Coco Austin welcomes a new baby GIRL with not a hair out of place
For any mothers out there, child birth is no easy business, right? But not a hair fell out of place for Coco Austin, apparently.
The model welcomed a little baby girl, Chanel Nicole, into world yesterday morning, weighing 5.7 pounds.
"Surprise!!! Look who came early!! Welcome the new arrival of Chanel Nicole. A beautiful healthy 5.7 pound and 18 inch baby girl," the new mother wrote on Twitter.
"Ice and I are so proud! I cried while she was coming out I was so excited to meet her!" she added.
Then she posted a follow-up post – which she claimed to have taken five minutes after childbirth – revealed a fresh looking mom with flawless make-up applied.
"Thanks so much for all the warm wishes today.I'm doing great! I had the best delivery!" she wrote.
"Pushed Chanel out in 3 tries! This was taken not 5 minutes after delivery, called skin to skin contact.. better for a more bonding experience."
Coco looks very well for a woman just after giving birth! And of course she has already given her child a Twitter and Instagram account.
Ok! I'm the newest on Twitter! What's crackin world!! No haters allowed… pic.twitter.com/blTQaOdfIn
— Baby Chanel Nicole (@BabyChanelworld) November 28, 2015
"@BabyChanelWorld Ok! I'm the newest on Twitter! What's crackin world!! No haters allowed…," the baby's account tweeted within only a few hours of birth.
By Saturday night, she already had more than 8,500 Twitter and 11,500 Instagram followers.