When bedhead just isn’t enough, it’s time to SEXTURIZE your hair
There was once a time when you wouldn’t dream of leaving the house without straightening every inch of your hair. But thanks to the increasing popularity of beach inspired and bedhead hair, the constant feeling of needing your GHD is now a thing of the past.
As the fashion shifts from soft waves to sea salt laden curls, it seems simply adding texture to your hair is no longer enough as a New York-based hairstylist has told Marie Claire “sexture” is now what your mop wants.
Kat Zemtsova says this look is “all about imperfection” and has described it as “the antithesis of stiff waves or sausage curls” – so it’s basically about letting your hair be messy af but in a super sexy kinda way.
The hair artist recommends using a wave spray on wet hair before giving it a good tousle as it dries naturally or adding a dry texturizing spray to the mids and ends of your mane if it hasn’t seen the shower in a few days.
So if you're in a minimal effort kind of mood but still fancy looking like Gigi, why not give sexturizing a go?
Feat image: plainpicture