Celebrities worldwide are supporting a YES in the referendum
Today is the day folks.
Irish people are taking to the polls, to vote on whether or not the archaic 8th amendment should be repealed.
We have watched heartwarming videos of people returning home, we have listened to brave women share their stories, and we have shed a tear on occasion.
One thing that really struck me (and made me extremely emotional) is the attention the referendum is getting aboard – particularly among celebs.
There's something incredible about seeing people you admire taking to their social media to support a cause relevant to your future, and the future of all Irish women.
Here are just a few of the amazing celebrities who are supporting a change to the 8th amendment – because it's about bloody time!
Niall Horan
Cmon Ireland ! This is your day to make another great decision. Please do right by the great women of our nation .
— Niall Horan (@NiallOfficial) May 25, 2018
Adwoaa Aboah
Emma Watson
A vote for the freedom to choose, a vote for women's rights, a vote for women's control over their bodies, a vote for women's health & safety, a vote towards equality. Thinking of Ireland #together4yes #repealthe8th https://t.co/CDNj9KoSGt
— Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) May 24, 2018
Lily Allen
— Lily Allen (@lilyallen) May 23, 2018
Ian Madigan
Im coming #hometovote as the woman of Ireland deserve better #repeal #together4yes #trustwomen #progressivehealthcare
— Ian madigan (@Ian_madigan) May 24, 2018
Christy Turlington
Pixie Geldof
Alexa Chung
Courtney Cox
Repeal the eighth!!!https://t.co/tW8fW3ArA3
— Courteney Cox (@CourteneyCox) May 9, 2018
Boy George
I hope Ireland votes yes on a 'women's right to choose' because no women has an abortion on a whim.
— Boy George (@BoyGeorge) April 26, 2018