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Terry Crews


Gillette has made more than a few mortal, and almost exclusively male, enemies today after it debuted its brand new advert about toxic masculinity.

The ad is currently trending on Twitter, having clocked up three million views already on YouTube as well as 282,000 dislikes.

The two-minute clip opens up by showing men of varying ages and ethnicities staring into the mirror, before the narrator asking the question: 'Is this the best a man can get?', turning its former brand mantra on its head.

As the ad rolls on, it shows both negative and positive sides of supposedly 'masculine' behaviour, from bullying and harassment, sexual misconduct, 'mansplaining' and violence, to men standing up for sexual violence victims and acting as excellent father figures.

The video faces the Me Too movement head on as a brand which has a predominantly male audience, and regularly aimed its former ad campaigns at gruff, typically 'masculine' men.

Many viewers felt that the advert accepted its vital responsibility in speaking to their target audience, considering men have been notoriously at the heart of sexual assault allegations.

One especially poignant part of the clip shows Terry Crews speaking out about sexual assault, crucially standing up for both male and female survivors and their Bill of Rights.

On the one hand, Gillette's message slightly missed the mark by tarring an entire gender with mostly the same brush, though it did show varying 'types' of men. Some say the advert is capitalising on the #MeToo Movement, others say it's complete chastisement.

The reception has been extremely mixed, with some of the target audience (all men) wanting to go as far as boycotting the brand forever, and others praising it immensely.

One infamously vocal *cough* vile *cough* public figure to comment on it is, of course, Piers Morgan.

The deplorable King of 'Boys will be boys' rhetoric himself has been arguing with members of the public ALL THE LIVELONG DAY on Twitter, claiming man-hating 'feminazis' are waging a war against men through advertising. As if advertising in essence isn't inherently waging a war against women. But whatever.

(Let it be clear: Anyone who equates feminism with man-hating has absolutely zero notion of what feminism means. Feminists hate the patriarchy, not men themselves. They are two different things. Thus ends the public announcement services for today)

Why has the advert received such an angry response?

Many viewers believe that Gillette's efforts have created a video full of preaching, which isn't totally untrue. The video may have missed the mark with it's tone, after all, women know all about what condescension feels like.

We experience patronising behaviour on a daily basis in the workplace, among other settings. It never teaches us the lesson it's attempting to, which for me is the main problem with the ad.

I mean, the clip showing a line of men, standing behind BBQs with smoke wafting up from their grills, reciting “boys will be boys will be boys will be boys"? It's a bit obvious.

That being said, the ad didn't even show the worst aspects of the patriarchy, the worst of the predators, the horrors many women face every single day. It didn't even go that far when we think about it from this perspective, but yet thousands are saying it went more than far enough.

However, the ruthlessly aggressive response by some users to the video clip, in one way, reiterates the point.

While I don't believe all men (or women) should be tarred with the same brush, I do believe that the defensive backlash shows the toxicity of the defensive feminist-fearing aggressive male dialogue.

Like many women and men have said, only those who have done something wrong should be afraid of the Me Too era.

By becoming an ally for sexual assault survivors, by proving you believe in equality, by acknowledging the pain which survivors of sexist behaviour and sexual violence have undergone, by lifting up women and minorities such as the LGBT+ and trans communities; only then will society believe that you aren't part of the problem.

It's time for a lot of men to stand up and prove themselves; just because you haven't done anything wrong in the past doesn't mean that you can't stand up for what's right when it matters. And in today's Me Too society, it really matters.

Seeing a massively popular brand attempt to start a conversation is encouraging for most of us, despite the fact that the ad was overdone and the tone was slightly missed.

The male demographic clearly felt attacked by the ad (um, hello, EVERY MEDIA ADVERT makes women feel like sh*t about ourselves so now you understand how it feels) despite the fact that it was arguably trying to encourage them to better themselves for their own benefit.

Let's not forget that toxic masculinity is harmful to men as well as women. While men are the perpetrators of 90% of violent crime in America, they are also 70% of the victims of violent crime. They are also four times more likely to commit suicide.

By facing the aggression and violence inherent in society, men find gain too, yet so many of them are too angered by the ad to see that it isn't trying to attack them personally.

President of Procter & Gamble, owners of Gillette, stated that;

"By holding each other accountable, eliminating excuses for bad behaviour, and supporting a new generation working towards their personal 'best,' we can help create positive change that will matter for years to come."

