These are the 12 signs that can tell coffee is your one true love
Let's face it, there's a few of us in this world that love nothing more than a good cup of coffee.
Whether at home, in work or at lunch, coffee is something that will always be by your side; so it's fair to say it's your true love (until Prince Charming comes along, that is).
So, here are the the 12 signs that coffee is your boyfriend:
1. You smell coffee the minute you wake up in the morning.
2. You need coffee to wake up, BUT you need to wake up to get coffee. #TheStruggleIsReal
3. Pro-caffeinating – yep, it's a thing.
4. You think people that drink tea are wimps.
5. You impose silence in your house until you've had your first cup of the day.
6. You know all the hip cafés in town and in your local area.
7. Your daily excuse for running late: "Sorry, the line in Starbucks was so long!"
8. You proudly share any news story claiming coffee is good for you; and ignore any that say otherwise.
9. Heart palpitations and shaking hands are just part of your life now.
10. You think drinking decaf is like wine without alcohol.
11. Your purse is over-flowing with coffee shop loyalty cards.
12. And when you get a free coffee from said loyalty cards, you order the biggest and most extravagant coffee of them all. And it makes you so happy.