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So you’ve been going out with this guy for a while, but there’s no sign of his friends – what’s going on? Don’t be alarmed just yet, here are some perfectly reasonable explanations.

1. He’s embarrassed by them. 


They’re not the most mature bunch…

2. He acts differently around them. 


He might think you’re not going to like the way he is when he’s with them. Maybe they bring out the binge-drinking idiot in him, or the giant nerd, or the guy who can only speak in South Park references.

3. They’re dicks. 


4. He’s not that close with them. 


Some people don’t really surround themselves with close friends, just drinking buddies or casual acquaintances. He might just not have anyone that he feels is important enough to meet you and vice versa.

5. They’re party animals. 


Maybe his friends are so YOLO-CHUG-THIS-BEER-BONG-HOW-MUCH-WEED-CAN-YOU-FILL-YOUR-LUNGS-WITH-AT-ONCE intense that he’s afraid of bringing you around and scaring you off forever.

6. They don’t live nearby.


 Some people stay great friends with their high school buddies, and after everyone goes to school and gets jobs and shuffles around the world, meeting up with them for an introduction might not be that feasible. Don’t freak out if he hasn’t arranged for a visit by three months. You’ll meet them eventually.

7. He thinks you don’t want to meet them. 


He might just assume you have no interest in meeting his friends. It never hurts to tell him, “He sounds fun. When can we all hang out?” Communication!

8. He doesn’t think you’re that serious.


 Meeting his friends is like meeting his parents: he’s declaring that he plans on you being in his life for a while. If you guys are still in the casual dating phase, or he thinks you are, he’s probably not going to bring you around just yet.

9. He hasn’t met your friends, either. Even though they’re so nice. 


via our content partner CT



Men constantly complain about how complicated women are. The fact of the matter is, we’re really not. In fact, most of the time we’re fairly easy to decode, understand and please, you’re probably just not totally sure what’s going on in our minds. So, to help you, here is a list of things we say that are definitely lies.

1. “I’m Fine”

tumblr_mmp6soGieL1spaaixo1_500 (1)Ooh, she is 100% NOT fine!

2. “No Presents Please… It’s grand”

tumblr_mxz1k1ezUJ1stgrfzo1_400For the love of humanity, get the girl a present!

3. Oh these legs, nah they’re just naturally this smooth and shiny.”

tumblr_mo9smavzxw1rijmvyo1_500 LIES, IT’S ALL LIES. We did not just wake up with legs that could feature on a Gillette Venus ad. It’s tough maintenance, sometimes painful, always annoying.

4. “I’ve absolutely no make up on”

tumblr_n46x9o6Vzt1qac1soo2_500If we didn’t, you would know.

5. “No, I Don’t Creep On Other Men..ever”

tumblr_n48wzga8cD1t70ckxo9_r1_250Just like you don’t creep on any other women..oh wait.

6. “I’m not drunk…”

tumblr_mfvexeka8W1ra8b8oo1_500Sometimes I LIKE sleeping on the bathroom floor, gotta problem with that?

7. “Penneys, €5”

tumblr_m9894iiQbY1rxdvy7o1_400This one might be true, or it could have been 120 euro in Topshop.

8. “I’m not into gossip”

tumblr_n14rkuvHWM1qk08n1o1_500…But did you HEAR about Mary?!

9. “My dad really likes you”


10. “I’m OK”

tumblr_inline_n30nycAhR61s778dpSee number one.

11.  “There’s nothing I’d change about you..”


Except maybe the hair, clothes…and the laugh can go too.

via our content partner CT



If you’ve worked in retail for any amount of time you’ve probably developed a smoking habit, cynical attitude and lost hope in humanity.

Dealing with rude customers, annoying managers, and endless shifts all for minimum wage should be recognised as a crime.

These are the things that every retail worker has had to endure in their time.

1. Being expected to stop thieves
You work on the register or in the stock room, but somehow you’re also expected to tackle a 6″5′ fleeing thief. Hire a security guard for Christ’s sake, that’s not in your job description.


2. Customers throwing money on the counter rather than placing it in your outstretched hand.
There is nothing more infuriating than this ignorant a**hole! Clearly seeing your hand waiting to accept the money, they drop their change on the counter and expect you to pick it up, one coin at a time.

f3. When you have to tell a customer their card is declined
The awkward face EVERY retail worker makes at this moment.

468750664. Customers making a mess
You sometimes feel like they are doing this purely to piss you off!

giphy5. Rude customers
There is nothing worse than having to deal with an ignorant customer, struggling maintain that fake smile on your face.

22jCQ276. Customers letting their kids run wild and free
If you must go shopping with your complete family, for the love of God, please don’t bring them all up to the register to pay. Believe it or not, only one person is needed for this mighty task.


