comedies together
If you’re at home and bored you invite them over to eat junk food and watch movies. It doesn’t matter how you look, so you both wear pyjamas.


10. When you order food you get one portion and share it
You know exactly the type of food you both like so you just order one thing and share it between you. Sometimes you don’t even have to say it and you order a 4 and 1 for the both of you.


11. You know every detail of each other’s sex life
There is nothing that you haven’t already told them about your sex life. Who you shifted last night, who your stalking on Facebook and all the rest of the gory details!


12. When they’re not around you feel like a piece of you is missing
You’re not the same without the creepy look that they give you, or the random things they say on a daily basis. The only thing that comforts you is when you get a text from them.

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Every year People magazine release their much-awaited “101 Hottest Bachelors” list, which includes some of the world’s biggest heart-throbs, such as Ryan Gosling and Jared Leto. This year’s list is a little different however, and here in SHEmazing offices we were shocked to see that an 11 month old baby has made the cut!

Niamh Geaney reports.



So many of the stereotypes of Irish people tend to be exaggerated and untrue. Not these ones however, these are true! All true!

1. We have big families
Well, not every single person but families do tend to be a lot bigger than other parts of the world. Every time you walk down the street with your gran you meet at least five cousins you never knew existed.

Big family

2. We’re very welcoming and friendly people
Not that we’re bias or anything, but we’re pretty sure Irish people are the friendliest ever.

Welcome (2)

3. The Irish swear a lot!
We do, but we do it in a sweet, messing kind of way, you know? Like oh, you cheeky bastard (Translation: Oh you clever lad!)



4. We can’t get enough of those delicious potatoes
Sadly, it’s true. We all have a deep love affair with the potato on a sub-conscious level. Peel it, mash it, boil it, roast it, fry it, EAT it! Potato is the number one vegetable or side dish at every Irish family’s dinner table, even now.

In Love

5. We put off stuff all the time
We tend to have a habit of putting stuff on the back-burner. As goes the famous saying: “Ah, sure it’ll be grand.”


6. We all love the drink
It’s what we have become known for all over the world! We start drinking at a very young age, and by the time we’re 18 the novelty is gone.


7. Irish people have the gift of the gab
We do LOVE “the chats.” If an Irish person can say something in 10 words they’ll usually use 100. If you ask us a story, make sure you have the time to hear it!


8. The majority of Irish people think Bono is an eejit
The Irish are proud of many of their own artists and celebrities, like Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett, Brendan Behan and Glen Hansard, to name but a few. But Bono, the lead singer from U2 is an absolute dose.

Bonovia our content partner CT



They may say there is no time like the present. Unless the present happens to be one of these times:

1. Valentine’s Day


That is just cruel.

2. Birthdays


You simply cannot ruin someone’s special day by dumping them on their birthday.

3. Your anniversary


Especially if they have something elaborate planned. Power through.

4. Any time over the Christmas period


Christmas is for happiness only. You will forever be known as the Grinch who stole their hearts AND their Christmas.

5. When you’re intoxicated


You may not mean it. Wait until the morning after at least.

6. At a wedding


Especially if it is YOUR wedding.

7. On holidays


Do you really want to be stuck on a desert island with them for the rest of the trip?

8. In front of friends


Never be that person.

9. In their family home


So, so awkward.

10. In the cinema


You’re in a dark, lonely cinema and the trailers are still on…find another time.

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It’s summer! You know what that means…we all try to leave this island of ours for at least 5 days to actually experience the season – yay! Here’s how the Irish person’s holiday generally tends to go:

1. The alarm has gone off at a disgusting hour, rudely awakening you from your slumber. ‘What the hell.. Oh! HOLIDAY TIME!!’


2. You leg it down stairs to have the breakfast of champions (tay and toast of course) that will fuel you for your journey ahead. You and your siblings have already started to become giddy, causing your Mammy to curse your ‘tomfoolery!’


3. You finally get to the airport but all the excitement has abated. Who are all these other people that are hell bent on slowing down your escape? Why are they wearing uniforms? Some even have their OWN suitcases. How inconsiderate!


4. After what seems like YEARS, you’ve finally boarded the plane. You all run down the aisle like a pack of wild dogs, eager to bag the window seat. After you’re ‘all settled in now’, Mammy dishes out the chewy sweets and makes sure you’re all buckled in, while shooing away any and all air hostesses. She’s ‘got this’.


