Damage control: What to do when you fall out with your best friend
Falling out with a best friend if never pleasant, in fact, it's kind of awful – and it's even worse when you're the one in the wrong.
However, no matter how broken things seem in the immediate aftermath, there are steps you can take to put your friendship back on the right track.
After all, it was Saint Francis himself who famously said “a quarrel between friends, when made up, adds a new tie to friendship.”
1. Admit you were wrong
If something you said or did was to blame for your falling out, admit you're at fault and deal with the consequences.
Don't make excuses, apologise sincerely, and grovel like your life depends on it.
2. Don't get other people involved
Some people might suggest finding a mutual friend to mediate the situation, but in reality, this is a discussion that needs to happen one-on-one.
The more people involved, the messier it gets and the last thing you want to do is fall out with anyone else.
3. Be honest
Tell the the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Once everything is out in the open you can begin to move forward – and who knows, maybe it'll all just be a funny story one day.
4. Let her be mad
If you're in the wrong, suck it up and don't retaliate.
Sure, she might call you some terrible names or bring up every nice thing she's ever done for you, but just remember that emotions are high and she (probably) doesn't mean what she's saying.
5. Sort it out ASAP
After letting the dust settle for a day or two, don't waste any time before sitting down to hash it all out.
Leave it too long and you'll run the risk of entering that awkward state of friend limbo when you're both too afraid to text each other (even though you both want to).
6. Laugh it off
If there is any funny side to the situation, take it and run.
And if not, try a private joke and wait for the reluctant smile to form before you both break out in a fit of giggles that'll leave you gasping for air.
Pretty soon you'll have forgotten what you were fighting about in the first place.