8 things twentysomething women should know about losing weight

Possibly the most important thing for any person to keep in mind is that while your weight can change when you adjust your diet and exercise routine there are things you cannot change. Your height and the length of your limbs are things you are pretty much stuck with.

So there are some parts of your body you need to learn to love. If you do decide to go on a weight-loss journey however, here are a few important things to keep in mind.

Sleep is the ultimate lazy girl’s diet swap

Getting at least seven hours of sleep every night helps you manage your appetite. While late nights and extra early mornings can mess with your hunger hormones and lead you towards high-calorie foods.

Losing weight without a healthy diet is very difficult

You can’t out-train a bad diet. No matter how many hours you spend at the gym it won’t work if you consume more calories than you could possibly burn.

You don’t need to join a gym to lose weight

The internet is a wonderful place where you can find plenty of useful workout tips and guides to help you get started. Here’s one you can try today.

Doing the same workout every day is not ideal

Being an expert at the top of the aerobics class might give you a confidence boost, but if you get too comfortable you’re going to stop seeing results, so try and mix it up.

You have more than enough time to work out

Making the time to look after your health now is only going to help you develop better habits your future-self will thank you for. Do you really need to watch the next episode of GBBO or can it wait until tomorrow?

Alcohol will stop your progress

Just because the nutrition labels on wine bottles aren’t as obvious as some other things in the supermarket doesn’t mean the calories don’t exist. They will add up and stop your weight loss progress.

Sometimes eating more food can help you lose weight

Filling up on more nutrient dense foods like leafy greens or other non-starchy vegetables will fill you up without all the calories.

Your bestie’s diet may not work for you

Someone’s low calorie diet might leave you hungry, or another friend’s high-protein diet might be more calories than you need.