5. It seems like your Dad has had too many Rock Shandy’s because as soon as the plane lands, he’s standing up leading the round of applause. You shrink into your chair with embarrassment, while your Mammy urges him to ‘SIT DOWN YE GOBSHITE!’


6. You’ve made it off the plane, out of the airport and to your hotel without a hitch. After Mammy has made you unpack you’re all decked out in your togs and sun cream. Next stop: POOL!


7. Your shenanigans in the pool are regularly interrupted by Mammy waving the bottle of sun cream at you, forever reminding you that your: ‘delicate Irish skin will be toast.’ And every time you re-apply more sun cream you have to sit out and wait for it to dry.


8. After you’ve had your fill of the sun you march back to the room to get showered and ready for dinner. With the lack of space, scorching heat and only one shower, World War III ensues.


9. Sixteen hours later you all exit the hotel, single file, miraculously unscathed from all the ructions beforehand. (‘Stop using the fucking cold tap I AM IN THE SHOWER!’) 


10. Next stop: Irish pub

JamesJoyceIrishPub11. Where you meet people like this:


12. And at first you’re like… ‘IRISH PEOPLE!!!’


13. But then you’re like:


14. Except no Irish person on holidays is ever normal. They are always a shinier, redder, more fun version of themselves, wanting to forget about the recession, debt and the fact that we ever allowed these two eejits to represent our country


15. The next morning Mammy makes you rise early, despite your wretched hangover, so that you can ‘save’ your sunbeds’. You repeat the same thing every day, for two weeks. And you love it – except for this


16. After all, it won’t be long until you’re reunited with your one true love. Absence has only made the heart grow fonder


Same time next year eh lads? Savage.

via our content partner CT



Some of them we love, some of them we love to hate. Either way, things get crazy with this lot around!

1.  Your BFF
You guys hang out constantly and Snapchat each other when in need of a bitching sesh. This is the girl you go to when you feel awful and she won’t necessarily have to say much, but her just being there makes life that much more bearable. This is the type of friend that knows everything about you and everything seems hilarious when you’re with them.

2. The silly girl
That friend that has literally no idea what the hell is happening 24/7. She will just laugh at everything that everyone else laughs at and say she gets it, when she clearly doesn’t. Every entourage needs one of these though!

3. The sports-mad gal
The mate that tweets and Snapchats sports stats and rubbish about sport that we really don’t care about.

4. The “lady”
The girl that has so much grace, class and poise that it is beyond you. The one friend that eats pizza and burgers with a fork and a knife and keeps her heels on all night.

5.  The social butterfly
That one friend that knows absolutely EVERYONE. You simply can’t walk around campus with them, without being stopped and introduced to a group of people you never knew existed. On nights out she will be messaging everyone and round up a massive crowd for pre-drinks, and you probably won’t see her again for the night.

6. The loud-mouth
That friend that does not have an indoor voice and if she sees something funny she will loudly broadcast so. They are the best craic and beyond hilarious but can we please turn it down a notch.

7. Oprah
The friend that assumes she can solve all your problems and, more importantly, points out your problems to you. She lectures you and tries to inspire you, when in reality you would rather the problem remain unsolved than hear her out.

8. The beauty and the brains
We all have that friend that is so stunning but also has the smarts to back it up.

9. The Disney freak
The friend that knows all the Frozen songs off by heart and thinks Olaf is the “cutest thing ever.” They’re in second year of college and are still attached to everything Disney, and still sport Disney t-shirts and merchandise into classes. You gotta love them though!

10. The outcast
That friend that stands out of the group and is totally different from everyone else!

11. The cynical one
That friend that is so cynical and so negative but you can’t help but love them. Their comments about things are simply hilarious and sometimes make no sense at all.

12. The clubs/socs butterfly
The friend that has no time for anybody or anything because they’re so absorbed in some glee club stuff. They are now on the committee of a club/soc and they constantly beg you to bring yourself and friends to their college events, which you say you will but never do.

13. The foodie
The friend that is a beast when it comes to food. Yes, they will pick food up which fell on the floor and claim that it is perfectly edible. They claim there is a “40 second rule.”

14.  The band member
The mate who has become part of  a band which you have no idea about. The band member friend will always invite you to their gigs, but you’ll never show up.

15 . The keep-fit babe
The friend always Instagramming clean meals and healthy meals and posting her workout routine that make us all feel like sh**.

via our content partner CT
