Move over thigh gap: ‘ribcage bragging’ is the latest ‘body fad’
There have been plenty of dangerous body 'trends' that have emerged in recent years.
These trends, such as the thigh gap, bikini bridge and ab crack, are used by some people as a marker of diet and exercise success, but for some, the pursuit of these attributes (which are completely un-obtainable for some, depending on body type) can lead to a dangerous diet and exercise attitude.
A new trend is emerging, which has been coined by The Daily Mail as 'ribcage bragging.'
The popularisation of the term has been blamed on celebrities like Bella Hadid, Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner.
These women all have visible rib cages when posing perfectly in bikinis, looking glamorous and elegant, which could lead those who are susceptible to body envy to wishing for a prominent rib cage themselves.
Like most of these 'thinspirational' concepts, a visible ribcage isn't necessarily a reality for everyone, and could promote a visible ribcage as an unachievable accolade to people susceptible to low body confidence.
Others think that this is officially 'the stupidest' marker of a desirable body ever, because some can simply suck in the stomachs and take a deep breath to reveal their ribs.
this is the stupidest thing ever, most people who suck in their stomach can get this "ribcage bragging" effect without being "super skinny" pic.twitter.com/ukf5jUSvD7
— t (@cynicty) May 10, 2017
Luckily, most Twitter users agree with us in thinking that this 'body trend' is completely ludicrous.
'Ribcage bragging – showing the bones of your ribs is trending on Instagram. This is not healthy and celebrities need to stop this craze,' said one.
Others are enraged by the concept of a ribcage being a trend, as some slim women have visible ribs without trying to conform to the latest Instagram fad.
"Ribcage bragging" is apparently a new trend? only ribs you'll see of mine are the BBQ ribs on my plate.
— Stace (@holbrookstace) May 8, 2017
Bella Hadid has previously faced criticism for her slim figure and visible ribs, and has been accused of glamorising a low weight.
'Your ribs. Eat. Dangerous role model for young girls looking at you as an idol,' said one critic.
The trending fad is seen as potentially dangerous, and much like the thigh gap and the bikini bridge, it could prompt disordered eating or dangerous exercising habits in those racing to achieve one.