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bad mood

Being moody is totally normal and now it looks like it is actually good for us!

A study has found that those who swing on the pendulum of emotional intensity may be showing signs of a natural ability to adapt to change. 

The University College London has created a theory that moodiness helps to reinforce our responses to various environmental factors.

If an experience makes us happy, we are going to seek more of it. And in contrast, if an experience is unpleasant, it will likely bring us down. 

Being able to flip a switch when it comes to your reactions is beneficial in terms of survival, in both your social and work life. 

"The ubiquity of moods and the extent of their impact on our lives tells us that, throughout the course of evolution, our moodiness must have conferred a significant competitive advantage," said lead expert Dr Eran Eldar.

Now, the study did admit that being moody all the time can lead to depression, but Dr Eldar added that “being moody at times may be a small price to pay for the ability to adapt quickly when facing momentous environmental changes.”

Feel free to sulk about missing your bus or fume for a few minutes when your sister steals your favourite dress.

Science says it’s okay!


While most of us tumble gratefully into bed most nights, not all of us benefit from a solid night's sleep.

No matter how much you might crave a decent eight hours or how early you go to bed, if your pre-bedtime mood is a negative one, you're likely to suffer from a bad night's sleep.

According to a recent study, trying to sleep while you're in a bad mood ultimately harms your chances of doing so.

With the help of 436 volunteers, psychologists from Iowa State University examined the link between anger levels and sleep habits, and ascertained that the higher the former, the more troubled the latter.

Commenting on their findings, a report into the study states: "Overall, individuals who had poor anger control also had worse objectively and subjectively measured sleep."

"The findings tie actual sleep behaviour to individual differences in anger, suggesting poor anger control plays the most important role, and add to the growing evidence that anger and sleep depend on each other."

If you're suffering from troubled sleep and recognise that you tend to be in a bad mood as the night draws to a close, it's worth trying to resolve any issues before settling down for the night.

Similarly, making note of tasks for the following day, preparing for the morning, and removing digital devices from your bedroom can all work towards lifting your mood, and ensuring a better night's sleep.

The study was published in the Journal of Research in Personality.
