Our top tips for managing dry and unruly hair!
Whether your hair is naturally dry and frizzy or you've just been taking bad care of it of late, sometimes it just needs some extra TLC.
If you're finding your hair is brittle, broken and hard to manage, try these top tips to whip it back into shape. You'll have sleek, salon-worthy locks in no time!
1. Use less product
Products like hairs pray and mousse can really dry out your hair in the long run, though they might hold your style for the night. Instead of resorting to spray, keep your hair sleek with more intense conditioning – you'll need far less product to hold it in place!
2. Try Argan oil
This wonder product is available in any price range, from budget all the way up to super-fancy. Smooth some onto wet hair after washing and allow it to do its magic before drying. Rather than sitting on top of the hair and leaving it greasy, Argan oil is slowly absorbed into the hair, leaving it soft and luscious.
3. Avoid damaging chemicals
Stick to hair products that are sulphate-free. These only serve to dry out the hair further, leaving it prone to breakage. When it comes to conditioner, look for those that are lanolin-free – this chemical coats the hair to make it appear soft and silky, but in the long term it will only weaken your precious locks. Lanolin-free conditioners can take time to get used to as you may not feel as if your hair has been conditioned while in the shower, but once your tresses are dry you'll have so much extra softness and shine!
4. Take fish oil supplements
These not only work to improve your hair, but your skin and nails too. Omega 3 fatty acids help to lubricate the hair – meaning your dry scalp and split ends will be a thing of the past!
5. Deep condition at least once a week
A deep conditioning treatment is like an energy boosting food for your hair – giving it an extra injection of life and shine. For a quick fix, apply in the shower and leave in for 3 – 5 minutes while you shave your legs, wash, exfoliate – whatever! If your hair is really in need of an overhaul you can apply deep conditioner to dry or damp hair before your shower. For extra absorption, warm the conditioner briefly in a microwave-safe dish before applying.
6. Use less heat
Do you really need to blowdry and straighten every day? Give your hair a day off from heat every now and then and you will notice a big difference. If you really can't live without your GHD, at least use a heat protection product beforehand to minimise damage.
7. Be gentle!
If your hair generally gets very tangled, chose your brush wisely. Try to avoid hairbrushes with metal bristles – go for a cushion-based, natural bristle brush instead.
8. Get regular trims
The ends of your hair should be trimmed at least every 12 weeks to keep your locks healthy. Split ends can run up the hair shaft if not trimmed, making your tresses more prone to breakage.