Jamie Dornan and Cillian Murphy are starring in the new movie Anthropoid together, and if that wasn’t good enough, their fans are going to love this interivew with the Huff Post because it’s just so, utterly, cringey.

Around the 16 minute mark, Jamie is being asked about the next instalment of Fifty Shades, but things take a very awkward turn when the interviewer tells him his 93-year-old granny just read the first book.

“Jesus Christ” is clearly heard coming from one of the lads (I think Cillian).

The camera then shoots over to Cillian and Anthropoid’s director Sean Ellis, whose reactions are just priceless and they both start laughing.

Jamie just looks extremely awkward before he says “fair play” to the reporters granny for reading the book.

Not an interview to be remembered.