Five interesting things to know about our pumpkin spice obsession
Nowadays, the minute autumn hits, everyone becomes obsessed with pumpkin spice. There’s no escape from it!
Last year, roughly one in three people picked up something pumpkin-y, with the assumption that the number will grow this year.
Everyone has put their spin in the Halloween treat, from scones to soda – but here are five facts about our pumpkin spice obsession that you should know:
It’s a $361 (€322) MILLION business
Yep, that figure is correct. It’s no wonder companies are coming out with everything pumpkin-spice to capture a bit of the buzz. They want to bank in on the cash too.
Pumpkin gets more attention than apples
No other fruit or vegetable is as popular this time of year. Apples haven't had the same marketing blitz behind it that say, the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte has, with countdowns to its release, an official Twitter account and a 10-year anniversary campaign in 2013.
The world loves to add caramel to their spice
According to Pinterest, this year, pumpkin isn’t the only thing we’re obsessing over. Nope, the people of the world have stepped it up a notch and like to mix it up with some salted caramel. Indulge? Us? Never…
The calories are shocking
There are 410 calories in a pumpkin-spiced latte. Wow, we know. Now that includes whole milk and cream. But if you want to enjoy a bit of spice on the lighter side, stick to non-fat milk and no cream as it brings the calories down to 260. Still though, you can’t have a spiced latter with no cream.
RUN to Starbucks on Halloween
According to My Fitness Pal, Halloween day is the most popular day of the year to consume the autumn treat. There was a 7.3 percent rise in people drinking the spiced coffee on that day than any other. So if you want to grab a bit of spice, run to Starbucks! You don’t want to miss out.