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There's no doubt that hitting the gym has some amazing benefits. All of those endorphins pumping through  your system can make your days seem infinitely better. 

However, there can be moments when we just think it would have been better to stay at home. The gym is a hectic place with a lot going on and plenty of people moving about doing their thing.

Whether it's an unfortunate lack of co-ordination or a poorly located sweat patch, sometimes the gym can be the place where we experience the most mortifying incidents of our lives. For instance:

1. The classic execution mishap:

'I look exactly like the girl in YouTube video right now,' said no one, ever.

2. The slippery slope of the treadmill:

Attempting sprint intervals is really just setting yourself up for failure. Proceed with caution.

3. Trying to communicate with anyone you find mildly attractive mid-workout:

Yeah, so trying to flirt when you're at the bottom of a squat is probably not a great call.

4. When you forget your sports bra:

Might as well just go home then.

5. That 'hmm it's very chilly this evening' moment:

It happens. This is why 'squat proof' leggings are becoming kind of a thing apparently.

6. Armpit Neglect (or legs):

Winter is coming, make sure you don't forget a razor.

7. When your headphones are not on your side:

Great,so now everyone in the gym knows you listen to the Venga Boys to get pumped for cardio.

8. The traditional changing room snafu:

Sometimes the towels are small, sometimes people will just strut about sans towel. It can be hard to know where to avert your gaze.

9. The post-workout underwear issue:

"I definitely packed them this morning!" Soz, you clearly did not.

10. When you think you're getting the hang of this whole 'fitness' thing:


Oh, and of course, when you get busted taking a gym seflie. Morto




It might be time to quit the gym as there is a new exercise pill being developed. 

According to Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, scientists are one step closer to developing the new wonder pill. 

Researchers at the University of Sydney studied four untrained, healthy males following ten minutes if high intensity exercise and discovered that there are 1,000 molecular changes that take place in the body during a workout. 

"While scientists have long suspected that exercise causes a complicated series of changes to human muscle, this is the first time we have been able to map exactly what happens," said Dr. Nolan Hoffman, co-author of the research paper. 

"This is a major breakthrough, as it allows scientists to use this information to design a drug that mimics the true beneficial changes caused by exercise." 

The new findings prove that unlike most drugs that only target one molecule, these new tablets will target multiple molecules. 

"Our research has provided the roadmap to figure this out," said the head of the study Professor David James. 

But, it seems that those who are still physically able to exercise shouldn't throw in the towel just yet as these pills are more ideal for people who are unable to exercise traditionally like amputees or stroke victims. 

"I want to be clear that really there is no way to replace routine exercise with an exercise pill."

"Exercise requires your heart rate to go up, blood to flow faster, and you cannot do that with an exercise pill… but in particular groups, it's the next best thing."


Whether you've decided to tone up, run a charity 5K, become a CrossFit addict or just cut out the takeaways and take up some brisk morning walks, a healthy lifestyle can be a big change

Becoming the healthiest version of yourself can be somewhat challenging (looking at you 6am cardio sessions) but also incredibly rewarding. These are just a few things, some perhaps more enjoyable than others, that you can expect to come across when you overhaul your lifestyle. 

You will become a food container fiend:

Controlling your portions can be a huge factor when it comes to weight-loss, and you also need somewhere to store all of your delicious healthy snacks. Speaking of…

Snacks will become seriously important:

Contrary to dieting myths, you do not need to starve yourself to lose weight. Instead you're going to be eating a lot more homemade snacks instead of strolling to the vending machine.

Veggies become a serious part of your life:

SO many nutrients, so little calories. A match made in fit girl heaven.

You may experience some jealousy:

Not everyone will be your cheerleader and they may become jealous when they realise that you've become such a fit badass. Spend more time with the people who actually support you instead of those who try to bring you down.

Mondays will become your favourite day:

This is because #MealPrepMonday can be a beautiful and delicious thing.

You will hit a wall:

Which is completely normal so don't get discouraged, change your exercise routine or perhaps up the intensity if you've made some serious strides. 

Your social life may look a little different:

Pro-tip: Nobody wants to go to a spinning class and definitely not a hot yoga class when hung over. Fridays will become cheat days and you will want all of the pizza. 

You will reward yourself with new clothes:

shopping animated GIF



The last thing most people want in the morning is a sweaty workout, but unfortunately it's something that has to be done. *Sigh*.

For whatever reason you have to workout in the morning, we have really helpful tips for you to perform at your best each day!

Say hello to becoming an early riser!

Pack a gym bag

Whenever you get home from work or college, put your dirty gym gear in the laundry and set aside a crisp, new exercise outfit. Having to dig through drawers at 6 in the morning is not fun for anyone. 

