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We have a never-ending love affair with coffee in SHEmazing HQ (who doesn't), so when we came across the beauty that is caffeinated pastries, we got very excited. 

The man behind the magic is biophysicist Dan Perlman from the University in Massachusetts, who has developed coffee flour. 

And guess what? The flour is perfect for baking and can give you as much of a kick as your morning latte. 

"This flour contains 2.5 percent caffeine by weight, so if you were to put 4 grams of this into, say, a breakfast muffin, it would be the equivalent of drinking a cup of coffee," Dan told Eater

And better yet, it will slowly release during the whole day, so there's no fear of getting the shakes after two caffeinated cakes at lunchtime. 

It also contains an antioxidant, called chlorogenic acid, which usually gets lost in the coffee roasting process. Many specialists say that this antioxidant can help lower blood pressure and has been linked to treating heart disease and cancer. 

It sounds SUPER to us, now all we have to do is wait for our locals to supply it.


Many of us need coffee to survive on a daily basis, so this news is a tad bit worrying and we might've had to down three espressos just to process it.

Recent reports from the Foreign Agricultural Service have suggested that there could be a shortage of coffee coming soon (nooooo) and they created a new global coffee production report to show what is going on with our beloved caffeinated drink.

Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer in the world and unfortunately is suffering a drought. So, the latte you get every morning in Butler's may be effected. 

However, we seem to have some sort of coffee angel up there as Vietnam, Indonesia and Honduras are currently experiencing the ideal weather for growing coffee. Score!

So it might not be as bad as we expected, but still, a coffee shortage sure sounds pretty scary. 


Any coffee lovers will know the feeling of wishing your coffee buzz could last all day. Well, as it turns out, we might not have to wait much longer.

Nestlé, the makers of our favourite KitKats, is developing a marvellous type of coffee that will keep your buzz going all day long. Hurrah!

An all-day caffeine high is no doubt alluring, especially to those who want to wave caffeine crashes goodbye. 

According to the brand, the new beverage is currently being developed by scientists at the company's labs in Switzerland, in conjunction with Swiss technical university École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

The new coffee just simply releases caffeine slower than your average latte. Instead of giving you the caffeine all at once, this will be set free in dribs and drabs to keep you going all day long.

EPFL explained that it is still battling over a few hurdles, but keep spirits high as it's nearly there. 


If you can't live without your daily cup of coffee, we feel you. But sometimes you might get bored of your usual milky latte or espresso fix, right?

So, if you want to change up your regular coffee, feast your eyes on this new (and ah-mazing) infographic. 

The chart illustrates just about every coffee you can think of, and many more. We're sure you probably haven't even heard of some of these either. 

The handy graphic, created by Follygraph, maps out the exact measurement of ingredients and style and size of cup/glass needed for all 38 drinks. 

It's also interesting to see the subtle differences between each coffee, which allows you to figure out just what kind of coffee kick you need. There's also some pretty cool styles, like the Spanish cortado or the Vitenamese ca phe sua da.

Click on the image to launch a larger view of the chart and enjoy all of your new coffee experiences: 



The amount of people that suffer from headaches is astoundingly mind-numbing. The World Health Organisation estimates that 47 per cent of adults suffer from headaches at least once a year. 

Most people think not getting enough sleep or hormonal changes can trigger a sore head, and while they are big factors, there are other sneaky influences that can cause your head to throb too: 

1. Zoning out in front of the TV

Relaxing after a stressful day is actually a classic headache trigger. Called the Let Down headache, it usually arises when you let your hair down after a hectic day. 


2. Bad weather

A study from the journal Neurology reports that you can get a headache or migraine if the weather is particularly bad. If you're constantly going from the chilly outside, to the heated inside, the temperature change can be a major problem. 


3. Your mam (or dad)

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, if one parent suffers from migraines there is a 40 per cent chance their child will suffer too. And if both parents suffer, then the child's chances sky-rocket up to 90 per cent. 


4. Switching up your routine

If you're constantly waking up, eating and sleeping at different times every day/week, it can make your head hurt. Try keep a regular routine as much as possible to avoid the pain. 


5. Skipping breakfast

Always make sure to grab a bite before you head out in the morning. In a recent study of 1,200 migraine patients, researchers found that missing a meal was the third most common trigger of headaches in females.


6. Your friend's strong perfume

About 95 percent of fragrances are made up of synthetic compounds, one of which is benzyl alcohol. This ingredient can be a major cause of headaches, especially if you are scent-sensitive.


7. Your liking for strong cheese

Yes, we love cheese too, but it might be causing your sore head. Food and drink release neurotransmitters, which can cause headaches in some people. Triggers include caffeine, chocolate, cheese, alcohol and more. Sob. 


