Fans are going mental on Twitter as Fast and Furious changes its name
The new trailer for Fast & Furious 8 will drop in just a few days and, as excitement is rising for the latest instalment, fans are intrigued by the flick's new title.
And what about the title? Well, it's not Fast & Furious anymore – it's The Fate of the Furious.
The new movie begins with the main characters, Dom, Letty, Mia and Brian settling down into a normal lifestyle, until a mysterious woman seduces Dom back into the world of crime.
Fan reactions are ranging from totally perplexed to absolutely loving it, and of course, taking the p*ss out of it:
Well, they certainly already won 2017's greatest movie title. https://t.co/nms5dIoe92
— Birth.Movies.Death. (@bmoviesd) December 9, 2016
The Fate of the Furious! So terrible. SO PERFECT.
— Robert Brian Taylor (@robertbtaylor) December 9, 2016
I guess Fast 8 is going to be called "THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS". Because of course it is.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) December 9, 2016
Okay, I love that the new Fast the Furious movie is called The Fate of the Furious… but why not The F8 of the Furious to get the number in? pic.twitter.com/5RCFoE0lnk
— Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) December 9, 2016
"The Fate of the Furious" might be the worst movie title I've ever seen.
— Mario Salazar (@Soiram) December 10, 2016
Unpopular opinion: I like the title The Fate of The Furious.
— Chance (@CWFMANMovies) December 10, 2016
Anyone opinion on the new Fast and Furious name called Fate of the Furious?? I think they should kept to Fast and Furious 8
— Calum Wells (@KingCalum5) December 10, 2016
The Fate of the Furious? Really?
— Jamie (@Jagnarok) December 10, 2016
The Fate of The Furious, Catchy title for a movie
— Tunde (@jcooltee) December 10, 2016
Fast 8 Is Now Called The Fate of the Furious. Wow that's the real title ppl ha-ha that is laughably bad
— jason seamone (@seamone1) December 10, 2016
In other news: Im conflicted. The Fate of the Furious! .. Does that mean they're no longer fast? are they slowing down?! OH GOD!
— Morten Petersen (@ZeForgotten) December 10, 2016
"The Fate of the Furious"?
— Develon (@Develongevity) December 10, 2016
Still reeling from the announcement that the next Fast is called The Fate of the Furious. Whoever came up with that deserves a promotion.
— Adam Burt (@Newnab) December 10, 2016
What's your verdict?