HomeTagsPosts tagged with "animals"


This little cat (who is amazingly cute FYI) has got the funniest reaction when he catches a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror.

His eyes widen and he looks in horror as he comes to the realisation that he looks nothing like the small, hairless creature crawling in front of him.




Who knew pranking dogs would be so amazingly funny?

This video of dogs being pranked in the park is possibly the best thing ever!

Using a stuffed puppet dog and a very yummy looking bone, the dog’s are lured over only to be scared to within an inch of their lives.

In fact, the only dog who doesn’t bat an eyelid is a little puppy – all of the others are terrified!

We do feel a little bad for them, but hey, they all got the bone in the end!



It’s an age-old tale, the cat vs the dog, but this is a whole new level.

When this sweet dachshund attempts to steal a kitten’s playhouse, he didn’t know what was going to hit him.

Watch as the seemingly cute kitten gives the dog exactly what he deserves for having the audacity to steal his plaything. 



This is pretty epic. 

YouTube user, Farmer Derek Klingenberg proved he is the coolest farmer around when he used his trombone to serenade his cattle. 

The cattle clearly recognise the activity as they come over the horizon to meet Derek and be the perfect audience. 

We'd be a little scared if it was us…! 


Cats are very curious creatures, they love to investigate anything and everything. 

Unfortunately for them, they also spook easily!

Needless to say, this cat got exactly what is to be expected when he went messing with a balloon. 



Sometimes, life can be hard. Here are some things that will definitely cheer up your Friday!

1. Get someone to do this to you


2. Imagine you’re holding this litter of loveliness (also known as a grumble)


3. Watch babies eating lemons. Do you know a baby? Even better, you get to see it in person


4. Just imagine having a pet baby meerkat, look how CUTE it is


5. Plan a trip to a bunny show jumping event, yes, they actually exist


6. Japanese square watermelon anyone?


7. Ring Russia, its country code is actually 007-AMAZING.


8. Laugh like a baby, apparently they laugh around 300 times a day, 240 times more than an adult.


9. Know that a group of flamingos are called a flamboyance and smile.


10. Having an ugly day? Be grateful you’re not a blobfish…


11. Think of sloths. Just sloths in general


12. Eat your dinner like this


13. Hug someone hot. Doesn’t matter who. Just make sure they’re hot


14. Indulge in some chocolatey goodness, hell, why not go all out and book a trip to Cadbury World.


15. Steal a siblings treats and act innocent


16. Look at old couples in love and feel inspired


17. Stick on some fluffy socks, they make everything better


18. Have a bubble bath, like this spiky little divil

28. Hot Water

19. Get some kip, if a cat can sleep for up to 18 hours a day, we should most definitely follow their lead


via our content partner CT


We always knew goats were giddy little creatures, but this recent clip of some kids (yep, that’s what they’re called) playing on the back of a horse is just about the cutest thing ever. We have to admit, that is one chilled-out horse.


This adorable Irish terrier named Duffy lost his sight after being afflicted by a number of physical ailments, but thankfully veterinarians were able to restore the pup’s sight after surgery. Here Duffy sees his owners for the first time post operation, and his reaction is priceless.


Take one animal compilation video, ad an infectious eighties classic, throw in some dance moves and what do you get? The best viral video we’ve seen all day, that’s what you get! Uploaded just yesterday by TastefullyOffensive.com, this video is sure to be a hit with animal lovers.

Watch, enjoy and maybe have a little boogie along!



These amazingly heroic animals will make you smile today.

Buzzfeed compile 4 animals who have made an impact on the world around them – and it’s just lovely.

From a life-saving dog to a cuddly llama – these animals show us how to be better people.



That’s it, we’re getting a micro pig!

This compilation is the cutest thing we have ever seen. Ever.



These cats and dogs do not want your hugs and kisses – watch as they move away or simply block their owners affections with their paws, so cute!