Some of us will do absolutely anything we can to ensure that our caffeine needs are met. Once upon a time one unlucky SHEmazing staff member even went so far as to include coffee in her porridge. Needless to say that was one recipe that we didn’t feel the need to share with the world. 

However, the latest snack option for caffeine lovers sounds far more appealing. 

Say hello to caffeinated peanut butter. Creamy, delicious and yes filled with enough caffeine to ensure you probably won’t need that midday nap.

A creation from the people at Steem, the spread allegedly contains the same amount of caffeine you would get from two cups of coffee in two mere tablespoons. 

A two tablespoon serving has 170 milligrams of caffeine, FYI. Mashable reports that the peanut butter concoction was originally created as a hangover cure. Chris Pettazzoni, one of the creators, said that they’ve been working on the recipe for quite a while.

Apparently the reason it took them so long was because the first recipes had a caffeine content that was too high. 

"The release of energy was so much better from the PB that I stopped drinking coffee completely." 

This is in part because the slow digestion of peanut butter means that the caffeine is released into your body slowly rather than in one intense shot.

While the caffeine content may be off-putting for some, the fact that it is made with all-natural peanut butter and no artificial sweeteners is enough to get our attention. 

You can try it for yourself if you’re willing to part with €4. Steem peanut butter is available to buy on Amazon and the brand’s official website.

We’re feeling pretty tempted right now to be honest.


Just when you thought we had reached pumpkin spice latte levels, another caffeinated beverage comes along to take the top spot. We genuinely thought that this season only had room for one intense blended drink but we were so wrong. 

No no- there are no canines involved in this new move. Your pugs are safe. Allow us to introduce you to the Beast Mode Frappuccino. 

Yes, you read that correctly, Starbucks have official turned beast mode on, and now we don’t know what to do with ourselves.

Do you drink it? Do you try and lift it? 

Actually, if you were feeling the need for some added protein in your life then you’re in luck because that’s exactly what has been added to this beverage. 

“The new blended beverage, as unique as its creator, is a double mocha Frappuccino with a hint of mint and cream and just enough protein powder to unleash your inner Beast Mode.

It’s topped with whipped cream, then finished with a purple berry drizzle and a sprinkle of matcha.”

Sounds, powerful. 

The creator of the Beast Mode Frapuccino is Marshawn Lynch, who plays for the Seattle Seahawks in the US. He’s a running back, FYI, and he has an interesting thing about Skittles.

Thankfully (we think) there are no Skittles included. However, despite the lack of Skittles, he is a big fan of his creation:

"I’d drink this before a workout," Lynch said in a statement. "…I'm all 'bout that." 

Starbucks will donate 24 cents — Lynch's jersey number — to the Fam 1st Family Foundation for every Beast Mode sold. He co-founded the foundation in 2011 to mentor children on education, literacy and self-esteem. 

We're always happy to caffeinate for a cause.

Unfortunately, no word has come as to whether the Irish Starbucks will be unleashing the Beast Mode of the nation, but if they do we feel like it could be very interesting.


If you find yourself laying awake at night, freaking out about how you're going to get through the next day, we feel your pain.

It happens to the best of us, and no matter what we try, we just can't get to sleep.

But rather than propping your eyes open with matchsticks at your desk, help is at hand with these seven simple ways to get through your sleep-deprived situation:

1. DON'T hit the snooze button

Hitting the snooze button on your alarm is a big no-no. Those bite-sized chunks of sleep will actually make you feel worse. 


2. Eat breakfast

It's probably the last thing on your mind after a sleepless night but eating within an hour of waking will boost your cognition and is ideal if you have a foggy head.


3. Avoid sugar

A muffin or chocolate twist may sound MEGA-appealing when you're tired, but they will send you in a spiral of sugar crashes throughout the day. Stick to protein and grains instead. 


4. Go outside – and DON'T wear sunglasses

Natural light boosts your alertness by raising your body temperature – so don't do an Anna Wintour and wear your sunnies all day. 


5. Be strategic with your coffee intake

Having a cup of coffee in the morning, and another at lunch is fine but no more after 3pm. Caffeine lasts for eight hours in your system, so you don't want another sleepless night ahead of you.


6. Do your toughest tasks early

This will be your most alert time of the day so, to avoid any mistakes, do any difficult work in the morning. 


7. Do menial stuff in the afternoon

Sleep specialists suggest that you can only concentrate for ten minutes at a time when you haven't rested. So, that probably explains why you have resorted to funny cat videos by 4pm. 


We just cannot seem to win with coffee drinks these days.

