Hilarious reactions to Harry Styles’ shirtless Rolling Stone cover
In case you've been under a rock for the last 14 hours, you've most likely been shaken to your core by Harry Styles' Rolling Stone cover.
Did we mention that he's shirtless, on the cover? Tattoos, nips and all? The headline reads; "Sex, psychedelics, and the secrets of stardom…" so it's bound to be glorious content.
The 25-year-old recently turned down the role of Prince Eric in the live-action portrayal of The Little Mermaid, but rumours are rife that his second album is about to drop in September.
The upcoming cover is set to be released on September 3, and the race to the news stands will be officially on.
Of course, Harry Styles fans went WILD on Twitter, with one even offering to sell her lung for a cover. "Serious DMs only," @achangeofhes wrote.
We've combined the best reactions we've seen on the social media platform so far, and they're borderline hysterical. We're loving it. Long may the furore surrounding the singer/actor last, we say.
1. The Whatsapp group notifications were suddenly going off 24/7
Couldn't tweet about that Harry Styles cover in a timely manner because I was busy sending it privately to everyone I've ever met.
— Sage Young (@sageyoungest) August 20, 2019
2. Harry…isn't pure??
just found out harry styles is not a virgin and he’s been having sex the whole time im- pic.twitter.com/w0UYtSnOx8
— (@stashaparker) August 20, 2019
3. Good luck, fellow warriors
I just want to say well done to everyone for being so patient and good luck to everyone for surviving the next era of Harry Styles
— Sasha (@StylesMovieNews) August 19, 2019
4. We're pretty sure there will never be a day where Harry doesn't leave us speechless, but okay…
One day Harry Styles will stop leaving me speechless. Today is not that day. pic.twitter.com/385QA0rw8u
— Taylor Banks (@MsTaylorBanks) August 19, 2019
5. We never saw his chastity belt but just made an assumption?
just found out harry styles has had sex before …. pic.twitter.com/EaGQIqjuTL
— bella (@honeystours) August 19, 2019
6. Thank you for blessing our timelines with this glorious content:
“harry styles”
“secrets of stardom”all together in one rolling stone magazine issue pic.twitter.com/tgQ7zInhuy
— (@styleshollister) August 19, 2019
harry styles is coming in September. hs2 is coming in September. a shirtless photoshoot and interview is coming in September. Who wins? harries win. Who wins? harry styles wins.pic.twitter.com/yKgZHpFgAv
— (@acidicniallers) August 19, 2019
8. Oh, he's winning. The boy has saved September.
lord harry styles is saving us in this september omg HE'S SUCCESSFUL. pic.twitter.com/QpSbLXjw9C
— harry’s cross pendant earring (@hsloner) August 19, 2019
9. No other models exist.
BREAKING NEWS Harry Styles ended every model career pic.twitter.com/CdrjjQvpOw
— (@hsoftcurlz) August 19, 2019
10. Who gave him permission to do this to us?
who gave Harry Styles permission to go so hard on Rolling Stone? WHEW! pic.twitter.com/HASZkvoLcY
— Nicholas Liddle (@NLiddle16) August 19, 2019
11. How DARE he?
Putting that smile, those nipples and a headline including SEX on the same cover…
Holy Harry Styles. How dare @RollingStone! pic.twitter.com/gQOnhYbvI6
— Alex Goldschmidt (@alexandergold) August 19, 2019
12. Wiping away those tears:
just saw harry styles on the rolling stone cover. yes i did. pic.twitter.com/VK7FUkx6iJ
— (@shesdrivingme) August 19, 2019
13. Can we survive extreme heat? Hell no. He's speeding up climate breakdown over here.
“Can we survive extreme heat?” asks Rolling Stone, pairing it with the presumed announcement of Harry Styles’ second album. Obviously not. https://t.co/Cz1SSitnJA
— Sacha Judd (@szechuan) August 19, 2019
In conclusion: WE WEREN'T READY.
Rolling Stone, you unfairly targeted us at our weakest moment with this angelic presence, and we don't know whether to thank you or hate you for having this effect on us.
Good day sir.
Feature image: Twitter/@sbblarents