Culchies rejoice! Twitter is going mad for #FarmingPickupLines
Pick up lines are hardly the best way to introduce yourself to a potential lady or gentleman, but some of them are just so bad, well, they're so good.
If you're agriculturally inclined, now is your time to shine on Twitter, as #FarmingPickupLines is blowing up.
Here's a selection of the best culchie pick up lines from the hashtag:
"Hey girl! How'd someone as fiiiiiiiine as you turnip here?"— Out of Bubblegum (@2016Republic) November 17, 2016
My name must be John Deere cause I'm totally a Tractored to you. #FarmingPickupLines
— Josh Keaton (@joshkeaton) November 17, 2016
If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable #FarmingPickupLines
— Magnus Lewis (@magnuslewis263) November 17, 2016
#FarmingPickupLines Cornfield and Chill?
— #Outlaws (@TagOutlaws) November 17, 2016
Don't worry, this is my side chick #FarmingPickupLines pic.twitter.com/TGgnsdUIdp
— Theresa (@tlcprincess) November 17, 2016
Hay, I'm not gonna bale on you. #FarmingPickupLines
— gnarbage. (@platback) November 17, 2016
Lets curdle. #FarmingPickupLines
— Robin Oyl (@schmiedsrr) November 17, 2016
Girl, you make me hotter than a combine fire. #FarmingPickupLines
— Jeff Knobloch (@JeffKnobloch1) November 17, 2016
Wanna help germinate my seeds? #FarmingPickupLines pic.twitter.com/mQhfsstHvZ
— Roomlala (@RoomlalaEN) November 17, 2016
I know it's CORNy but I've kinda been STALKing you #FarmingPickupLines
— Borderline OK (@Borderline_OK) November 17, 2016
If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable. #FarmingPickupLines pic.twitter.com/evxU9HkMFe
— Forgotten Harvest (@ForgottnHarvest) November 17, 2016