Cheryl is ‘shocked’ over criticism from her X-Factor performance
Cheryl took to the X-Factor stage to debut her comeback hit 'Love Made Me Do It' – and spoiler alert – it didn't go well.
Whilst fans did take to Twitter to defend the singer's first performance since she had her son, Bear – generally, people weren't happy.
The criticism came as a surprise to Cheryl, who was allegedly "devastated" upon hearing the negative reviews.
An insider told The Sun Online that: “Cheryl’s devastated over the harsh comments about her performance.
“She always says that ‘haters’ come with fame and she expects some negativity, but she didn’t expect this reaction.”
“She goes on social media to interact with her fans and it actually shocked her, reading some of the comments," added the source.
“At first she was angry – she watched the performance back over ten times and can’t understand what she did wrong."
“She just feels like some people are always going to be against her and she can’t change their minds,” they said.
And to make matters worse for Cheryl, there have been complaints about her shaking her booty on stage.
The complaints came because the sexy shapes she threw were aired before that good old 9 pm watershed.
We hope Cheryl's next performance goes a little bit better – because we can't lie, it really had the cringe-factor.
If you missed her Sunday night X-Factor performance – happy watching…
Feature Image Credit: slaying.chezza/Instagram