Caught rapid! Gwen Stefani’s been Twitter-stalking her boyfriend’s EX
A healthy bout of social media stalking is acceptable – expected, in fact – if you've just started a new relationship.
After all, who wouldn't want to get the dirt on their other half's ex, even if all you end up finding is a bunch of Christmas photos and holiday snaps?
The only rule to keep in mind when you find yourself deep in the depths of Miss Ex-Girlfriend's Facebook/Twitter/Instagram page is to proceed with CARE. One wrong step and you could find yourself accidentally liking a picture and totally giving the game away.
That's exactly what happened to singer Gwen Stefani this week, it seems.
Eagle-eyed fans of country singer Miranda Lambert noticed that, of the 2,000 likers on one of her recent tweets, Gwen's name was top of the list.
Gwen's currently dating Blake Shelton, who split from Miranda just last year, so there's a whole lot of relationship politics going on between that threesome right about now.
We'll bet Miranda was only delighted to find out that Gwen had been indulging in some social media stalking – and the faux-pas was made all the more cringeworthy by the fact that Gwen doesn't even follow Miranda on Twitter. Awks.
Some fans have speculated that Gwen's "like" was something of an olive branch to Blake's ex – especially seeing as Miranda herself is also dating someone new.
The singer posted a sweet couple snap of herself and new man Anderson East on Instagram just last week, letting Blake (and Gwen) know she was moving on.
Who knows – maybe they'll all organise a double date one day?