Facebook just rolled out a new feature for LGBTQ Pride Month
LGBTQ Pride is being celebrated across the world this June, as people come together to encourage members of the LGBTQ community to take pride in themselves and abandon any shame they have ever been made to feel about their sexuality.
As a token to the community, Facebook has rolled out a brand new feature to show their support for Pride.
Facebook have created a rainbow flag reaction, which sits alongside 'like' and 'love' in the options bar when you react to a post.
'We believe in building a platform that supports all communities,' they wrote in a post.
'So we’re celebrating love and diversity this Pride by giving you a special reaction to use during Pride Month.'
To get the reaction, all you have to do is like the LGBTQ@Facebook page, which already has over 16,000,000 likes.
The limited-edition reaction will be available until the end of June.
While most feel that this is an excellent way for Facebook to promote tolerance and inclusivity on the platform, others aren't so happy with the offering.
Hey @facebook, how about instead of making a rainbow emoji, you deal with all the hate and abuse towards LGBTQIA people on your platform? pic.twitter.com/zfnOWaGDe2
— Owl (Ugla Stefanía) (@UglaStefania) June 11, 2017
Some members of the LGBTQ community and their allies feel that while the reaction is a nice gesture, it doesn't address the hate that some LGBTQ people face on the site.
Others have been using the rainbow flag reaction to troll homophobic pages on Facebook.