The 7 things all women who lift weights will NEVER admit they do

When you make the decision to step off the treadmill and move towards the squat rack, the gym can become an entirely new world.

It can take some time to get used to the change in routine. However, once you have you might just start to abandon your go-to spinning classes altogether.

The stronger you become, the better you start to feel- and apparently slamming heavy things can act as a bonus stress reliever (all when done under proper supervision to avoid injury of course).

Making excuses to wear tank tops even when its winter is a common side effect because yes, your shoulders do look great, good job- but there are some other things girls who lift weights are guilty of doing that they will never admit to.

1. Making those weird angry growling noises, or just shouting:

Ryan is all about that growl…

2. Wanting to happy dance when they nail that last rep:

3. Getting really pissed off when creepy guys offer unsolicited advice:

"I don't need you to spot me thanks, I'm just picking up my water bottle."

4. Faking how annoyed they are about their calloused hands:

ugh animated GIF


5. Admiring their own booty ‘gains’:

15 Things Girls Who Lift Are Tired Of Hearing

6. Ignoring the ‘eat clean, train dirty’ mantra from time to time:

"I'm just all about the gains right now… so I need this entire cheescake."

7. Buying pants specifically because they make their quads look amazing:



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