Salesman compares women to coffee and gets OWNED by boss
Another day, another inanimate object being compared to women. This time it's not a car, or a boat; It's a Starbucks coffee order.
No, we're not joking. With temperatures rising, it's only right that toxic patriarchal bullsh*t also rises. Stylist spotted the tweet online and we've been boiling our blood ever since.
Twitter user and Starbucks executive David Brunelle has shared an email online which he received that compares women to a coffee order, and Brunelle shut that man down so damn fast:
Here's a blatant example of sexism in an email from a salesman this morning:
"Also, I can't help myself, what's your go-to order at Starbucks? I like my women like I like my Starbucks Coffee order: Tall, Blonde, Americano…"
Men: Don't do this. Here is my reply… pic.twitter.com/d8uHkxq9St
— David Brunelle (@davidbrunelle) July 22, 2019
A salesperson was called out for a "blatant example of sexism" after writing;
"What's your go-to order? I like my women like I like my Starbucks Coffee order: Tall, Blonde, Americano…" Wow. We wonder how long he'd been waiting to write that down for.
Brunelle is a director of product engineering at the popular coffee chain, and he decided to post the incriminating message on Twitter for us all to rage at:
And it makes me wonder:
– How many times has this tactic worked?
– How many men received a similar email and ignored it or, worse, thought it was funny/ harmless?Men: Call each other out. Don't normalize this type of behavior. Make sexists the ones who are alienated, not women
— David Brunelle (@davidbrunelle) July 22, 2019
The executive absolutely OWNS the salesman in his reply, and we appreciate the allyship. Men often struggle with calling out sexism publicly.
Brunelle was brave to share the email, given that it could have put him in a compromising position with Starbucks. He gives a masterclass in pointing out casual sexism;
“You lost me with this line: ‘I like my women like I like my Starbucks Coffee order: Tall Blonde, Americano…’,” he wrote.
“Tech can be a challenging place for women. Your statement perpetuates the mindset that women are here for our entertainment. I don’t believe that to be true."
He continues;
“This type of statement also makes a few dangerous assumptions: That I’m heterosexual and will relate to the objectification of women. That I’m cisgender and haven’t personally been objectified/alienated. That I’d feel comfortable objectifying women behind closed doors.”
Starbucks is a company that boasts unequivocal tolerance and inclusion, so, as an executive, he feels a sense of responsibility.
“One of my company’s values, that I am deeply committed to upholding is ‘Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome,’" he writes.
"I’m also dedicated to increasing diversity in technology. In order to increase the number of women and minorities in this field, we need to foster an environment where everyone feels safe and supported.”
David Brunelle went out with a bang: “It doesn’t seem like our values align.”
"After careful consideration, I decided to share this email with the company's CEO and VP of Sales," he emphasised.
"I suggested this person be given an opportunity to receive training and contribute to D&I efforts vs. being punished. This type of attitude is just too problematic to brush off."
*Rapturous applause* What a guy. We wish all men were like David, he's the absolute OG beast.
Feature image: Instagram/@starbucks