‘Britain first’: Brian McFadden sparks backlash over bizarre tweet
Former Westlife band-member and current has-been Brian McFadden has weighed in on the whole Brexit situation, and it's a hot mess.
He's essentially pulling a Kanye West and has caused an absolute scene on Twitter, where numerous Irish citizens effectively excommunicated him from the island of Ireland. Rightfully so.
McFadden chose to speak out on the two hottest and most controversial topics of 2019: Donald Trump and Brexit. Unfortunately, the world has noticed his tweet and is laughing at him mercilessly.
The fact that borris, farage and Jeremy are the front runners to be prime minister is scary! Britain is fucked!!! Literally fucked! Incredible how many brits jump on the anti trump bandwagon. He’s exactly what Britain needs! A Britain first at all costs attitude is essential
— Brian Mcfadden (@BrianMcFadden) May 26, 2019
We can only hope he was drunk when he composed this tweet, but we suspect he was sober. It began safely enough: "The fact that Boris, Farage and Jeremy are the front runners to be Prime Minister is scary! Britain is fu*ked! Literally f*cked!"
Now, here's where it all went wrong; "Incredible how many Brits jump on the anti-Trump bandwagon. He’s exactly what Britain needs! A Britain first at all costs attitude is essential." The typo and expletive-strewn Tweet was seen by thousands, who unfortunately realised his Irish heritage.
Who knows why the sort-of singer passed such odd judgement on the upcoming Tory leadership battle in the UK and America's cesspit of right-wing horror. The reactions to his rant were, we must say, hilarious.
England’s Brian McFadden is a disgrace to his country https://t.co/6AS8ovdtkO
— Mallow News (@MallowNews) May 26, 2019
"England's Brian McFadden is a disgrace to his country," wrote Mallow News, offering him as a sacrifice to the country he seems to think he's part of already.
This next one is absolutely savage, he's going to need serious aloe vera for these burns;
"Have you thought of maybe dialling back the fascism a bit, Bri? Like they did with your vocal when you were in Westlife…" Doctor, we need someone to resuscitate this man.
Have you thought of maybe dialling back the fascism a bit, Bri?
Like they did with your vocal when you were in Westlife.
— Max (@SpillerOfTea) May 26, 2019
Another Twitter user rightfully pointed out that it's fairly impossible to hate Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and Jeremy Corbyn but love Trump at the same time? The tweet contradicts itself entirely:
I… I'm so confused. This is like two completely polar opposite tweets mashed together. How can you hate Boris and Farage, yet love Trump? They're basically evil triplets?!?!
— Rachael (@rachael_emma123) May 26, 2019
"I… I'm so confused. This is like two completely polar opposite tweets mashed together. How can you hate Boris and Farage, yet love Trump? They're basically evil triplets?!?!" We're just as confused as you, Rachael.
As if this wasn't bad enough, well-known transphobic misogynist Graham Linehan commented, "Off, I thought you were done embarrassing Ireland." Literally not a single solitary soul asked for one Irish disgrace coming in to smack down another Irish disgrace. The neck.
Another eagle-eyed internet member pointed out that this isn't the first time Brian McFadden has said some pretty dumb stuff online…
Literally nobody:
Not one single solitary soul:
Brian McFadden: pic.twitter.com/fApUvqB7Tz
— Tony Sheridan (@tonyismyname) May 26, 2019
Yes, you read that correctly. "If you're not gay, a man should not be wearing pink…Saying pink is a form of red is like saying homosexuality is a form of male."
WOW…his masculinity is clearly as fragile as a glass slipper. There's too much to unpack when it comes to that statement in a single article, but I think we can all agree that the chap is cancelled.
According to his Peaky Blinders Twitter header, he seems to fantasize about joining some type of gang…let's remember he once said he'd fight ISIS in man-to-man hand combat.
Before ye slag Brian McFadden remember his Twitter header is him pretending he's a Peaky Blinder pic.twitter.com/DxUeR1TkTg
— Paul (@PaulEyezOnMe) May 26, 2019
"I don't think you're sufficiently relevant enough to play that card, Bri," another Twitter comedian pointed out.
The 39-year-old is getting DRAGGED online and we'd better be putting on some popcorn.
I don’t think you’re sufficiently relevant enough to play that card, Bri.
— J. Thrunk (@Deep_Jimpact) May 26, 2019
Breaking news: Brian McFadden is actually now the front-runner to be the UK's next Prime Minister.
The tea is positively scorching, so keep an eye out for even more hilarious hot takes on McFadden's 180-degree turn. Someone confiscate the lad's Irish passport, he's not worthy.
Feature image: Instagram/@brianmcfadden123