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The dreaded bloat can take you from feeling great to feeling like that frog in those TV ads.

We all know the basics when it comes to bloating; beans, fizzy drinks and dairy are all culprits when it comes to that sluggish feeling – as well as the festive season over-indulgence. 

But is there something we can add to our diets to help prevent the bloat or at least lessen the extent?

Well we’d hardly be writing this if there weren’t, now would we?

We’ve got five things to add to your diet that will have you saying “goodbye bloat, hello…no bloat”.

You get the idea.

Image result for bloated gif

1. Pineapple

How many times do we have to be told that water is our best friend before we actually listen?

Drinking water or eating fruit and vegetables that have a high water content can help reduce that bloating feeling.

Pineapple is a great example.

The tropical fruit boasts a high water content as well as an enzyme called bromelain which basically reduces inflammation and gets everything moving the way it should.

And it tastes great… bonus!

2. Yogurt

We know we just said dairy is bad but bear with us.

Certain yogurts contain lots of probiotics which is a good bacteria that helps your body process food better.

So why not stock up on these types of yogurts and enjoy one after dinner to help beat the bloat.

3. Peppermint

Peppermint is great for calming our tummy muscles which allows everything to move as it needs to.

So anything from peppermint tea, oil supplements and even a peppermint rich sweet or two will help soothe your system.

4. Bananas

Bananas are high in potassium which helps to prevent water retention.

But make sure to stay away from unripe bananas as they can cause gas.

So let that banana ripen and enjoy all the benefits it will have on your body.

5. Oatmeal

While oatmeal doesn’t necessarily do anything to combat bloating, it does play a huge role in our bowel movements.

Never a fun thing to talk about but oatmeal can prevent constipation or gas which often lends itself to that bloated feeling.

It’s all thanks to that high fiber content.

And by a serving of apple, strawberries or even pears to your bowl, you can take your fiber intake to the next level.


Summer is over – and therefore so are cheeky Tuesday pints, giant barbecues and sweet treats.

There’s something about September too that is the gentler, autumnal alternative to January.

And while at this time of year we may not quite have the same focus on those pesky new-year-new-you resolutions, it’s not a bad month to get into some great habits.

A good start? A serious post-summer fruit salad to help you de-bloat and get your diet back on track.

In fact, this bowl of goodness contains ingredients scientifically proven to help you deflate.

Flat tums, here we come!

What you need…

  • Papaya, cut into chunks
  • Pineapple, cut into chunks
  • Banana, sliced
  • Melon, cut into chunks
  • Some mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)
  • One avocado
  • Fresh lemon juice

1. Mix the papaya, pineapple, banana and melon in large bowl.

2. Slice half of the avocado into 1cm cubes, and toss with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Set other half of the avocado and the rest of the lemon juice aside.

3. Top bowl of fruit with the berries and avocado.

4. Mash the remaining avocado and lemon juice.

5. Serve your fruit salad in small bowls, and drizzle with a teaspoon of the avocado-lemon sauce. 

What the ingredients do…

Pineapple: contain an enzyme called bromelain that helps break down hard-to-digest protein. That means there'll be less gas in your stomach.

Banana: In moderation, bananas can help you de-bloat because they're loaded with potassium, a mineral that flushes excess water out of your system. They’re particularly great if you've consumed lots of salt, which in itself makes you hold on to water.

Melon: Also high in potassium and water. The H2O content pushes the extra fluid out of your body so you can slim down.

Papaya: Contains an enzyme called papain, which helps us to break down food, especially protein, and improves digestion. Plus, papain is a diuretic that can help you get rid of those nasty excess fluids.

Avocado: Loaded with healthy fats that help you absorb the vitamins and minerals in the other fruits in this salad. In particular, Avocado boasts monounsaturated fats which have also been linked to burning excess belly fat.

Berries: Since berries are lower in sugar and calories than most fruits, they won't cause you to hold onto the extra water that makes you bloat. 



Bloating – fluid building up between cells in your body – can be caused by poor digestion, too much sodium, or your period.

But according to experts, if you pay attention to what you’re eating, you can usually avoid it.

The best way to figure out what’s causing bloating is to write down everything you eat and drink and whether or not you feel discomfort afterwards.

You don’t have to totally avoid bloat-causing foods if you follow a few guidelines.

Eat vegetables cooked instead of raw. Cooking helps break down some of the fibre so your body doesn’t have to work as hard to digest it.

Go easy on bloat-causing starchy beans, including kidney, black beans and chickpeas.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. This helps keep your digestive system functioning smoothly and cuts down on the production of air and fluid.

Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.

If you feel bloated, try drinking ginger, peppermint or fennel tea, or taking one of these herbs in supplement form. They help calm your digestive system.