What we thought was a straight forward latte is shunned by the health enthusiasts. Just as we adjusted to sweeteners, they were also getting a slap on the wrist, and when they told us to start putting butter in there we nearly threw in the towel altogether. 

Not surprisingly then, opting for plain black coffee  seemed like the way we could avoid any caffeine confrontations.

Unfortunately that may not be true.

If you take your coffee black, you could be a psychopath. Excuse us? 

A study, published in the journal Appetite, revealed  people who have bitter taste preferences could also exhibit psychopathic tendencies.

The researchers at Innsbruck University in Austria surveyed 500 men and women, reports the Independent. They were shown a list of food and drink items categorized as bitter, sweet, salty and sour. They were tasked with rating  the foods —which included bacon, lemons, candy and coffee—on a six-point scale.

Participants were then asked to fill out four personality questionnaires which measured their aggression levels and assessed personality traits of Machiavellianism, psychopathy and narcissism.

They answered questions relating to the “Big 5” personality traits of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.

They also completed the “Comprehensive Assessment of Sadistic Tendencies,” which is probably about as much fun as having a tooth pulled we imagine.

The results showed bitter taste preferences to be “positively associated with malevolent personality traits, with the most robust relation to everyday sadism and psychopathy.” 

Interestingly, also on the list of examples for bitter tastes: tonic water, celery and beer. Perhaps all of those green juice drinkers are not feeling as 'balanced' as they would have us believe.

However, Shape magazine have been quick to point out that the study may not be as accurate as many would believe. They reminded everyone that correlation doesn‘t necessarily equal causation. Meaning: because there is a “positive association” between any two things it does not mean that one of those things will directly cause the other thing.


If you’re a caffeine fiend, and so many of us quite simply are, then you know that when it comes to coffee certain drinks can end up being more like cake than the delicious beverage.

Trying to cut out excess sugar without abstaining from coffee entirely can therefore be a bit of a challenge.

While plenty of coffee chains (Starbucks, we’re looking at you) tell you how many calories are in their drinks; the sugar breakdown is less than visible.

So, if you’re trying to cut down on the sugar consider branching out and giving one of these orders a try instead of your usual.

The World Health Organisation recommends no more than six teaspoons or 25 grams of sugar to be your daily sugar consumption, these are a few orders that fall within those guidelines.

Skinny latte: 0g

Cappuccino: 10g

Americano: 0g

Latte: 17g

A Starbucks Skinny Peppermint Mocha (festive): 13g

Sadly, this is not on the Irish menu yet but we reckon the fact that it is much lower in sugar than some other seasonal drinks makes an excellent case for the possibility of seeing it next year.


Most people in this world have some sort of coffee addiction.

But with prices forever going up, it’s shocking how much money you actually spend on coffee if you add it up.

So, to save you some cash on your coffee runs, here are handy coffee shop hacks you need to know:

Split a large cup of coffee with your friend

If you have a friend who also loves a good cup of coffee, order a large cup and ask for two smaller cups. Then just split your latte (or whatever kind you prefer) into the smaller cups. You can save up to €2 every time you do this, which adds up if you buy a coffee everyday.


When ordering an iced beverage, ask for ice on the side

Typically an iced coffee is half ice and half coffee, but by asking for ice on the side, they will fill the whole cup with coffee. More coffee yet less money. Score!


Create your own latte for the price of an espresso

Order two shots of espresso and add your milk afterwards. DIY latte, for less.


Pick up a loyalty card

Most coffee shops offer loyalty cards, so take advantage of them and order the largest most extravagant coffee when you get your free one. It’s so worth it!


Let's face it, there's a few of us in this world that love nothing more than a good cup of coffee.

Whether at home, in work or at lunch, coffee is something that will always be by your side; so it's fair to say it's your true love (until Prince Charming comes along, that is).

So, here are the the 12 signs that coffee is your boyfriend:

1. You smell coffee the minute you wake up in the morning.

2. You need coffee to wake up, BUT you need to wake up to get coffee. #TheStruggleIsReal

3. Pro-caffeinating – yep, it's a thing.

4. You think people that drink tea are wimps.

5. You impose silence in your house until you've had your first cup of the day.

6. You know all the hip cafés in town and in your local area.

7. Your daily excuse for running late: "Sorry, the line in Starbucks was so long!"

8. You proudly share any news story claiming coffee is good for you; and ignore any that say otherwise.

9. Heart palpitations and shaking hands are just part of your life now.

10. You think drinking decaf is like wine without alcohol.

11. Your purse is over-flowing with coffee shop loyalty cards.

12. And when you get a free coffee from said loyalty cards, you order the biggest and most extravagant coffee of them all. And it makes you so happy. 

