The 8 things you can expect to happen on any weight loss journey

Whether you've decided to tone up, run a charity 5K, become a CrossFit addict or just cut out the takeaways and take up some brisk morning walks, a healthy lifestyle can be a big change

Becoming the healthiest version of yourself can be somewhat challenging (looking at you 6am cardio sessions) but also incredibly rewarding. These are just a few things, some perhaps more enjoyable than others, that you can expect to come across when you overhaul your lifestyle. 

You will become a food container fiend:

Controlling your portions can be a huge factor when it comes to weight-loss, and you also need somewhere to store all of your delicious healthy snacks. Speaking of…

Snacks will become seriously important:

Contrary to dieting myths, you do not need to starve yourself to lose weight. Instead you're going to be eating a lot more homemade snacks instead of strolling to the vending machine.

Veggies become a serious part of your life:

SO many nutrients, so little calories. A match made in fit girl heaven.

You may experience some jealousy:

Not everyone will be your cheerleader and they may become jealous when they realise that you've become such a fit badass. Spend more time with the people who actually support you instead of those who try to bring you down.

Mondays will become your favourite day:

This is because #MealPrepMonday can be a beautiful and delicious thing.

You will hit a wall:

Which is completely normal so don't get discouraged, change your exercise routine or perhaps up the intensity if you've made some serious strides. 

Your social life may look a little different:

Pro-tip: Nobody wants to go to a spinning class and definitely not a hot yoga class when hung over. Fridays will become cheat days and you will want all of the pizza. 

You will reward yourself with new clothes:

shopping animated GIF

