Britney Spears and her niece made a hilarious red carpet appearance
Over the weekend Britney Spears made an appearance at the Teen Choice Awards.
While walking the red carpet the op star caused quite the stir and has managed to baffle many of us with her fantastic ability to age backwards it seems.
Britney, generous soul that she is, decided to share the experience with her family. She brought her two sons and her adorable niece Lexie to the award show. Lexie is the daughter of Britney's brother Bryan, 38, and his talent manager wife Gracielle Sanchez.
The foursome walked the red carpet and smiled for the photographers together.
Well, most of them smiled. Lexie was just not feeling it.
In case you thought maybe it was a case of Lexie and her cousins not getting along so well, you would be wrong:
Also, it was not just the red carpet that killed her buzz, the awards show itself was not all that according to Lexie.
Lexie is possibly our new favourite public personality, who does not want to be seen by the public. Lexie is basically all of us when we’re forced to be somewhere we hate.
Thank you Lexie, you made our day