Did Trump just make the ultimate Freudian slip?

The President-elect, Donald J Trump, is known for his penchant for a 140-character update, but today the POTUS made one spelling error that his detractors won't soon forget.

In a tweet regarding China's alleged theft of a US research drone, the president described the event as "un-presidented" rather than unprecedented. 

As expected, Twitter erupted with comments about how "un-presidented" Trump is, and basically gave the POTUS a good slagging.

Some Trump haters took the opportunity to point out that they felt that a man who cannot spell is not fit to be the president.

Even the Merriam-Webster dictionary couldn't resist getting a dig in at the divisive president.

The tweet was swiftly removed and amended, but not before the hashtag  #unpresidented started trending.

We don't think his cynics will be forgetting this one anytime soon.