No doubt Gillette anticipated a backlash to the clip, but all publicity is good publicity as the saying goes.

Gillette has collaborated with the Building A Better Man project, which aims to reduce violent behaviour in men, and The Boys and Girls Club of America, which helps young men develop better communication skills.

The company is also donating $1m a year to US charities who work to support men over the next three years.

It has to be said that their efforts deserve praise, since #MeToo began there has been a shocking amount of defensive commentary from groups of men as opposed to constructive conversations and support for women and minorities suffering at the hands of the patriarchy.

Gillette has rarely found itself in the midst of controversy, but today everyone is talking about them.


Thank the Netflix Gods, AT LAST we have a UK release date for season five of the hit comedy cop show.

Set a countdown gals, because B99 officially hits streaming screens on MARCH EIGHTH. Cool cool cool, no doubt, no doubt.

In a rogue move, Netflix actually allowed a superfan named Darcy to announce the news via Twitter, having asked the streaming service basically every day for months for an update.

Netflix commented; “Darcy has been asking when b99 s5 is coming basically every day for the last few months, so we decided to let her give you the good news…” Utter gents.

Her excited tweet reads; 

“Clear your schedule because Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 5 is coming to @NetflixUK on March 8th! very noice!” Very noice indeed. Some would say… toit *winks*

We absolutely CANNOT WAIT to see more Jake Peralta and co. on our screens, the hilarious show is airing season six tonight on NBC, so we're guaranteed more episodes.

band someone GIF

The show is making a miraculous comeback after original broadcaster and now arch-nemesis Fox cancelled it earlier this year, citing a lack of schedule availability.

This was a pretty accurate depiction of our reaction to the news;

new york comedy GIF

However, the network failed to account for how die-hard (geddit?) the fanbase are, with thousands of fans expressing online outrage and campaigning for its return.

Streaming services Netflix and Hulu were all considering renewing the show, but soon enough NBC took up the mantle and saved all of our lives. 

99 FOR LIFE. Terry loves release dates. And yoghurt, never forget the yoghurt.

Celebrate Hell Yeah GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine


While we tend to think of celebrities as those who have dedicated their all to the pursuit of what made them famous, in truth, a great many of them are not quite so single-minded.

Sometimes these jobs were first sought before they got famous. Other times these celebs pursued side-projects despite success in whatever made them famous.

Whatever the case, we thought it would be fun to take a look at some celebrities who would have had very different careers if their first plans hadn’t worked out.

Terry Crews

Originally finding success in professional football, retirement left this lovable giant at a loss of what to do with the rest of his working life.

Far from being the cliché jock, Terry showed immense talent in painting.

Sometimes working for commission from his former teammates, and at other times holding a variety of jobs like his brief stint as a courtroom sketch artist, Crews showed that he has a lot more to offer than just his charisma and undeniable handsomeness.

Mayim Bialik

Many of our older readers might recognise her as the lead character in Blossom, though more recently she has seen immense success in The Big Bang Theory sitcom.

Apparently not happy to being relegated to intellectualism on the screen, Mayim spent no short amount of time as a celeb seeking a degree and life of scientific pursuit.

Now having earned a PhD in neuroscience, Mayim stands as one of the few actors who doesn’t just mirror the intelligence of one of her most famous characters, she exceeds it.

Nick Offerman

Best known as the libertarian hard-ass with the heart of gold in the sitcom Parks and Recreation, his character’s affinity for woodworking was more than just theatrical.

A highly skilled and successful carpenter in his own right, Nick still finds work crafting in his own time, finding it helps him balance and give him another creative outlet.

While he commonly builds furniture, his speciality is wooden canoes, which as we all know, is the most outdoorsy thing to build since a stone tied to a stick.

Source: Shutterstock

Christopher Lee

This is one of the most famous vampire actors of all time, and a modern household name as Saruman in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

Not just a badass in the magical or bloodsucking sense, the late Lee also served his country during the Second World War.

Tasked with tracking down war criminals, Lee was notoriously tight-lipped about his time in the Special Forces, though occasionally his experience would pay off in his later acting career.

While filming Lord of the Rings, Lee was being directed by Peter Jackson in how to act following being stabbed in the back.

Lee famously responded with “Have you any idea what kind of noise happens when somebody’s stabbed in the back? Because I do.”

We could write a book on the wide range of interesting careers which celebrities have held in the past and who knows, we just might.

Who are your favourite celebrities with surprising former careers and backstories of their own? Let us know below.
