Just be thankful it wasn’t you: nine HORROR social media mishaps
We've probably ALL made a social media mishap of sorts: you share something you shouldn't; you get caught out stalking an ex; you post a totally ill-advised image.
But hey – it always could be worse.
Recently, BuzzFeed asked its readers to share with the US-based website their worst online errors: and here at SHEmazing! we just had to pick-out the nine best ones – if nothing else, let these be a lesson to us all.
Prepare to cringe…
1) I went on two dates with a girl I liked. I decided to stalk her family on social media in the middle of the night and I accidentally added her mother as a friend.
Her mother accepted.
2) You know how Ron Burgundy says, “Well that escalated quickly”? In the sixth grade I accidentally posted on my sister’s Instagram photo “Well that ejaculated quickly.” I’ve never been more embarrassed.
3) Once when I was talking to a guy in private messages I got my screens mixed up and announced to EVERYONE on Facebook how large my penis is and what I like to do sexually. My mother saw it. I stayed off Facebook for a month solid.
4) A girl I know was once trying to drunk Facebook-stalk her boyfriend’s ex. She woke up in the morning to find that instead of searching the girl’s name she’d just made it her status over and over again. They broke up.
5) Not my fail per se, but my mother “accidentally” Facebook friended the woman my ex-boyfriend married. She accepted. I’m mortified.
6) When I first made a Facebook, I saw where you can post a status, I thought this meant relationship status…. So my first Facebook post was the word “single”.
7) When I was in high school, a very popular teacher got arrested for having multiple affairs with some of my classmates, and the day she got arrested I went to search for her name but instead set it as my status.
I didn’t realise my mistake until I was called in to the principal’s office and was asked if I knew specific details about the ordeal.
8) I stalked my co-worker’s Instagram and went through every photo. Next week, she went private and I asked her about it at work. She gave me a weird look and said “I don’t remember telling you about my Instagram”.
9) About a year ago I was Snapchatting this super cute guy I had just started talking to. I had just sent something to the guy when I got a Snapchat from my best friend saying she was eating chocolate chip cookies.
So naturally, I made the most hideous, obnoxious face I could and the caption said “soft or hard?” because I prefer the soft kind and she prefers the crunchy kind. I clicked the name at the top of my friends list and hit send when I realized to my horror I had sent it to the cute guy.
Picture that, you open a Snapchat from a girl you’re talking to and its just the most obnoxious picture that’s captioned “soft or hard?” I wanted to explain but I realised I didn’t have his number…