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moving in

Moving in with your significant other is definitely a relationship milestone which most of us hope to reach once we realise this lad is so much more than a 'Netflix and Chill' merchant, but we'd be lying if we said it would be an easy transition.

While flicking through IKEA catalogues, you might imagine domestic bliss, weekend lie-ins and the start of a whole new chapter filled with love, life and laughter – you get basic when you get romantic – but it's not going to be as simple as all that.

Thinking you know them inside out just because you once survived food poisoning together is a fool's game because sharing a living space 24/7 is a whole different story.

Here are just ten things you THINK will happen after you turn the key in that lock, but believe us, they won't.

Expectation: Your entire relationship and attitude towards each other will change for the better.

Reality: “Your chewing is louder in this kitchen than it was in your old one….GREAT.”


Expectation: You will suddenly become so much more interested in home furnishings and dimmer switchers.

Reality: “How much?! Screw that, let's just see if your mam will lend us one for a year.”


Expectation: You will learn to cook and sit down to wholesome meals together.

Reality: “Have we figured out if the old Dominos is closer than the new chipper?”


Expectation: You will put an end to the questionable personal habits you have become accustomed to doing in the privacy of your own bedroom.

Reality: “What are you looking at? They're just toenail clippings and it's my room too, you know.”


Expectation: You will be extra watchful of bills, household waste and other grown-up things because it's just TIME, damn it.

Reality: “Oh my God, it's the electricity bill. Open it! No wait, don't open it. THROW IT OUT!”


Expectation: You will have sophisticated gatherings of friends and loved ones on a regular basis.

Reality: “Who is that asleep on the couch? I'm scared to check.”


Expectation: You will take up a wholesome hobby together because couples that jog together stay together, right?

Reality: “No, I'm not bloody going and those shorts are obscene.”


Expectation: You will begin discussing life goals in a much less vague fashion.

Reality: “IF I ever get married and IF I ever have kids…not saying that I will…what about you…actually I don't wanna know.”


Expectation: You will become more interested in domestic duties.

Reality: “Is that tea-towel mouldy AGAIN? That's your fault! I did laundry four weeks ago, sure!”


Expectation: You won't sweat the small stuff.

Reality: “This is the third time in a row that I've picked up the milk and I don't even USE it! That's it. WE'RE DONE!”




Brian McFadden and Keith Duffy will be heading on the road soon to start their BoyzLife tour, but not before Brian LIVES with the family for a month.

Keith's wife, Lisa Duffy told Evoke that it will be very "interesting" having Brian live win their Dublin home.

"They start rehearsals soon, so he’ll be staying with us for that. I don’t mind at all – Brian is like part of the family.

"I’ll have to go and get the sausages and bacon and all that for him. 

"They can’t get into too much trouble under my roof. Normally Keith is doing rehearsals in London if he’s doing something. So it’s nice to have him back here for a change,’ she added


They broke our hearts when they split up last year, just weeks before they were meant to tie the knot on our fair green isle.

But now, rumour has it that Courteney Cox and her ex-fiance Johnny McDaid are back on – and they've taken it one step further by moving in together!

According to The Sun, the actress is temporarily moving into Johnny's London apartment while she films a TV show – a new ITV sitcom called Truthing.

The pair broke up last December, cancelling their engagement, but reports are suggesting they have recently reconciled.

Courteney and Johnny were originally introduced by mutual pal Ed Sheeran (who was meant to play at their wedding) and began dating in 2013.

We hope that Irish wedding ends up taking place soon!


First of all, reports came out today that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are re-engaged, after she was spotted wearing her engagement ring he gave her back in 2012. 

And now, it seems that the gorgeous pair are moving in together. 

The singer turned up  at Liam's house over the weekend with a U-Haul self-mover truck, packing all of her belongings. 

Rumours that the pair were back together sparked over Christmas as Miley spent the holidays with Liam and his family in Australia.

And then the rumour mill went into overdrive yesterday when she was seen with her ring back on. She even posted a close-up of it today, while wearing a weird green and pink outfit.

Ooh, we hope we see a Miley and Liam wedding soon. Imagine how crazy it would be?!


Since her debut at sister Kate's wedding, the whole world has had eyes on Pippa Middleton to see who will snap her up. 

And it seems that she's pretty keen on her new beau James Matthews as she has moved in with him after only two months of dating. 

The pair were together briefly in 2012 and then Pippa moved on to hedge fund manager Nico Jackson, who she dated for three years.

The terribly rich James is Spencer Matthews older brother from Made In Chelsea fame. 

James has also brought Pippa's mother, Carole out for dinner to a high-end Indian restaurant, sparking more rumours that the family has given James the seal of approval. 

A friend close to the couple told the Daily Mail: "It's all moved very quickly. They've been friends for a long time, but James has always been keen. 

"They've tested living there and all seems to have gone well," the source said.

"James is behaving like a peacock, he is showing her his feathers and wants her to be impressed."


There's some big news on the celebrity relationship front today, and for once it's not another break up.

Nope, this time love birds Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift have reportedly moved in together AND are talking about possibly getting engaged. Yay!

E! News has reported that while Tay's house is under construction, she has moved in with her beau and now that her tour is finally over, the pair are talking about making things a little bit more serious.

A source told the website: "They are definitely talking about their future together and the possibility of one day getting engaged.

"It's really cemented their commitment to one another."

Can you IMAGINE Taylor in a wedding dress? She might even look better than a Disney princess.


It looks like there may be trouble in paradise for Geordie Shore’s Charlotte Crosby and her beau Mitch Jenkins.

The on/off again couple reunited earlier this year after five months apart. While the 25-year-old Geordie had big plans to move in with Mitch, she has admitted that she might not go through with it… Something that she has yet to tell him herself!


A photo posted by @charlottegshore on

“I’m going to put it on hold – but I haven’t told Mitch yet,” the former CBB winner revealed.

“I’m not sure if I want to move my life down south. I have no one down there, as all my family and friends are up north," she told Star Magazine

The news comes after Charlotte had revealed that they had begun house hunting together.


Sometimes I cradle him like a He deserves it

A photo posted by @charlottegshore on

The reality TV star admitted that things aren’t the best in their relationship at the moment.

“We need to spend some proper time together to be able to say things are amazing, but it’s fine.”

“Fine”? Ouch!

We can’t imagine Mitch is going to be too happy reading about this! 
