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Irish Family Planning Association


Dr. Rhona Mahony has pledged that women whose unborn babies have fatal foetal abnormalities will be offered terminations from January at the National Maternity Hospital.

As the hospital's master, Mahony made the claim after it came to light that some maternity hospitals and GPs won't be ready to begin extended abortion services from January.

A spokesman has said that staff are "working to ensure we have a full, safe and compassionate service in place as quickly as possible".

Dr. Mahony's spokesman continued;

"Notwithstanding the outstanding logistical issues, we expect to provide termination of pregnancy in situations of fatal foetal anomaly from January 1."

Minister for Health Simon Harris rejected implications that the January target for abortion services was aligned with politics, and has commented that this claim was 'offensive'.

He added that the services will not be available everywhere straight away, and that it needed time to embed and evolve with the help of clinicians. 

Yesterday, the Seanad continued with their debate on the Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy Bill.

Dr Sharon Sheehan, master of the Coombe hospital, has commented that her new system of service won't be ready by January.

She said; "To ensure the provision of "safe, high-quality, sensitive and compassionate care for women", it is essential to have the finalised legislation in place, an agreed model of care nationally and national clinical guidelines.

She continued;

"There has been extensive work, and that is continuing to proceed at a pace, but they are not ready and we now have only 20 days before this service is to be introduced.

"In my opinion, the country is not ready, and therefore the Coombe is not in a position to deliver these services from the January 1."

The Rotunda maternity hospitals spokeswoman commented that;

"Rotunda Hospital will be complying with enacted legislation providing the appropriate model of care, resources and funding is in place to enable a safe service provision to women".

The Irish Family Planning Association has also said that an exact date of availability for abortion services cannot yet be offered;

"We are still working on a number of outstanding issues. We're working to resolve them as quickly as possible and we're making good progress. We won't delay in providing abortion care once that's done".

The Irish College of General Practitioners and the Institute of Obstetricians are set to meet today for the discussion of clinical guidelines which are seen as essential for doctors.

A 24/7 helpline will hopefully be advertised by the HSE once the legislation is passed for guiding women, GPs and hospitals.

Feature image: BusinessPost.ie


According to a survey conducted on behalf of the Irish Family Planning Association, one-third of adults in Ireland rely on the withdrawal method as their standard form of contraception.

The findings, which harnessed the lived experience of 1,001 men and women, show that the 'pull-out' method is most popular among adults aged 18-34 and least popular among those aged 55 and over.

The participants, 70 per cent of whom were in committed relationships, fielded questions regarding contraception, pregnancy and reproductive choices.

Interestingly, 38 per cent of respondents revealed that they do not use a method of contraception, 25 per cent opted for condoms and 20 percent of women surveyed rely on oral contraception.

According to The Irish Times, Dr Caitríona Henchion, medical director of the IFPA, voiced concern over the 10 per cent of couples surveyed who rely on the withdrawal method.

“If a pregnancy would be a crisis for a woman or couple, then it makes sense to use a contraceptive method they can rely on,” she said.

“This is really concerning and shows that there is a need for more education and knowledge so that women are empowered to make the choice of contraceptive that’s best for them,” she added.

Durex Ireland partnered with the Irish Family Planning Association in order to conduct the research which seeks to highlight the need for positive change in the nation's attitude to sexual health and contraception.