7. Dealing with “cute” couple fights over who is paying.
Just give me the money. Go enact your strange financial foreplay somewhere else.

giphy8. Wandering off in the middle of a transaction
Someone sees cousin Mary enter the store and leaves during the transaction to catch up on the last thirty years.

giphy9. Customers blaming you for stuff out of your control
Someone freaks out at you because the price isn’t what it says on the label. They seem to feel like your job is also to MAKE the prices, but this is actually not the case. Find someone else to take out your frustration of being overcharged €2 on.

544239_348765011900240_436290346_n10. The fake laugh and smile you’ve mastered
Everybody has their fake retail smile. It gets harder and harder to maintain the longer you work there!


11. People paying you with a mountain of change
Yes, we don’t mind taking your change but within bloody reason. We don’t want to count 2000 1c coins when there’s a queue of 10 people behind you!


12. The Customer is almost NEVER right!
Vehemently arguing that a product is overpriced, only for us to show you that you were actually looking at the completely wrong label, or you hadn’t realised that the price was in EURO, not pound sterling!

giphy13. You and your friends work completely different shifts
The little fun you used to have in work has been taken away from you by your manager. Now you’re stuck working with the employees your least compatible with, in order to ensure you’re never happy at work.

giphy14. “Can I pay part card/part cash?”
WHY do you have to be so awkward? You really shouldn’t have to divide up a subtotal of €15 by cash and card.


15. Customers who move at an obnoxiously slow pace when there is a massive queue behind them
Anybody who moves THAT slow clearly is doing it on purpose. I don’t care how old you are. Shift it sister!


16. A half hour break is simply not enough for the hell you have to put up with each day
Time doesn’t seem to apply during working hours. 30 minutes break is a totally different amount of time than 30 minutes on the register.


17. You agree to cover someone’s shift and immediately wish you could go back in time to change your decision
“Why did I just do that?” The worst part is that the other person never returns the favour.


18. A customer has mistaken you for a qualified therapist
We don’t want to hear about your life struggles at 5pm on a Tuesday evening. Just take your purchases and head for the exit please.

19. People entering the shop and meandering around the store at closing time!
Are these people actually serious? Despite what they might think, we actually do have other things to do and would like to leave when our shift ends. If you want to wander aimlessly around the store at closing time, please pay me extra for allowing you to do do.

tumblr_mmwl07l8gx1rt9ukxo1_50020. Trying to text without your boss seeing you
Texting your friends under the register that you’ll need them to pick you up a copious amount of alcohol to forget about your job for the briefest of moments, without your boss catching you.

anigif_enhanced-buzz-11572-1381172380-921. Having to deal with drunk or high customers
The worst of the worst. Slurring their words and gazing hopelessly into your eyes. The stink of alcohol pouring into your nostrils as you try your best to deal with their dire antics.

giphy22. Telling a customer that there is in fact a queue in your store
Yes, there is actually a line that you must enter, not just burst your way to the head of the register. And then they get pissy with you for telling them nicely.


23. The terribly annoying retail jokes that we hear ALL the time
You’ll immediately recognise these. “Do you take cash?” Haha good one! Yes, we do actually accept cash… Now hand it over.

giphy24. Infuriating “witty” retorts from customers
when an item doesn’t scan: “It must be free.” Or even worse. You’ve endured a 3 hour blitz of customers and are enjoying your first sip of water and the temporary silence, when you here: “Oh you must need something to do?!”


25. You’re not above breaking your phone in order to avoid being called into work on your day off
You’ve thought about it. Either turning your phone off or pinging it off a wall because you just give up. Nothing is worse than going into that place on your day off.


26. Your outlook on life has completely changed after working in retail
You’ve developed a cynical attitude and your hope for humanity is completely drained.


via our content partner CT



The mammy in the friend group has a serious amount of sh** to deal with, if you do most of these things then it’s probably you…

1. You’re enthusiastic about EVERYTHING
Being the mummy of the group is all about the enthusiasm. Whenever a friend says things like  I got a new job/ boyfriend/ apartment, they will be met with an excited scream of OH MY GOD that is so GREAT, I’m soooo EXCITED for you- AHHHHH!!

emma-stone-excited2. Your handbag contains every item known to man
Your handbag has enough supplies for any situation that could possibly occur: food, make-up, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, 5 shades of lipstick, safety pins and a mini toothbrush…


 3. You know your tea
The mom of the group knows how everyone drinks their tea and can literally remember who takes half a spoon of sugar or who doesn’t take milk..


 4.  You’re fierce
Nobody messes with your friends- if anyone does they can expect a serious talking to. You don’t want to get on this girl’s bad side.


