When you think about it, four out of the six characters on Friends, who all pretty much co-habited with each other, also slept together.

So it doesn't come as much of a surprise that women would get hot and heavy with their opposite-sex flatmates.

According to a study,  most people would rather live with members of the opposite sex – a whopping 68% of men and 63% of women. 

We wonder why.

When it comes to going through a dry spell, the study showed that 74% of men vs. 57% of women aren’t opposed to pursuing a romantic relationship with their flatmate. 

Looks like people aren't so mad about living alone.

It seems that fancying the people that you're living with is also common 74% of men and 57% of women thinking that their roommate is a ride. 

Also, 1 in 3 people have had a sexual encounter with their roommate. 

Have you?

Or have you ever been tempted?