It will be much easier if you have your clothes ready and gym gear packed, all you have to remember is your bag the next morning!


Force yourself out of bed

How many times have you set your alarm for 6 a.m, only to hit the snooze button and forget about your workout? Everyday? Yep, us too. Getting out of bed in the morning can be hard so you need to force yourself sometimes. 

Place your alarm clock on the other side of your bedroom, that way you can't sleepily snooze-button your way through your morning sweat session. 


Have a light snack

Eating a full meal in the morning before you workout can make you feel sick. Instead, try something light (half a pita, a banana, etc) before you workout (so you're not starving) and then have a proper breakfast after the gym. 


Skip the booze

Sure, a glass of wine at dinner can be a great way to unwind, but even a small amount of alcohol can make you feel sluggish in the morning.

If you do end up drinking the night before, make sure to have some extra water before you go to bed. Otherwise, you could get dehydrated during exercise. 


Sleep early

Once you start getting into a routine of waking up early, you will automatically start going to bed earlier. it might be a bit hard to coax yourself to sleep at the start, but your morning-self will thank you. 


Make friends

Sometimes, no matter how long you have been in a routine, it can be easy to slip out of it and forget to go to the gym for a week.. or two. The best way to combat this is to make a friend at the gym to motivate you to go in each morning. 

Set regular gym dates with a friend and make sure you look out for each other. 


Plan your routine

This will make an early morning gym session SO much easier. Either sign up to a spin class or have your entire exercise routine mapped out the night before. If you arrive at the gym and don't know what you're doing it can be easy to give up, so making a plan is essential. 


We can all be creatures of habit, whether they are positive or negative. 

The good news is we can use this particular tendency to our advantage. We can adopt healthier or more positive habits to over ride our negative habits, like the mid-week tendency to order takeaway rather than cook for no other reason except for 'because Wednesday.'

So, to help you ditch the fast food and adopt some healthier habits we found five healthy obsessions you can introduce to your everyday routines to help kick start a healthier lifestyle:

Take a walk:

Walking or running can become an addiction, but a healthy one you can use to your advantage. Whether you choose to rise a bit earlier and take a morning gratitude walk, or opt for a short one on your lunch break, the fresh air does the body and mind good.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic, found exercise, even as simple as a brisk walk, can help you maintain a healthy weight, prevent heart disease, boost your mood and improve coordination.

Have a smoothie:

Image result for smoothie

Smoothies are a sure way to pack in plenty of nutrients without having to spend hours cooking up a storm. You can find smoothie enthusiasts everywhere; especially on social media. And this healthy obsession is for good reason.

Eating a cup of spinach may seem tedious, but blending it with a bit of coconut milk and a slice of pineapple makes for a much more delicious option.

Pick up the phone:

Friendly chats filled with laughter are not just great for bonding, or catching up on any of the gossip you might have missed if your bestie lives far away. They’re good for your health, too!

Oprah magazine even called it the “talking cure.”  A bit of banter with friends is said to have great health benefits that can help reduce stress.

Learn something new:

Whether it’s pilates, art or even a language- maybe your cúpla focail are a bit rusty?

Continuing education as we get older can improve the grey matter in ours brains, and help to avoid degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. It's also an opportunity to make new friends if you've moved somewhere new.

Treat yourself:

A self-care routine can include anything from indulging in a bubble bath, eating some dark chocolate, reading a book or whatever leaves you feeling ready to take on the world again. And yes- Netflix marathons of your favourite series definitely count if need be.


When you make the decision to step off the treadmill and move towards the squat rack, the gym can become an entirely new world.

It can take some time to get used to the change in routine. However, once you have you might just start to abandon your go-to spinning classes altogether.

The stronger you become, the better you start to feel- and apparently slamming heavy things can act as a bonus stress reliever (all when done under proper supervision to avoid injury of course).

Making excuses to wear tank tops even when its winter is a common side effect because yes, your shoulders do look great, good job- but there are some other things girls who lift weights are guilty of doing that they will never admit to.

1. Making those weird angry growling noises, or just shouting:

Ryan is all about that growl…

2. Wanting to happy dance when they nail that last rep:

3. Getting really pissed off when creepy guys offer unsolicited advice:

"I don't need you to spot me thanks, I'm just picking up my water bottle."

4. Faking how annoyed they are about their calloused hands:

ugh animated GIF


5. Admiring their own booty ‘gains’:

15 Things Girls Who Lift Are Tired Of Hearing

6. Ignoring the ‘eat clean, train dirty’ mantra from time to time:

"I'm just all about the gains right now… so I need this entire cheescake."