 5. You’re responsible for the Saturday night round up
Rounding everyone up on a Saturday night can be hell. John wants to go to supermax, Eva will only to to Eddie rockers, Siobhan is sitting outside crying and Dean is shifting the face of some young one in the smokers area. It’s the mum of the group’s  job to get everyone in a taxi and back home.

giphy-26. Snacks are your forte
Moms of the group always make sure no one else is hungry. When anyone comes over there is chocolate, crisps and popcorn. Hungry guests are a mom’s worst enemy.  You got this!


 7. You’re in charge of drunk naps
The mum of the group always puts everyone to bed after a night out, she also puts drunky Niamh in the recovery position.

giphy-68. You’re a die hard listener
You’ve heard your best friend go through every little detail of her past break up about 75 times and yet you still listen to her. As the mum of the group you are always listening to everyone else’s problems because you give the best advice.


 9. You always know the best words of encouragement
The mum of the group never loses her endearing sense of optimism. She’s the one who sends you little encouraging texts and messages and says things like  “Of course you don’t look fat” “You are DEFO going to pass that exam” “He’s an idiot not to like you”.

britneycriesandclaps_zpsb6e2e7b710. You get asked to do the dogs work
“Can you help me with my drivers licence form?”, “How do I do my tax back?”, “Will you come with me to get an STD check?” All questions you hear frequently.


via our content partner CT



Let’s face it, for the first two years of college, usually when you’re like 18-20,  you have F-all worries! I mean you can go drinking with little to no money, usually working a couple of days a week in the local is enough to get by and that’s fine.

But once you hit 21, things start to change. Drastically. Here are 15 things you should know about money in your 20s.

1. If you’re not spending it, you’re thinking about it.

1253527972_money2. You’ll never feel like you have enough


 3. A few of your friends will be earning twice as much as you and  it will make you feel like a failure


 4. Thanks to wealthy family, some will never have to worry about a single penny (try not to be resentful)


 5. Besides, you’ll find that most people you are in the same boat as you


 6. You’ll learn that’s it’s better to save up a bit and spend BIG

enter image description here

7. Always do a big food shop, don’t get your lunch from Starbucks


 8. Buy the basics, you don’t need organic corn fed quail eggs…

enter image description here

 9.  You can’t afford to do rounds of drinks…so don’t offer


 10. Especially if your mates are on the trebles and you’re on the pints

enter image description here

11. You absolutely hate direct debits

enter image description here

12. Your overdraft is NOT your friend. Pay that shit off as soon as you can and never go there again


 13. Taxes are the most confusing things in the world especially if you’re self-employed, but it’s important to figure them out

enter image description here

14. Talking to your boss about your salary will always be awkward – just get it over with!

enter image description here

15. It’s good to be a bit of a Monica Geller about your spendings

enter image description here

 via our content partner CT



Okay, we say the WORST, but we do realise things could be much, much more awful. Nevertheless, these things really grind our gears.

1. Wet Nail Varnish

Waiting patiently for them to dry while you sit there and feel totally helpless, realising that your phone is in your pocket, reaching in to get it and BAM. Your nails are RUINED! Now we have to get the remover out and we can’t find the remover. Typical.


2. Bare legs on a cold seat

It’s very difficult to hide that face when a group of you goes to sit down at a table and the chair you sit on is FREEZING. It sends a shiver all over your body, and not a good one.


3. Hair Bobbin Snapping

This usually happens when you’re in a bad mood. Now, whether that’s just the cruel bitch that is the universe at work, or the fact that you’re handling it more aggressively than you perhaps should be, we’ll never know.  What we do know is that it’s super annoying and almost painful. It’s usually followed by flinging said broken hair bobbin as far as it will go while calling it something as offensive.


4. Wearing Mascara

We could say that mascara running is the worst, but actually wearing it is pretty bad as well. When you’re tired, you can’t rub your eyes. If you’re walking in a cold wind, it’s more than likely all over your face by the time you reach your destination. Wearing mascara, while it makes a massive difference to your face, in fairness, it’s just the worst.


5. When your bra straps are too long

It’s like little creatures sneak into your room at night and readjust your bra so that the following day your boobs are all over the shop. The worst part about this situation is that you usually have to ask someone to fix them for you. It’s a pretty intimate thing, probably the most action you get for weeks and yet it’s from a random girl in work. Forever alone.


6. Tampon Transportation

To this day, I still don’t know why tampons have to look like something you stick on your bike to be seen better at night. Why can’t they just be black? This way, when you’re trying to sneak one up your sleeve before you go to the toilet, the whole room can’t see it beaming out of your bag.


