This guy sent his date an INSANE list of ways to improve herself
Dating sucks and swiping though Tinder profiles is, frankly, exhausting AND boring.
Even going on a date is such a huge effort – the whole getting-ready malarkey as well as the actual date itself takes so much energy.
But what about when you get dolled up, show up and present the version of yourself, and you get a barrage of messages afterwards about how you could ''improve'' yourself.
Oh, the absolute NECK of some people.
Kimberley Latham-Hawkesford went on what she thought was a straight-forward date and then didn't hear from him for three months.
However, he did in in touch and what eh ahd to say was, well, hilarious.
He apologised for the silence since their date and then launched into 15 things he think Kimberley needs to improve about herself.
Strap in, it's MAD.
He wrote, ''If you lost some weight, you would look incredible. Maybe about a stone or so. You are very pale. I know you aren’t a fan of the sun but a bit of fake tan won’t hurt.''
He continued, ''You have quite big boobs so you should show your off cleavage more. I think you need to wear clothes that suit your figure and maybe update your style slightly. Just so I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you.''
We're pissing ourselves laughing here.
He seemed a bit confused as on one hand he went on to tell her that she needs to look more natural, while also saying she needs hair extensions and lip fillers.
He wrote, ''You need to look more natural, stop wearing makeup. Just make yourself look decent but don’t overkill it.''
He then added, ''Your lips have gone down so you should think of getting more filler. I know you said you regretted it but filler would make you look sexier.''
What. A. Gent.
To round it all of – and continued the pattern of his advice making NO SENSE, he says, ''You need so much more confidence, confidence is sexy! Get a sense of humour, you didn’t laugh at a single one of my jokes. You just seemed a bit stuck up. Sort your personality out.''
He didn't like her offering to split the bill either, writing, ''You made me feel shit when you offered to pay. It’s like you thought I didn’t have enough money after telling you how much is in my account.''
It looks like Kimberley had lucky scape and will be avoiding dates like the plague if this is the shit we've to put up with.