Katy Perry got suspended from school for HUMPING a tree?
We all remember the trends rotating around primary schools; whether it was Tamagotchis, friendship bracelets, Scoobies, Loom bands or marbles, we were ADDICTED.
Apparently, Katy Perry was a little alternative when she was a kid, unsurprisingly. Her brain went pretty much straight to the gutter, the Tom Cruise lust-inspired gutter.
The I Kissed A Girl singer was spending some quality time with her parents last weekend and was exploring some former momentoes, when a letter from 1996 resurfaced and shook us deeply.
Katy naturally thought it was so amusing that Instagram had to witness the hilarity, especially since the reason for her sixth grade suspension was DRY HUMPING.
You might be wondering why on earth Katy was dry humping a tree, understandably. Tom Cruise was to blame;
"At the 2:00 p.m. recess, Katy and four other students were in an 'off-limits' area (behind the backboards) practising a skit. Katy pretended that a tree was Tom Cruise and began making sexual motions (pelvic thrusts) to the tree."

Of all the 1990s teen heartthrobs to dry hump bark for, Tom Cruise? We're more on the Leonardo DiCaprio circa 1996 when Romeo and Juliet was released kinda vibe.
The letter also stated, "When Katy met with Mrs. Calkins, Mr. White, and myself, she was asked to describe or demonstrate what she had been seen doing on the playground in front of some other students."
"Katy chose to describe it. Her words were 'it was inappropriate' and 'like making out.'"
The star was previously in trouble at her Santa Barbara Christian School for calling younger students "brats". (Fair)
She also admitted to playing Spin the Bottle and Truth or Dare, which the school said "resulted in students kissing on the cheek."
Humping a tree was the last straw for her no-nonsense Christian School, baby Katy sounds like GAS company to be honest.