7. Hair in lipgloss

You look great, your make up went on right, your outfit is fab, you step outside to get your taxi and you get a mouth full of hair. Hair doesn’t just stick to the lipgloss, the lipgloss actually has very strong forces at work that attracts the hair, sucking it in like a jellyfish. Yell out ‘Noooo’ all you like, it’ll only attract more hair.


8. Untangling Jewellery

Okay, so it’s probably our own fault for not having one of those jewellery separator things that all organised girls seem to have. When you’re just about to walk out the door and you reach into that little box for your favourite Topshop necklace and then… Rage. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. Men get pissy when they have to do the Christmas lights. Lads, we have to do this daily.

Via our content partner, CT



Not everyone that you go on a night out with will add something positive to the party and more often than not there are those that will infuriate you and ruin the night. Here are 14 of the worst offenders on a night out:

The Fake Person
Nothing about them screams I’m honest and everything screams the opposite. Whether it’s hair extensions, fake nails or just a stinker of an attitude we all know one. The only saving grace is that you can see them coming a mile away so act accordingly.



The Passive Aggressive Person
They stand there all night belittling everyone left, right and centre of them and ruining the night for everyone else.


The Bitchy Person
Back handed remarks about your clothes is something that will give them deep satisfaction, they will probably talk about your mates behind their backs to you, and do the same to you behind your back…


The Leech
Will be rustling in their pockets at the door of the club…”oh shit, I forgot my wallet/money/pride”…and because you’re a sound friend you sponsor them for the night. But it is never spoken of again by them, until the next night….


The Non Dancer
The person who refuses to bust a move….but will (in fairness) do a little jig towards the end of the night when that one song they know blares through the house system.


The Always Dancing Person
The person who refuses to do anything but bust a move.


The Fighter
That one person you know who has a point that once they reach will basically claim anyone who is in their way. An embarrassment to be around.


The Lover
They may never show any emotion during the normal day to day relationship you have with them but the second that precious alcohol juice trickles down their throat they are all over you, showering you with compliments as if the literally could not live without you



The Disappearing Friend
You both came into the club together but you haven’t seen them since…wait, they were with you…right? Right?!


The Person Who Won’t Go Home
Post-club, you end up at a session and you and your mates have enough respect to stay for a few drinks and call it a night…HOWEVER. There’s that one mate who will stay, mix with all the people he doesn’t know and not leave until Tuesday week.


The Complainer
Just nag nag nag all night. Doorman was ignorant, heels not big enough, not enough guys looking at her, ice too cold….SHADDUP…


The Sex Crazed One
They have been talking about nothing else since you all decided you were heading out tonight.


The Puker
Too much alcohol spoils the broth…and you may be they one holding their hair back as they vomit the content of both their stomach and dignity into the unsuspecting toilet bowl…


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Drunk
Before the night is over, the changeable one in your group will switch between numerous personalities and do some of the following  a) smash their phone b) smash your phone c) cry d) cry some more. Next morning, they’ll make you breakfast and flat out not be able to remember what happened the night before.


via our content partners CT



Sometimes everyone loves a good scare.

Here are the scariest movies that you can watch, we recommend having some company before watching these.

Unless you like sleeping in your closet.

1. The Exorcist (1973)
Gross and soooo creepy, this will definitely raise your heart rate.


2. The Shining (1980)
The source of our lifelong fear of twin girls.


3. Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Nobody has ever been as creepy as Anthony Hopkins is in this movie. Ever.


4. The Omen (1976)
Pregnant? You may want to skip this. And Rosemary’s Baby too while your at it.


5. Halloween (1978)
Perfect for watching at Halloween (obvious, we know) Micahel Myers will always haunt our nightmares.


6. Gothika (2003)
An underrated scary movie, this is sure to scare the bejaysus out of you!




1. Ross and Rachel – Friends
Because he’s her lobster.

ross and rachel

2. Tim and Dawn – The Office
It was a long time coming, and when it did it was the cutest thing we had ever seen.

tim and dawn

3. Carrie and Big – Sex and the City
We all thought  it was the end when Carrie left for Paris and screamed that he could “drive up and down the street all he wants” because she doesn’t LIVE HERE ANYMORE! In true Mr. Big fashion, he came in at the last minute and swept her off her feet again.

carrie and big

4. Marshall and Lily – How I met your mother
They are like the same person and that it why we love them so much; the finishing of each other’s sentences, telling each other every single part of their day, it’s a cuteness overload.

marshall and lily

5. Kat and Alfie – Eastenders
On again, off again for what feels like twenty years, Kat and Alfie are once again a couple. Let’s hope they can last until at least Christmas this time!

kat and alfie
