62,000 students are anticipating their Junior Cert results today
The wait for tens of thousands of students all over the country anticipating their Junior Cert results is drawing to a close.
Today, 62,000 students will receive their results from their first set of State Examinations.
Most students will receive a copy of their results this afternoon.
Good luck to all those students getting their junior cert results today & to the mammy's… it's all behind you… for another 2-3 years pic.twitter.com/16GxBtPVWT
— The VirtualOrganiser (@TheVirtualOrg) September 13, 2017
This is the first year that a new method of assessment is being measured in the Junior Cycle.
The new Framework for Junior Cycle has been applied to English this year.
There will no longer be the typical alphanumeric grading system of A, B or C, students will instead receive a grade descriptor such as Distinction on Merit.
This mark will be a combination of continuous assessments throughout the school year and a written exam.
Four students will be receiving 12 As today.