There’s probably nothing worse than getting an early case of the mid-week blues. Actually, it doesn’t matter when it happens, being in a less than stellar mood is just no good.

So, in efforts to help cheer up anyone who might be feeling a little gloomy, we went and searched for something that is proven to boost your mood. The people at Reddit started a thread titled ‘What’s a warm and fluffy truth?’ a year ago and since then some absolute gems have come along.

We put together a short list of some of the facts that instantly made us smile.

A group of bunnies is called a Fluffle

A group of pugs is called a Grumble

The voice actor for Donald Duck shares a grave with his wife, and it has a photo of Donald and Daisy holding hands on it.

The Voice Actor For Donald Duck Shares a Grave With His Wife, and It Has a Photo of Donald and Daisy Duck Holding Hands

A 6-year old in North Yorkshire once applied for a job at a railroad museum and was hired as their Director of Fun.

Smiling is a natural human expression, so even those who have been blind since birth smile even if they have never seen a smile before.

In the Bahamas there is an uninhabited island called Pig Beach where pigs swim around all day living their best lives.

Otters hold hands when they sleep so they won’t drift away from their group.

A few decades ago, losing a limb could mean the end of your career if you were a professional dancer. Now prosthetics are advanced enough that you can lose your leg without losing your career.

In Norway a penguin was once knighted.

Unlike many other child stars we hear about, Charlie Bucket from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory went on to live a normal life. He is now a bovine veterinarian.

Charlie Bucket From Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Leads a Normal Life