7. Buying pants specifically because they make their quads look amazing:



A photo posted by Chloe Madeley (@madeleychloe) on


Fat around the stomach area is generally the hardest to shift, which means it's something a lot of us are self-conscious about.

Even if you're not hoping for washboard abs, excess stomach fat can be a danger to our health as it signals a high level of fat around our internal organs too.

So it's worth taking on some of these simple diet and lifestyle changes to help melt away stubborn fat around your middle. 

And regardless of fat loss, you'll find these tips will make you feel better all over – improved mood and more energy can only be good things, right?

Here goes…

1. Eat MORE fat… the good kind
A diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids can actually serve to burn fat faster. So try to have a few servings a day – a handful of nuts, half an avocado or a tablespoon of olive oil all count as servings. More guac – as if you needed an excuse.


2. Avoid blood sugar spikes with smarter snacking
Insulin spikes not only cause you to have more cravings for sugar, but they can also lead to more fat storage than is necessary for your body. If you're eating sugary or high GI foods like chocolate, sweets or processed carbs, balance out the blood sugar spike by eating a low GI food like a handful of raw almonds alongside them. 


3. Try high intensity exercise
Any form of activity that gets your heart pumping and causes you to break a sweat is a surefire way to burn fat. Go for high intensity interval training (HIIT) – bursts of high-powered activity followed by short periods of rest. For example, try running 600m at a fast pace, then resting for a minute. Repeat 5 times and you'll certainly feel the burn.


4. Eat the rainbow
Avoid 'beige' diets that consist mainly of white carbs and sugary foods (pizza and potato wedges, we're looking at you). Try to add at least one serving of fruit or veg to every meal, or even better, base your meal around those colourful foods. It'll mean more nutrients, more energy and a happier you.


5. Be mindful
High levels of stress (and lack of sleep) are directly related to excess belly fat, so be sure to take time for yourself each day. Whether it's ten minutes of meditation before bed or a walk in the fresh air after work, do something to clear your head and calm your mind.


Possibly the most important thing for any person to keep in mind is that while your weight can change when you adjust your diet and exercise routine there are things you cannot change. Your height and the length of your limbs are things you are pretty much stuck with.

So there are some parts of your body you need to learn to love. If you do decide to go on a weight-loss journey however, here are a few important things to keep in mind.

Sleep is the ultimate lazy girl’s diet swap

Getting at least seven hours of sleep every night helps you manage your appetite. While late nights and extra early mornings can mess with your hunger hormones and lead you towards high-calorie foods.

Losing weight without a healthy diet is very difficult

You can’t out-train a bad diet. No matter how many hours you spend at the gym it won’t work if you consume more calories than you could possibly burn.

You don’t need to join a gym to lose weight

The internet is a wonderful place where you can find plenty of useful workout tips and guides to help you get started. Here’s one you can try today.

Doing the same workout every day is not ideal

Being an expert at the top of the aerobics class might give you a confidence boost, but if you get too comfortable you’re going to stop seeing results, so try and mix it up.

You have more than enough time to work out

Making the time to look after your health now is only going to help you develop better habits your future-self will thank you for. Do you really need to watch the next episode of GBBO or can it wait until tomorrow?

Alcohol will stop your progress

Just because the nutrition labels on wine bottles aren’t as obvious as some other things in the supermarket doesn’t mean the calories don’t exist. They will add up and stop your weight loss progress.

Sometimes eating more food can help you lose weight

Filling up on more nutrient dense foods like leafy greens or other non-starchy vegetables will fill you up without all the calories.

Your bestie’s diet may not work for you

Someone’s low calorie diet might leave you hungry, or another friend’s high-protein diet might be more calories than you need.


Just when you think you've heard it all about the beloved kettlebell – It tones your belly! Boosts balance! Sculpts your calves! – science has handed us another reason to reach for the iron orb.

In a new study by Women's Health, women who followed a specific 20-minute kettlebell interval workout, three times a week, lost more weight and toned up more than other women who followed a circuit routine of pushups, situps and two-minute sprints.

Conclusion? The kettlebell is a cardio dynamo. 

And if you want to do the workout at home, we have four fresh moves that will spring you into shape. 

Do the moves in order without stopping in between. At the end, rest for 60-90 seconds, then repeat the circuit at least two more times. Complete this routine two to three times a week. 

Exercise 1 – Goblet Squat

Hold a kettlebell by the handle at chest level, feet shoulder-width apart (A).

Keep your core tight and chest lifted as you sit your hips back to lower into a squat, elbows brushing the inside of your knees (B).

Hold for up to two seconds, then press through your heels to stand, squeezing your glutes. That's one rep; do eight to 10.


