Four easy-to-master kettlebell moves that will tone you up… FAST

Just when you think you've heard it all about the beloved kettlebell – It tones your belly! Boosts balance! Sculpts your calves! – science has handed us another reason to reach for the iron orb.

In a new study by Women's Health, women who followed a specific 20-minute kettlebell interval workout, three times a week, lost more weight and toned up more than other women who followed a circuit routine of pushups, situps and two-minute sprints.

Conclusion? The kettlebell is a cardio dynamo. 

And if you want to do the workout at home, we have four fresh moves that will spring you into shape. 

Do the moves in order without stopping in between. At the end, rest for 60-90 seconds, then repeat the circuit at least two more times. Complete this routine two to three times a week. 

Exercise 1 – Goblet Squat

Hold a kettlebell by the handle at chest level, feet shoulder-width apart (A).

Keep your core tight and chest lifted as you sit your hips back to lower into a squat, elbows brushing the inside of your knees (B).

Hold for up to two seconds, then press through your heels to stand, squeezing your glutes. That's one rep; do eight to 10.


Exercise 2 – Halo to Reverse Lunge

Holding a bell at your chest (A), step your right foot back and circle the weight around your head to the right (B) as you lower into a lunge (C). 

Press through your left heel to stand and circle the weight to the left to return to start. That's one rep; do five. Switch sides.


Exercise 3 – Kettlebell Swing

Stand with feet wider than shoulders, a bell on the floor in front of you. Push your hips back and bend your knees to grab the handle.

Pull the bell between your legs (A), then thrust hips forward as you stand and swing it to chest height (B). Reverse the swing; that's one rep. Do 10 reps.


Exercise 4 – Modified Pushup Row

Get into a plank position with your hands on a bench and your feet on the floor, then grab a bell with your right hand and let it hang under your shoulder (A).

Pull the weight to the side of your chest, keeping your core engaged and your hips facing down (B). Pause, then lower. That's one rep. Do eight to 10; switch sides.
