Zara McDermott reveals why she was chosen for Love Island
Zara McDermott has revealed how she went from working for the Government to being on Love Island.
The reality star took to YouTube to open up about her journey on the popular ITV series.
Before her Love Island days, Zara admitted she never had an interest in being on reality TV, even admitting that she had a bad view of reality TV stars in the past.
“I didn’t see a place for myself. Reality TV isn’t just for a very small portion of people. I wasn’t 100% convinced that it was for me,” she explained.
Zara even admitted that she told her mum that she would never go on reality TV. “You couldn’t pay me. I was like I love my job too much. I could never give that up. I’m not into arguing and I’m quite relaxed.
ITV2 were the ones who contacted Zara about being on the show. She said: “I think the reason I got scouted out was because I had quite a good Instagram. I’d been doing some minor influencing for a while.
Zara also felt her career made her stand out. “I’m not sure if they thought ‘this girl could be a good candidate for the show, she’s got a good job, she clearly cares about how she looks’.
Once she emailed the researcher she felt like she had made a mistake. “Straight after I emailed, I was like no I don’t want to do that. This is not for me.”
After a while, she soon realised that being part of Love Island would be a ‘fantastic opportunity’.
“I was so nervous at first. I had my career planned out in my head. I didn’t see myself being a reality star.”
There’s no doubt Zara is glad she took the chance, having met her beau Adam in the Love Island villa. She admitted that she had just experienced a difficult breakup before the show and had very little confidence in herself.
“I gave up all hope of finding someone. I thought ‘I’m never going to meet someone in Love Island. All these beautiful girls, I’m never going to meet anyone.”
“From the first five seconds of walking in I was like ‘Adam’. You know when you get that instant click with someone? I can’t even explain it, I’ve never had it before,” she gushed.
We’re sure Zara is glad she trusted her gut and went on the reality show. It certainly changed her life in ways she never imagined before.