Exercise 2 – Halo to Reverse Lunge

Holding a bell at your chest (A), step your right foot back and circle the weight around your head to the right (B) as you lower into a lunge (C). 

Press through your left heel to stand and circle the weight to the left to return to start. That's one rep; do five. Switch sides.


Exercise 3 – Kettlebell Swing

Stand with feet wider than shoulders, a bell on the floor in front of you. Push your hips back and bend your knees to grab the handle.

Pull the bell between your legs (A), then thrust hips forward as you stand and swing it to chest height (B). Reverse the swing; that's one rep. Do 10 reps.


Exercise 4 – Modified Pushup Row

Get into a plank position with your hands on a bench and your feet on the floor, then grab a bell with your right hand and let it hang under your shoulder (A).

Pull the weight to the side of your chest, keeping your core engaged and your hips facing down (B). Pause, then lower. That's one rep. Do eight to 10; switch sides.


Whether you're a fitness addict or can't stand the sight of a treadmill, there's no denying that workout gear is seriously practical.

If you're the kind of person who would happily stroll to Tesco in their PJs, leggings and a tank top are a nice compromise – comfy, but not "I have no pride in my personal hygiene" comfy.

However, Aussie comedy group Skit Box are sick of women donning 'activewear' for everyday activities that don't involve breaking a sweat.

Lycra for a spinning class? Yes. Lycra for a coffee date? No.

With that in mind, they've penned a song, a word of warning if you will.

Described as "a video for girls who wear activewear, to do not-active things," the skit is almost enough to make us put our gym leggings away.

Ugh, but then we'd have to put on JEANS…


There's a common belief that if you want to tone your legs and boost your bum, you should devote all your energy to squats and leg lifts of every kind.

That really won't get you there ladies.

The problem: While you'll build sleek muscle (score!), no one will notice if it's hidden under a layer of body fat.

To reveal a slimmer bottom half, you need to add a fat-burning total-body routine to those targeted moves that reshape your hips, thighs, and bum.

Luckily for you, we've got both right here! Stick to these workouts and you'll be easing into those skinny jeans in no time.

Side leg raise

Lie on your left side, rest your head on your left arm, and place your right hand on the floor in front of your chest.

Your legs should be straight with your right leg on top of your left leg.

Without moving any other part of your body, slowly raise your right leg as high as you can. Pause, then return to the starting position.



Lie on your left side with your hips and knees bent 45 degrees. Stack your right leg on top of your left leg, heels together.

Keeping your feet together and left leg on the floor, raise your right knee as high as you can without your heels coming apart.

Pause, then return to the starting position.


Hip raise

Lie face-up on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Squeeze your glutes and press into your heels to raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

Pause, then slowly lower back to the starting position. That's one rep. Repeat about 10-15 times.


Cross-body Mountain Climber

Start at the top of the pushup position, with your body forming a straight line from head to heels.

Keeping your abs braced, pick up your right foot and slowly bring your right knee toward your left shoulder. Then return to start.


At this point we all know that working out is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy. While there are days when we walk into the gym feeling like an absolute boss and let nothing distract us from absolutely smashing our workout, there are other less productive days to be had. 

Trying to squeeze in gym time is hard and the last thing we want is to waste our time sweating it out and not getting any results. If you want you workouts to be 100 per cent effective every time, then try avoiding this common errors:

Doing the same thing every time:

If you love routine and don't feel yourself getting bored, you should keep in mind your body will. If your gym routine gets too easy then your progress will slow down, so try changing things from time to time. 

You take too much rest:

Set a certain amount of time and stick to it, use a timer if you need to because over doing it on the 'rest' periods can mean your workout will be less effective.

You're dehydrated:

Especially when working out in the morning. Working out while dehydrated can leave you feeling dizzy and sluggish so make sure you're drinking water before during and after your workout. 

You forget your recovery:

Stretching, foam rolling and the likes are all important to help your muscles repair so you don't end up achy and regretting your workout. Avoiding injury is key to making sure your fitness routine is one you can stick to.

Checking social media:

Losing focus and slowing down your workout can mean you spend more time in the gym than you realise, and only half of it has been spent working out. Unless there is a realy emergency then it's best to ignore your news feed and Instagram likes while you can.

Not having a good workout playlist:

Does anyone ever feel inspired to finish five rounds of burpees when All of You is playing in the background? Probably not. So take some time to set yourself up with a nice collection of tracks that will keep you motivated for a gym session.

Not working on your weaknesses:

If you struggle with certain exercises than instead of ignoring them entirely, ask for some advice to try and pinpoint where you're going wrong. If you don't then you might find yourself making very little or no progress despite visiting the gym several times a week. 

