One Irish comedian has sparked a massive global response with her Twitter antics of late.

Gráinne Maguire took to social media in order to draw attention to Ireland’s abortion laws. 

The 35-year old from Navan decide that “since the Irish state thinks my body is their business, I should take it at its word.” 

She decided to live tweet her period. Not only that, but she was directly the messages to Enda Kenny directly.

When her tweets gathered massive attention last week on social media, BuzzFeed News spoke to Gráinne about her Twitter activity. 

“I just thought since the Irish state thinks my body is their business, I should take it at its word. They get to decide what happens inside it, so they should know the full details,” she explained.  

Many other women decided to join in on Twitter and have been using the hashtag #repealthe8th.

“I never thought in a million years so many people would get behind it,” Gráinne added. “I thought it would just be a silly prank I did on my own.” 

The eight amendment bans abortions unless continuing with the pregnancy would result in death.

“I think the tide is changing in Ireland. Women are refusing to be silent and ashamed, they want equal rights.”

The Taoiseach's twitter account has yet to respond and a spokesperson added people tweet the Taoiseach all the time on all sorts of issues and are entitled to do so. 

Speaking to TodayFm, Gráinne said that if it is possible for her to use comedy to draw attention to the issue at hand, she can handle the criticism she receives.