An officer was caught rapid on the phone during the live 1916 parade
One Defence Forces officer is going to get a serious talking to later on, we reckon.
RTÉ cameras have been following the progress of the Easter Sunday 1916 Parade, which is taking a 4km route through the streets of Dublin and past some of the key sites of the 1916 Rising.
But one lad stopped to take a phone call at just the wrong moment, with the cameras capturing him chatting away as President Michael D. Higgins walked past.
Look at this @defenceforces chap on the phone. His mam's going to box him, even though it was probs her. #rte1916 pic.twitter.com/nj1QP77LBi
— Seán Dáithí ÓConaill (@johndavidoc) March 27, 2016
That poor officer on the mobile phone behind the President is going to get his arse handed to him later #1916LIVE
— Helen O'Rahilly (@HelenORahilly) March 27, 2016
"I'm on the what?" #EasterRising #EasterParade2016 pic.twitter.com/6voEyWl5NG
— Mallow News (@MallowNews) March 27, 2016
Bet that's the last time he brings his phone to work…